I have heard great things about this tank from my local shops and my friends that have it. These coils last 3+ weeks, great flavor etc etc. I have had it since Saturday(4 days at this point) and I have had weird flavor(not bad) but it's not like it was the first 2 days and this coil looks jacked(i can see the cotton quality from the top) other people have shown me their 2-3 week old coils and they look brand new. Are they BSing or am I doing something wrong. That's the tank.
I am using this tank on 2 mods, the Wismec Rx200s and Predator 228 running it at 78 watts on both but mainly using it on my Rx200s but when I have it on my Predator the bottom heats up(by the battery door) and I am concerned since I am always worried the batteries are gonna blow or something, I vape but it's a fear I always have. My Rx200s doesn't heat up the same way, it seems fine. But I am concerned about my Predator 228, if anyone uses this mod is anyone else getting this or something similar? I might retire the mod if it's a common enough issue but I don't know anyone that has it.
I am using this tank on 2 mods, the Wismec Rx200s and Predator 228 running it at 78 watts on both but mainly using it on my Rx200s but when I have it on my Predator the bottom heats up(by the battery door) and I am concerned since I am always worried the batteries are gonna blow or something, I vape but it's a fear I always have. My Rx200s doesn't heat up the same way, it seems fine. But I am concerned about my Predator 228, if anyone uses this mod is anyone else getting this or something similar? I might retire the mod if it's a common enough issue but I don't know anyone that has it.