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Best pre-built (affordable) RDA coils on ebay/amazon?


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I've been building ever since I started vaping, but I am not that good an no longer have enough time to build at all. A local vape shop sells pre-built coils 5$ a piece. That price seems a little bit steep, so I just looked around online and found that many ebay and amazon sellers have pre-built coils listed. One of the best deals I've found so far are 10 clapton coils for 6 bucks.

Question: Does anybody know specific sellers on ebay/amazon that sell good and reasonably priced coils? I am looking for something around 1 ohm (for a .5 ohm dual build) that lasts long and is rugged enough to not easily distort when I am pulling cotton in. Thanks


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Myvaporstore has 1 ohm claptons on sale for $3.99 for 10 right now. I've never bought them but have got other gear from them and am happy with it.
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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I have used the premades from MVS also. I think they are by Youde.
I always got the 1.0 and .5. All the ones that I have installed have read right on 1.0 or .5 or .25 and .5 if dual.

I liked them and still have some just for spares that I keep in my lunch bag for work incase something happens and I need a coil or two quick.

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