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Best Miniature RTAs?


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Looking at getting into RTAs so I dont have to buy coils so often and can just coil them myself. Also so I can use nickel and titanium.

Looked at the Billow V2 Nano and Goblin Mini so far, are there any other small RTAs that I should look into? Any topfill RTAs?

Thanks for the help,


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The Goblin mini's the next tank I want. The design, reviews and price make it get my vote. Good luck and happy hunting.


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i have a goblin mini clone from ft on the way. for under 11 bucks i figured what the hell
The Goblin mini is really good as a temp control atty, can fit a duel 26g titanium build in it or can run it as the single coil option and for some reason it tends to produce a warmer vape at lower temps, mine does anyway.


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The paradox here is that you're choosing between devices that specialize in 2 different things.
The Gobbler Mini is a straight flavor machine with no interest to the cloud guys.
The BV2 is more primarily cloud oriented and far more convenient.

The Goblin Mini is AFIC the current king of flavor tanks. It's so good, you'll wonder how they do that.
But you ain't gonna build with Ni200 on it, the deck is too small.

If you want strictly the richest flavor ever conceived in a RTA, and you're willing to put up with bottom screw filling, Get the MINI!

If ya' wanna' slightly less fiddly, larger capacity, direct lung inhale device, (that still tastes great) go with the Billow V2.
Agreed the GM deck is small, but I regularly (just barely) fit 12 wrap, 2.5mm, 28AWG Ni200 coils in it ... running dual coils this comes in at 0.07 ohms and it is a flavor tank for sure. Agreed too that he bottom fill screw is a PITA.


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I incorrectly reported the number of wraps. Apologies for the incorrect information, and since the wires come out on the same side of the coil it is not 12 wraps it is in actuallity 12.5, yes!? (Sorry couldn't resist) This build is a PITA. Props to "wackedout ecig"'s youtube video for this build. I had just put this build in my GM a couple days ago, but I pulled that one out and just completed this build. It is spaced, but it is compact. I'll let you be the judge @Shark Vape Here's the pics ...

20151201_184110.jpg 20151201_184557.jpg 20151201_185617.jpg 20151201_190624.jpg 20151201_190908.jpg 20151201_191331.jpg 20151201_191519.jpg 20151201_192643.jpg 20151201_191015.jpg

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If you want a hybrid get the Haze. It holds only 2mm of juice but it is easy to fill and build on. I like my haze clone


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That is an amazing bit of cramming.
FTR, I still deny this is a useable coil. The top coil is touching the shroud at both ends.
The bottom touches at 1 end and has that loop over thingy. This is risky at best.
It's just too much coil & not enough deck. Plus .07 of an ohm is for people of questionable sanity. (welcome btw :))

I wanna try stainless steel but right now my sweet spot is 2pc twisted 28ga Kanthal.


I know it looks like it is touching, but the picture you re-post is my pre-wicked photo. wackedout ecig's video makes it look like you can just slap this in a GM and seconds later you are good to go -- not true. What my photos above didn't capture is that I had to re-wick twice. Part of this builds success (if you allow me the discretion to call it that) is that there is wick between the outside edges of the coil and the chimney that is preventing any shorting. As far as the "loop over thingy", it's by design. if you don't loop it over, and it _is_ actually over and not touching the coil segments beneath it, then you cant get to the positive post. There _is_ some space between the coils and the "thingy".

This build was out of necessity since the only wire I have had for the last month and a half is 28 AWG Ni200. The cheapskate in me is forcing me to use it (thank god I only have about 8 feet left). The only 28 AWG Ni200 build that gets me above the 0.05 ohms, the lowest value in TC mode for this mode, is this one. I used steam engine and it said i could put a 8.5 wrap (.053 ohm), 9.5 wrap (.059 ohm), 10.5 wrap (.064 ohm),11.5 wrap (.07 ohm) in it to stay above the 0.05 ohm rating of the tc40w, but when i did that the mod would report "atomizer low" consistently with the lesser wraps and intermittently with more wraps until i hit 12.5 wraps and then i never got that error message.

You are not the first person to question my sanity. Serious question ... are you saying that the loop over is risky (from a shorting standpoint? i would agree with that) or that 0.07 ohm on this mod is to be avoided? If the latter, I'd love to know your thoughts on that.

Also, once my kanthal arrives (28 AWG in the mail), I'm really interested to know # of wraps and on what size mandrel your "sweet spot" twisted build is on your GM deck.

Thanks for the welcome @Shark Vape ... glad to be here.


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The paradox here is that you're choosing between devices that specialize in 2 different things.
The Gobbler Mini is a straight flavor machine with no interest to the cloud guys.
The BV2 is more primarily cloud oriented and far more convenient.

The Goblin Mini is AFIC the current king of flavor tanks. It's so good, you'll wonder how they do that.
But you ain't gonna build with Ni200 on it, the deck is too small.

If you want strictly the richest flavor ever conceived in a RTA, and you're willing to put up with bottom screw filling, Get the MINI!

If ya' wanna' slightly less fiddly, larger capacity, direct lung inhale device, (that still tastes great) go with the Billow V2.
I run micro Clapton's in my Goblin Mini at 35 watts, airflow half closed. What build/settings you using? Mine kills the juice too quickly to make bottom fill worthwhile.

Edit: more info 30/32 Clapton's, 5 wraps, 0.74 ohms on 2mm.


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Kanthal build I run is dual 26 AWG, 10 wraps, 2mm. ohm's out at 0.55. MaxVG at 30W again with airflow wide open ... delicious! Although now I'm gonna have to figure out parallels and twisted and clapton's, oh my! ... three months vaping, 45+ years as a hobbiest mechanical engineer, i have confidence.

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