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Are E-cigarettes Beneficial or Harmful?


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Uh, no. Every cigarette single cigarette not smoked because someone vaped instead is a benefit.

And every single dollar not spent on the BT/BP/Govt/public health death industry is not just a benefit, but the reason they're all freaking out and lying so egregiously about vaping. And that makes me happy, to make them so unhappy; almost $5,000 worth now. :)



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Member For 4 Years
Public Health England:
- Releases a comprehensive, evidence-based report which finds vaping to be at least 95% safer
than smoking, as well as being an effective tool in helping individuals quit smoking.

- Finds little or no harm in ingredients or inhaled vapor, no evidence of addictive qualities.

- Open stance on quitting smoking using whichever method promotes success, allows for dual use.

- Continue to rely on speculative "we dont know", "maybe", "long-term studies needed" and
"lack of evidence" terminology to avoid doing valid research, while discounting the testimonials of thousands of former smokers as anecdotal evidence.

- Attempt to drive away prospective ex-smokers through the use of scare tactics about
nicotine addiction, flavor paranoia, gateway effects and smoking re-normalization.

- Hardline stance quitting smoking, cold turkey only using already-approved treatments.

These entities positions are completely at odds with one another, but for us as current vapers and former smokers, it is easy to see which of them would actually be interested in public health, and which are simply pawns in big pharma's pocket.

Is vaping harmful? There are millions of us, some have been vaping for years. Outside of the occasional ingredient sensitivity, very few have experienced or even heard of any harm whatsoever. If there is ever any evidence of harm, we will come to know about it quickly, and work to reduce or eliminate it. This is the core of the harm reduction strategy that we have adopted.

Is vaping beneficial? If public health hadn't written off our stories as anecdotal, they might've gathered some of that valuable data they supposedly need. My own would involve how someone with a 34-year smoking habit can quit in 2 hours using a cig-a-like. Vaping is beneficial if quitting smoking is beneficial. Public health will eventually have to support this conclusion or be seen as the fraudulent scam it has become.
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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These entities positions are completely at odds with one another, but for us as current vapers and former smokers, it is easy to see which of them would actually be interested in public health, and which are simply pawns in big pharma's pocket.

Is vaping harmful? There are millions of us, some have been vaping for years. Outside of the occasional ingredient sensitivity, very few have experienced or even heard of any harm whatsoever. If there is ever any evidence of harm, we will come to know about it quickly, and work to reduce or eliminate it. This is the core of the harm reduction strategy that we have adopted.

Is vaping beneficial? If public health hadn't written off our stories as anecdotal, they might've gathered some of that valuable data they supposedly need. My own would involve how someone with a 34-year smoking habit can quit in 2 hours using a cig-a-like. Vaping is beneficial if quitting smoking is beneficial. Public health will eventually have to support this conclusion or be seen as the fraudulent scam it has become.

So true. So-called "public health" everywhere except England, and even a few over there too, have become the same pharma whores as the FDA and CDC. They're utterly useless, dishonest, and have zero credibility about ANYTHING at this point. If they started hollering about a new outbreak of typhoid bubonic smallpox, I'd change the channel, knowing there was zero truth in anything they said.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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past tense: suborned; past participle: suborned
  1. bribe or otherwise induce (someone) to commit an unlawful act such as perjury.
    "he was accused of conspiring to suborn witnesses"
This is precisely what big pharma has done to the FDA, the CDC, and 99% of "public health" officials and a lot of doctors too, and not just about vaping -- about pretty much everything for which BP can create some dangerous nostrum.



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This is precisely what big pharma has done to the FDA, the CDC, and 99% of "public health" officials and a lot of doctors too, and not just about vaping -- about pretty much everything for which BP can create some dangerous nostrum.
Yep. All the freaking drugs they push on people now -- it's utterly absurd.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yep. All the freaking drugs they push on people now -- it's utterly absurd.

The one that both amuses and infuriates me the most is the one for pneumococcal pneumonia -- which is from a bacterium -- you CANNOT be "immunized" against a bacterium! That's just not how they work! You can catch a bacterial infection over and over and over.... only for a VIRUS can you be immunized!!! And they think the public is stupid enough to fall for it! And well, most of the public is, unfortunately. That's absolutely criminal.



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Member For 4 Years
Vaping versus germs may be one of the unmentioned benefits that pharma (and gov) doesn't want us to be aware of. Some of us have probably heard of the PG experiments on mice with regards to influenza. The untreated mice died and the ones exposed to PG didn't even get the virus. Many vapers have also reported not getting near as many colds as they used to, although this could be attributed to quitting smoking, or a combination of both. With all the paranoia about second-hand vapor out there, the fact remains that both PG and VG kill pathogens by the millions. Every place we vape, we are likely purifying the air more than we are polluting it. Just from personal experience when I used to smoke, smoking a cigarette with a cold was nearly impossible, it gave coughing fits and was super harsh. The one time I've had a cold in over 3 years, I was vaping to suppress coughing, it was actually soothing. There may be more benefits that we as yet are unaware of.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Vaping versus germs may be one of the unmentioned benefits that pharma (and gov) doesn't want us to be aware of. Some of us have probably heard of the PG experiments on mice with regards to influenza. The untreated mice died and the ones exposed to PG didn't even get the virus. Many vapers have also reported not getting near as many colds as they used to, although this could be attributed to quitting smoking, or a combination of both. With all the paranoia about second-hand vapor out there, the fact remains that both PG and VG kill pathogens by the millions. Every place we vape, we are likely purifying the air more than we are polluting it. Just from personal experience when I used to smoke, smoking a cigarette with a cold was nearly impossible, it gave coughing fits and was super harsh. The one time I've had a cold in over 3 years, I was vaping to suppress coughing, it was actually soothing. There may be more benefits that we as yet are unaware of.

Not having to hang out in the freezing cold is a great one -- that was actually why I first started vaping; I only got the idea about maybe quitting smoking, when I discovered what a great substitute vaping was! I'm not one of those imbeciles who thinks that getting cold makes you sick, but having to hang out for 10-15 mins in the cold when maybe your immune system is already compromised by excessive indoor heating... could contribute!



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The one that both amuses and infuriates me the most is the one for pneumococcal pneumonia -- which is from a bacterium -- you CANNOT be "immunized" against a bacterium!
Cholera, Diphtheria, Pertussis,Tetanus, Tuberculosis, and Typhoid are all bacterial diseases. Are you saying that none of the vaccines intended to prevent them actually work?


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
Cholera, Diphtheria, Pertussis,Tetanus, Tuberculosis, and Typhoid are all bacterial diseases. Are you saying that none of the vaccines intended to prevent them actually work?

Hmm.... tuberculosis isn't a bacterium; it's a "tubercule", which I gather is somewhat like a paramecium. As for the others, dunno. Maybe that's why they need boosters instead of one dose? I know the DPT vaccine, and my son needed the first as an infant and then again before he started school, and to be really protected against tetanus, one needs a booster every 10 yrs -- if you hurt yourself outdoors and have to go to the ER, they always ask if you've had a tetanus shot in the last 10 yrs, and if not, they give you one.. Hadn't heard of a vaccine for cholera or typhoid; I thought the fight against those was primarily one of public sanitation.



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BTW, my short rant about "All the freaking drugs they push on people now" was more about stuff like Statins...

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