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Banana Cream using FA Banana ?


Member For 4 Years
A few recipes I'd like to try include Banana Cream, Is there any thing I can add to FA Banana to make it similar to Banana Cream offered by other vendors like TFA , or LA ?

Fresh Cream ? Vienna Cream ? or something similar ? Or do I just need to purchase more flavours ? ?


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Just use whatever Creams you have on hand.
I'd use both Fresh Cream and Vienna.
You may have to experiment a bit to get them balanced the way you like tho.


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Must say I have been very dissapointed with Capellas Banana Cream as well as the strawberries and cream and peaches and cream (yes foolishly got them all). There was a fresh and pies strawberry and cream recipe on youtube in my early days of DIY I quite liked. I find all of these flavours though very chemical and artificial tasting, there is something in the taste of all of them I really don’t like, given up on all of them.


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2% FA Banana
1% FA Vienna Cream
1% FA Whipped Cream
1% FA Fresh Cream

If you want to convert it to flavoring instead of eliquid, just replace the percents with parts.
ie, 2 parts banana with 1 part vienna, whipped, and fresh creams. like 2ml banana, 1ml vienna, whipped, and fresh creams.
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I find cap cake batter brings the banana out some. I use it in a banana, not cream, recipe. It doesn't taste like cake.


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I find cap cake batter brings the banana out some. I use it in a banana, not cream, recipe. It doesn't taste like cake.
This is interesting. I have a whole (well, small) bottle of cake batter and I don't like the flavor so far. Did you mean it helps bring out any banana flavoring, or is your experience specifically with FA?


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Member For 5 Years
This is interesting. I have a whole (well, small) bottle of cake batter and I don't like the flavor so far. Did you mean it helps bring out any banana flavoring, or is your experience specifically with FA?
I only have one banana, FA. Here is my recipe I was talking about:

FA Banana 4%
FA Cookie 1.5%
FA Marshmallow 4%
CAP Cake Batter 3%

This is the first recipe I came up with and it is on VU. After 4-5 days it is splendid, if you like banana. I like it in a Mutation X, a Magma, it doesn't matter. The FA banana could maybe be cut some but I don't cut it. It seems to balance well. Maybe it isn't the cake batter that helps but I know I do not taste cake when I vape it. It almost tastes like Laffy Taffy to me. I love it and my son loves it. I know this isn't a recipe thread but felt an example was needed.

I realize FA Banana seems strong but I do not get any of the unpleasant tastes some speak of from this.

Oh yeah, I find this tastes best at lower watts. I use a higher coil in the mid 20 ohms or a dual coil at higher watts, based on the dual coil. I do not know how this would be in, say, a 0.3 ohm at 70 watts, or so.


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I usually use fa banana at 4%, too, for a banana flavor anyway--one of the only fa flavors that can go so high. But I have a feeling that for me, 3% cb would overpower it. I'm taking a note of your recipe so I can try it out starting with lower amounts of cake batter. My equipment is basic, for the moment, anyway, until and if I ever get interested in winding coils again. I went off of it kind of hard a few months ago--just became too cumbersome and fiddly for me, and I didn't have backup prefabs on hand and started smoking. So I've learned my lesson about that--always keep some backup easy-to-vape supplies on hand. Thanks for the recipe & notes!


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I usually use fa banana at 4%, too, for a banana flavor anyway--one of the only fa flavors that can go so high. But I have a feeling that for me, 3% cb would overpower it. I'm taking a note of your recipe so I can try it out starting with lower amounts of cake batter. My equipment is basic, for the moment, anyway, until and if I ever get interested in winding coils again. I went off of it kind of hard a few months ago--just became too cumbersome and fiddly for me, and I didn't have backup prefabs on hand and started smoking. So I've learned my lesson about that--always keep some backup easy-to-vape yry supplies on hand. Thanks for the recipe & notes!
Don't edit the recipe. Try it straight up. I have an aversion to cap flavors. I don't have any issues with this. You need to try it at 3%.


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Member For 5 Years
Well... I can always add more if I start at, say 1%, right?
Does it need much of a steep, btw?


