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best griffin build?


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Heya guys just ordered my griffin rta and wondering what to put in it? I like an all round set up with more flavour and some clouds but not TC what you think? :)


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@raymo2u looking for you to chime in here. I just ordered one this weekend due to your suggestion. I usualy vape pretty hot, I like a mix of flavour and clouds as well.


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@raymo2u looking for you to chime in here. I just ordered one this weekend due to your suggestion. I usualy vape pretty hot, I like a mix of flavour and clouds as well.
2 x 2x22K/40N80 (5Wraps/3mm ID) is one of my favorites...Keep it atleast 4mm from the Airflow and crank it up to atleast 110w and you really dont get much better then that. It definitely beats alot of my RDA's and every other RTA setup with this IMO.


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Now to learn how to clapton with 40g!! I have a hard time with the super thin stuff. 36g is the thinnest I have been able to use without my wire doubling back over itself... :/

thanks @raymo2u


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Now to learn how to clapton with 40g!! I have a hard time with the super thin stuff. 36g is the thinnest I have been able to use without my wire doubling back over itself... :/

thanks @raymo2u
If you use the Swivel Method using gauges 32g-42g they almost wrap themselves...just need to follow the wrap and have it trail slightly back. If your not using swivels I highly suggest you get them as they improve your overall tightness and cleanliness.


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The Thinner the outer wrap (clapton wire) is the faster it will ramp up and the faster it will cool down, it will also need less wattage to heat up. Thicker wire acts as a heatsink and requires more power to get it warm and the extra metal also takes longer to cool down. They will wick the same and do the same job just I choose thinner outerwrap, it can fit in smaller devices when using smaller cores also.


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If you use the Swivel Method using gauges 32g-42g they almost wrap themselves...just need to follow the wrap and have it trail slightly back. If your not using swivels I highly suggest you get them as they improve your overall tightness and cleanliness.
I do use the swivels....
The Thinner the outer wrap (clapton wire) is the faster it will ramp up and the faster it will cool down, it will also need less wattage to heat up. Thicker wire acts as a heatsink and requires more power to get it warm and the extra metal also takes longer to cool down. They will wick the same and do the same job just I choose thinner outerwrap, it can fit in smaller devices when using smaller cores also.
I was going to ask this as well.. thanks for the info!


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I'll say it again here, but I love smaller fused claptons for the Griffin. I don't think you sacrifice any flavor over bigger gauge wires, and you don't destroy your battery life. My most recent favorite is 2x26N80/38N80 on 3mm. 8 wraps gets .3ohm and is just fantastic between 65-80w depending on your heat preference. Ramp time is negligible and the flavor is on point. Here's a recent photo. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1457382687.628960.jpg

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I'll say it again here, but I love smaller fused claptons for the Griffin. I don't think you sacrifice any flavor over bigger gauge wires, and you don't destroy your battery life. My most recent favorite is 2x26N80/38N80 on 3mm. 8 wraps gets .3ohm and is just fantastic between 65-80w depending on your heat preference. Ramp time is negligible and the flavor is on point. Here's a recent photo. View attachment 43013

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Try some 42N80 and higher for the outerwrap and there is no ramp up time, just runs like a true parallel but keeps its wicking properties.


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Try some 42N80 and higher for the outerwrap and there is no ramp up time, just runs like a true parallel but keeps its wicking properties.
Still gotta crank up wattage for lower resistance builds. I get 2-3 tanks per battery charge with my Griffin.


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I personally like dual twisted aliens (2x 3 32g core 46g wrap and then twist em). Honestly, the time it takes to make em, it's probably not worth it. Fused Claptons are good, but if you are going for all around, don't build with 22-24g cores. 28g is perfect (for me as) with 36-38g wrap. Someone mentioned swivels earlier and that's a solid idea. If you wanna cheat, just wrap the end in a bit of taps and your good to go. Also, more for best of both, try 3 strand wraps, like around 26-28g. Hope this helps.

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Twisted 27ga Claptoned with 30ga, Dual 6 wraps @ 0.25ohm. Great flavor and vapor production, currently running it at 75W.

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save alot of time and just whip up a couple fused claptons.. 2x 26ga for the core.. 32ga for the wrap. use nichrome 80 and do about 5 wraps... that puts off some amazing flavor.. made a few aliens and the flavor was no different from the 2 or 3 core claptons... and they are WAY easier and faster to make.... and wont have you throwing your drill across your room.. hahahaha


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save alot of time and just whip up a couple fused claptons.. 2x 26ga for the core.. 32ga for the wrap. use nichrome 80 and do about 5 wraps... that puts off some amazing flavor.. made a few aliens and the flavor was no different from the 2 or 3 core claptons... and they are WAY easier and faster to make.... and wont have you throwing your drill across your room.. hahahaha
Flavor they aren't IMO but density of the vapor is a noticeable step up IMO. Aliens had me coughing the first time I tried them. That said, not sure they're worth the effort to learn.
I have seen alot of people saying they have to have the chuff style drip tip which is understandable... But on the Griffin it is kinda pointless... If you look at the inside diameter of your chimney, its about the same size as the inside of a .510 drip tip.. so going a wider diameter on your tip isnt going to make a bit of difference if the chimney stays the same size... Just give it a try.. I plugged in the adapter and put my favorite 510 tip on it and i literally could not tell a bit of difference in airflow... So if you have a nice tip you like using, throw it on there and see what you think.. Different Strokes for Different Folks!!!


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I have seen alot of people saying they have to have the chuff style drip tip which is understandable... But on the Griffin it is kinda pointless... If you look at the inside diameter of your chimney, its about the same size as the inside of a .510 drip tip.. so going a wider diameter on your tip isnt going to make a bit of difference if the chimney stays the same size... Just give it a try.. I plugged in the adapter and put my favorite 510 tip on it and i literally could not tell a bit of difference in airflow... So if you have a nice tip you like using, throw it on there and see what you think.. Different Strokes for Different Folks!!!
Nice Tips for Griffin...Copa and Dotmod are my Favorites..
Dotmod Tip Griffin.jpg Copa Tip Griffin.jpg


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+1 for the copa. I don't know the chuff cap it just feels like a looser pull and less dense vapor, not sure if it is or just feels that way. It may just be my mind playing tricks because of my previous experience with the Avocado where it certainly was that way (no chimney to act as a choke point).


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.72 ohm build to save battery life and faster ramp up at lower watts


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