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Aromamizer wicking problems

I just recently purchased a Aromamizer RDTA by Steam Crave and am have some issues getting it to wick right. I am running vertical dual coils and just can't seem to get it to wick to the top of the wicks no matter how loose the cotton is in the coil. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm having same problem with vertical and horizontal coils tried loads of different wicking methods just can't seem to get it right

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The only thing I've gotten to somewhat work in a vertical build is a Scottish roll wick. It can barley be touching the bottom of the deck or it won't get any juice. You also have to cut the tops of the wick very short.


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I've had this problem. Solved it by pulling the dry wick barely down to the deck and fluffing it like crazy with a very fine tweezer where it meets the juice holes. Then prime and run as usual. It's key that the wick is only barely covering the juice holes (I gotta stop saying juice holes).

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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Why do these sponsored things keep popping up in conversations getting to be like ads in Google play apps lol.

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