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Member For 5 Years
Well... I can always add more if I start at, say 1%, right?
Does it need much of a steep, btw?
It needs 4 days steep time. Just make 5 mls and make the recipe. There is enough flavor percentage of each that you can measure for 5 mls. It has to steep. It will not taste right without steeping.

Live dangerously.


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ok, joeyboy--for you, I will do this, if you will explain why it's significant, where your advice is coming from. It seems like you have some secret ... the only thing I can guess is that you feel it may not be good at all at lesser values of cb. What's the story?


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ok, joeyboy--for you, I will do this, if you will explain why it's significant, where your advice is coming from. It seems like you have some secret ... the only thing I can guess is that you feel it may not be good at all at lesser values of cb. What's the story?
Because it's good. I have made multiple recipes and, to me, this combo just works. Not dry at all, really good and full. The cap gives it a full, rich flavor. If you leave it out or decrease it, I think it will be missing something you will be trying to find.

I normally bypass all the recipes that use excessive cap flavor percentages due to the after taste. This does not have that.


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Don't do it lirruping ... joeyboy is a notorious overflavorer and he is just trying to lead you down that dark path. If you follow, your safe return cannot be guaranteed.

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Member For 5 Years
Oh, now I see. You have no actual reason for starting low or experience in this case with using less flavoring, you're just power hungry and like telling people what to do.

Well, it worked. I mixed 5mls last night exactly as you prescribed and it's sitting here by the vent in my computer being warm, becoming itself. SO! We shall see :)


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and now, we wait.
(smells good).

I have to admit I was tempted to try this too but the wait time was too much for me ... I require immediate gratification dammit! :rolleyes:

Not to mention, I didn't want to go down that dark path ... :D


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Member For 5 Years
I have to admit I was tempted to try this too but the wait time was too much for me ... I require immediate gratification dammit! :rolleyes:

Not to mention, I didn't want to go down that dark path ... :D
I know what you mean about immediate gratification. I'm usually like that, myself.
I'm making a big exception here so I hope it is appreciated!

Plus, 91/2% flavour art plus additional ingredients! dark path indeed. My sensibilities are positively bruised. But still, it smells very good...


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You can probably try this on the 2nd day to get an idea but it will change.

Btw, I only use rda's, no tanks, so I get the fullest experience.

I can't wait to hear what you think, unless you don't like it, of course.


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Let me preface my remarks by telling you that I have a pretty bad cold. My voice is like a squeak. Any impressions I have at this time are only tentative. That said, it's better than I thought it would be, but not as good as I'd hoped. The cake batter merges in with the other flavors better here than in other contexts i've tried it. It's pretty smooth.

The main problem for me seems to be that I just don't like cake batter flavoring. : /
But like I said - I still have 4ml left and will definitely give it another whirl once I'm better!


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I'm gonna leave the cap off for a while. I suspect alcohol may be part of what makes cake batter sort of throat-hitty/chemicallish.


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I know how a cold goes I don't get any alcohol, like I do with tfa cranberry. You gave it a shot. I always take the cap off and mix during the steep time. Maybe that's the difference. I do that with all mine. I don't even use the speed heat for my stuff any longer.


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I'm gonna leave the cap off for a while. I suspect alcohol may be part of what makes cake batter sort of throat-hitty/chemicallish.

I don't get any alcohol either from the Cake Batter but it is pretty strong.
Just a thought, you could try using FW Yellow Cake instead.
Gonna be way different than using Cake Batter tho.


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Member For 5 Years
I don't get any alcohol either from the Cake Batter but it is pretty strong.
Just a thought, you could try using FW Yellow Cake instead.
Gonna be way different than using Cake Batter tho.
I actually think that would be good. Maybe a little fa coconut.


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I only have tfa marshmallow, think it would work? I need a purpose for this cake batter


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I don't get any alcohol either from the Cake Batter but it is pretty strong.
Just a thought, you could try using FW Yellow Cake instead.
Gonna be way different than using Cake Batter tho.
I'm pretty familiar with yellow cake, but I've never tried it with banana - that's a great idea. Maybe a little fw tres leches in there too. I went around scooping up cake and cake base type recipes today, so i'm gonna be delving soon!


