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Best builds on dimitri box


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Does anyone have any good cloud chasing builds that they use on a dimitri box? I'm just getting tired of this twisted 28g 5 wrap and haven't found any build that I like by myself. So post your build and a pic if of it if you want thanks.


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Does anyone have any good cloud chasing builds that they use on a dimitri box? I'm just getting tired of this twisted 28g 5 wrap and haven't found any build that I like by myself. So post your build and a pic if of it if you want thanks.
If you build between .09-.2 its will have a great vape, Parallel Boxes benefit from .075-.2 Ohms-I strongly recommend staying above .09 as it is unsafe for people that dont understand Battery safety & Ohms Law.
I own a Castigador, it has the same firing mechanism and form but its smaller in size....
If you can Try twisting the 28g like you have been and then Clapton the twisted wires, you will have a very decent build that throw vapor and creates a intense flavor experience. It is also easy and isnt something that will stress your time.
Any Wire that can soak up juice and can hold heat will be great for your box, heres some examples that I made earlier today...
2x36g/44g/40g Nano Twisted Helix Clapton
2x26g/34g/32g Twisted Helix Clapton
2x24g/32g/38g Staggered Fused Clapton
2x22g/26g & 36/44g Claptoned Fused Clapton with Clapton


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For me I don't necessarily like 20g with my dimitri I do a 5 wrap of twisted 28g but it just seems like it's getting weak and draining my batteries extremely fast too and wow those look like some complicated wraps


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If you build between .09-.2 its will have a great vape, Parallel Boxes benefit from .075-.2 Ohms-I strongly recommend staying above .09 as it is unsafe for people that dont understand Battery safety & Ohms Law.
I own a Castigador, it has the same firing mechanism and form but its smaller in size....
View attachment 34522
If you can Try twisting the 28g like you have been and then Clapton the twisted wires, you will have a very decent build that throw vapor and creates a intense flavor experience. It is also easy and isnt something that will stress your time.
Any Wire that can soak up juice and can hold heat will be great for your box, heres some examples that I made earlier today...
2x36g/44g/40g Nano Twisted Helix Clapton
2x26g/34g/32g Twisted Helix Clapton
2x24g/32g/38g Staggered Fused Clapton
2x22g/26g & 36/44g Claptoned Fused Clapton with Clapton
What do you mean Clapton my wires?

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