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Batteries Current Rating


Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
Hey vapers,

I am new to high wattage vaping. I'm used to 25-55 watts on a 75 watt mod. I purchased a wismec rx200s and a smok tf g4 recently (absolutely love them both) and have begun to climb the wattage ladder. I have three LG HG2's in it and they are rated for 20 amps. When I'm at 70 watts the mod indicates 20.3 amps is being used. This is on a 4 Clapton coil build at .16 ohms. Is it safe to climb higher in wattage with these batteries even though it's only seconds of discharging?


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
the 20 amp is a continuous rating. Pulse ratings are higher at 35 amps for less than 10 seconds, remember you are using 3 batteries in series, more volts, but still at the same amp rating of 20 amps. You might want to look at using VTC4's if you want to really go up in watts past 100 watts. If you use the cells at the max rating and pulse them above 20 amps, the life of the batteries will be affected due to internal resistance building up in the battery itself.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It is never safe to exceed the rating of any of your technology. Can you get away with it sure.....

Driving at 100mph on a twisty mountain road is possible. Just not as safe as the 35mph that the sign advises.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

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