Member For 4 Years
Joey. What do you think to yellow cake in place of cake batter and iNW biscuit in place of cookie ? Lol. Percentage suggestions ?


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Member For 5 Years
Joey. What do you think to yellow cake in place of cake batter and iNW biscuit in place of cookie ? Lol. Percentage suggestions ?
I think I would try 2% FW cake and the same biscuit. Biscuit is sweeter. The original mix is sweet but it has 4% fa marshmallow. Tell me how it is. I have both those. I may make test to try that.

I don't have any tres leches flavors so I don't know and I don't know the percentage. I know I am having trouble nailing some FW percentages. I don't like to go high and many ppl suggest like 6%. I don't like to use that much for one flavor.

Tell me how yours turns out and the percents. I may buy that if it's good.


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I'm pretty familiar with yellow cake, but I've never tried it with banana - that's a great idea. Maybe a little fw tres leches in there too. I went around scooping up cake and cake base type recipes today, so i'm gonna be delving soon!

Tres Leches might not be too bad either, as it's both creamy & sweet.
TFA Dairy Milk & FW Cake Batter Dip are similar.
EDIT: But I should mention these are not cakey types.
INW Biscuit is stronger & sweeter than FA Cookie so I'd use a bit less.
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I don't have any tres leches flavors so I don't know and I don't know the percentage. I know I am having trouble nailing some FW percentages. I don't like to go high and many ppl suggest like 6%. I don't like to use that much for one flavor.

Tell me how yours turns out and the percents. I may buy that if it's good.

I did some experiments back a while with tres leches --in fact there's a thread with the words "help" and "tres leches" in the title. You can also search on Huck's Orange Bubble Cake to find that thread... let me find some examples of uses: Note the high percentage of tres leches! You can read all about how I tried with lesser amounts to get a cake feeling and failed. I do think if you had other similar ingredients, say yellow cake or cupcake, you could combine them to make the @6%.

Ok, here's something good:
Strawberry Orange Cake 2 (adapted from Huck's Orange Bubble Cake):
Batch #2 8/5/15
15ml, 10mg, 20/80

2% FA Strawberry
4% tfa Strawberry Ripe (down from original 6%)
6% fw Tres leches
0.5% flv orange citrus (or 1% FA Orange + 0.5% FA Mandarin) <- this is a guess, but I'm confident it will be good
0.2% fa clove
0.2% fa honey [or 0.1% tfa honeysuckle]
2% caps v custard [ or 1%]
1% Bavarian Cream

oh, If you feel you have any room, add 0.5-1% fa caramel.


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To be honest, my first attempt with the banana recipe I gave you all was for a banana moon pie like thing. It isn't that but I really liked it and kept it.


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So I just tasted the banana again. You could probably cut cake batter by half and it would still be really good, just not as heavy. Replacing it with FW yellow cake may fix that but I really don't know. I will have to test both.


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At least you know what the real thing tastes like. If you only knew how many things I dumped I made from VU. I couldn't even vape them.

Strangely, I have hardly ever had this happen. My dumpers have almost always been either my own meddling with perfectly good recipes or just some flavor I find unpalatable. I have tried a few from reddit, though, and been sorry. Nothing against reddit, it might be that they just have more, and more new people posting recipes. Or just bad luck for me.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So I made this a couple days ago with the yellow cake. It is spectacular! I think I gave it a day or so to come together. I'm blown away by the way this has a great creamy flavor and the banana is just right not over powering like I thought it would! Thanks guys for all the comments and suggestions! I really love this place and how information is shared so openly!

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Member For 5 Years
So I made this a couple days ago with the yellow cake. It is spectacular! I think I gave it a day or so to come together. I'm blown away by the way this has a great creamy flavor and the banana is just right not over powering like I thought it would! Thanks guys for all the comments and suggestions! I really love this place and how information is shared so openly!

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Post your recipe so I can try it.

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