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Apple Fritter


Bronze Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
FA Fuji 2.5%
INW 2 apples 2.5%
INW Pitaya 0.25%
FA Joy 0.5%
Cap Danish Swirl 5.5%
INW Cheriymoya 2%
TPA Bavarian Cream 2%
FA Almond 0.5%
FA Cinnamon Celyon 1%
Cap Doughnut 2%

Based this around (well just added to) the popular recipe:

i have never actually mixed it as tried so many attempts to make an apple pie that is never quite there that were similar I was too stubborn to try it and other apple pie recipes havent quite worked for me that I have mixed from here or eventually I just decided to ditch the pie idea, make a fritter and pretty much copy the recipe.

I added the INW 2 apples as to me fuji is the best apple out there but verges more towards an apple juice than apple, INW 2 apples tastes like apple chunks to me. CAPs doughnut I have liked in the pie recipes I tried to make and it seems to be in a lot of these muffin man clones so I added it for a bit more dough. FA Cinnamon Celyon.....hell I just like cinnamon :) The cheriymoya I added in the hope it would change the cream profile and the fruit a bit, whether it has or not I dont know, but I like this recipe.

PS Anybody that does like cinnamon bakery vapes I would thoroughly recommend another recipe on there. I did try and do my own remix of that too which I liked but dare not post in on here as it had about 18 different concentrates :)

For me, it should be higher on the ratings than it is, lovely recipe


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
This is exactly what I was looking for, have you tried it out yet? How'd it turn out?

I did make mine, never tried the original linked recipe it was based around. I liked it....however I have found since in other recipes I have made that I dont like the inawera apple much, tastes odd on some drippers. Also not finding cheriymoya really works in bakeries. So to be honest I would recommend making the original linked recipe that is popular as not sure what i have added actually improves the original in retrospect.


Bronze Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
I've liked the Cherimoya + Biscuit combo...

Interesting, I only tried it in pies and doughnut type recipes, found I really like it with creams and custard. May have to try it, which biscuit were you using with?


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
Interesting, I only tried it in pies and doughnut type recipes, found I really like it with creams and custard. May have to try it, which biscuit were you using with?

The regular INW Biscuit 2% + Cherimoya 2%

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