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Arrow: "Broken Arrow" Review


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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Vape Media
Warning: full episode spoilers follow.

We’ve finally reached the point where Arrow’s third season is becoming as big and dramatic as Season 2 was during the prolonged Deathstroke conflict. The previous episode showed a city turned against the Arrow, even as Oliver continued to resist Ra’s al Ghul’s increasingly persuasive arguments to become his heir. That episode culminated with Ollie turning himself into the police, only for Roy to suit up and take the fall. The stage was set for a really great follow-up this week. But while “Broken Arrow” started out strong, the resolution was surprisingly underwhelming.

Early on, the setup for “Broken Arrow” bugged me a little because of all the lapses in logic regarding why the police would cut Ollie loose and take Roy’s confession at face value. I could write several paragraphs of nitpicks, but the big one involves the first encounter between Roy and the Arrow in the Season 1 episode “Salvation.” If you recall, Roy was kidnapped and had his torture and subsequent rescue broadcast all over the Internet. Isn’t that proof enough that someone else is under the hood? Eventually I ignored those niggling questions and just went with the flow, but it does seem like this particular development could have been thought out a little more.

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