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Avengers Age of ultron A Perfect Movie

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To me this movie was near perfect in my opinion, let me start by saying that I absolutely loved the first avengers, up until Ultron the first Avengers was my favorite comic movie of all time but if there was one thing about the first movie that I wanted improved... it was to know the characters on a more personal level then we got in the first movie, Age of Ultron fixed that in spades...

The party at Stark's place where we got to see them mingle with non avengers as well as eachother, then how they were just hanging out having fun trying to lift Thor's hammer, you found out that heroes can have personal lives by meeting Hawkeye's family (Who knew) some might not have liked Black widow falling for Banner but I didn't mind it at all, in fact I really enjoyed it if for No other reason after 4 movies we finally got to see Black widow as a person, with feelings and wants and needs and not just the shield assassin...

Comic movies are my favorite genre but what some of them do is make it all about the hero saving the day and little or nothing else, to see them in a normal environment with friends, family or loved ones it adds a whole new dynamic to these movies, getting to Know the characters on a more personal relatable level only adds to the mythos of these characters and in the end it can only add to the experience giving this movie a 10 feels like i'm cutting it short of how good it truly was but since that's the limit for how high the scale goes that's what i'll give it.
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