@CDZVaper .... What I am about to say isn't meant as to disagree with you or argue or say anything against anyone...but you make a compelling point and I have a strong opinion that is kind of an offshoot of your statement. It's more for the OP...I just didn't want anything being taken the wrong way. I am often guilty of stating that there is quickly a trend of a stereotype of young people (18-25) that are just walking into vape shops off the street and trying to buy as little as possible to blow unrealistic clouds with little regards to safety and and question how much is really explained to them in the buying process. I see it more and more and I think in fairness if I am going to state this over and over again I should make a post somewhere showing my thought process on this conclusion and not just "fling poo" as it were
I don't know if it's so much as disturbing as it's kinda to be expected these days...I mean look at how fast the "vape world" evolves. It's not like it was even a couple years ago when mechs were designed for and to be used with protected ICR's so you could get a full day's use out of one battery with your brand new Vivi Nova tank....I can't think of another industry, even the weapons industry, that changes so radically so fast. Especially with China competing with itself. The basic 1911 pistol design has been around for more than a century and is still used today....but I'll be damned if I can find an 901 or 808 penstyle atty or battery...hell, I can barely find a Joyetech 510D atty and those are kinda like a iconic vaping item (if vaping has such a thing.) Hell, they call 'em "throw away atties" or "disposable" atties. For what I used to pay for one that thing was getting cleaned and reused (and if I didn't tear the insulator) rebuilt till it disintegrated.
Hell, I thought the GoGo blew the original eGo systems out of the water...but I guess eGo had a better marketing agent with it's 510 connection because the GoGo's gone...I still have a couple GoGo batteries and one last box of GoCarts and a couple tanks I still use once in awhile if I am going to be doing dirty work outside and don't wanna risk my nice gear...but I am getting sidetracked...
I do agree with you completely about the "Charlie Brown" reference (that just happens to be my favorite cartoon as well
) and people just going into vape shops and smiling and nodding....because when they're done with that and they're not sure how to use what they've got or if they've got buyer's remorse or not they come to me to explain it to them.
It's just like any other private little subculture that suddenly overnight becomes a very large splinter of mainstream culture...there is going to be a part of the "old school" crowd that feels alienated by what mainstream society does with what once was their private little thing. It's happened over and over and over in history from religions to rock'n'roll.
Unforchanately for us, one of those splinters is the "I just wanna blow big clouds even though I have no idea how to do it but it looks cool" group that seems to be growing in numbers weekly. And if we don't take the time to sit here and answer their questions and educate them we could have more problems than just the FDA trying to regulate us....
I am grateful for every person that comes here and says "I wanna do this, help me." Because for every one that is willing to listen and learn from experience how many more are just going out and buying a mech and fumbling threw it like you said. We really are lucky to be in the position we're in.
We are still in the early years of vaping and it's great because it's not just a fun hobby...but it's a hobby that can change and even save lives and we're the first generations of vapors. We're all going to stumble and crawl and continue to set the standards before vaping is walking and running when it hits full stride.
So.... to
@Nicholas J. I say...... Read and watching and learn as much as you can. For example.....Wrapping a coil is easy for some and hard for others...you made one of my favorite builds if you did it as well as you said you did for the first time. But do you know what your resistance is? Do you have an ohm's meter to check for that and for shorts and how to use it for such? Is the reading holding steady or is it jumping all over the place? Getting an ohm's meter is a requirement for safely building RDA's but not knowing what the reading it's giving you means makes it nothing more than a fancy mod stand. I am not asking these questions to be a dick...but to show you some of the thought process involved in vaping safely.
I can wrap a 5 wrap 22 gauge single parallel coil no problem...but I don't have a parallel box mod to run it safely on so the the lowest i go is usually a 5 or 6 wrap 23 gauge single parallel build. I know it's going to come out between .19 and .24 on a .32 mm drill bit depending on my wraps even without an ohm's meter but I still check it, three times actually, before, during, and after wicking because a screw can come loose, or a lead can get pinched and a short on an unregulated mod with that low of build can go thermal pretty damn fast. Learning the basics of ohm's law and battery safety is the start of the safety aspect...but it's not the end....the biggest aspect of vaping safely is you being proactive to make sure that you have the knowledge and common sense to do everything in your power to prevent anything from going wrong before it even has a chance to begin to happen.
If I know the answer I will explain anything you can't find the answer to if you ask as long as you take everyone's advice here seriously as you stated it was the safety aspect you were worried about and that is a very good place to start. If I don't know the answer I will find someone that will if you ask me too.
Along with the thread above I am putting a link again to the steam engine coil building tool and to an ohm's law calculator in here. Bookmark them, they will come in handy. If you search for it in the forum and on Google, there is a guide to how the Steam Engine tool works if you have any questions about it that you can't find on the website itself.
And like I said, start with the advice here, and the link I left you above, and continue to google and read and watch youtube videos about everything. Sometimes a video can explain in a few seconds what takes me hours to type and is hard to understand without visual aid. It's the old "a picture's worth a thousand words" being proven true. I am not just some guy preaching on a forum..I've had hard shorts and atty's ruined and batteries nearly meltdown on me and I am overly cautious and trying to be too safe...anything can happen to anyone...but most of the time accidents can be avoided.
You've got the right mindset if safety is your first concern and not just big clouds. Big clouds...sure they're fun...but I have a feeling that eventually you'll go for a bit less clouds and big flavor instead as you get more and more into it. I've always been a flavor chaser and I have a cloud rig or two that I play with once in awhile.
But it's all about the taste for me.... and helping someone make the switch. Knowing that what I say and do here or when someone stops me out in the real world to ask about my "e-cig thingie" and I see that spark of curiouscity in their eye or when I see a friend try a starter kit I make for them or they constantly ask to take a drag off my vape and I pretend to be annoyed when I am really overjoyed because I've got them thinking about making the switch..that's what it's really all about.
Trying to help other's the way others helped me.