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Best RBA for NETs

Hey VU gang,

My 4th post here, but I am learning. So, I quickly got out of my last rig (VaporFi Edge) and into a new Vapor Flask Stout with 91% Russian v2 by Kebo. I'm using 26 ga titanium wire and 2mm Exowool silica wick.

I am running at 40W with .27Ω resistance. I'm assuming the deck adds resistance, as I was measuring about 1.25Ω measuring the coil with my multimeter. Don't worry - I just ordered a Coil Master 521 tester (great another hobby to sink money into).

Anyhow, I am a big fan of smoking naturally extracted tobacco juice. At least from my 30 days of experience. The 91% Russian RBA was recommended to me as a mouth-to-lung vaper. I like it. It's nice. But I am wondering how I can up the came to get a thicker draw of vape with more flavor (and more nic). Most of the juices I am running are 70%PG/30%VG and running 24 mg/ml of nicotine.

I am interested in receiving input on:

1) Top choices for other RBAs for use with nets;

2) Other mods which might help me achieve my above stated goal of thicker vape and more flavor;
3) Any suggested other modifications or ideas to try.



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Well for one you don't want 70 percent pg. High pg juices are for flavor high vg is for clouds(dense vapor) I never used a 91% russian v2 but from what your saying it's mouth to lung, it sounds like you don't want mouth to lung so I'd try an aromamizer supreme or boreas. Supreme you can lower the airflow to almost nothing


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Ya best way to get more vape and more flavor is upgrade tanks and build bigger coils. If you want to stay in the 22mm range the diablo has the biggest deck in that range. Or as otherwise suggested the supreme is great for 25mm. Also switching to clapton would def help alot.

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well it depends...on what your after...NETs are a pain in the ass,they are delicious but they just foul coils up something terrible...and so alot of people trya and find an atty that will allow them the ability to pull out their wicks dry burn the coils and pop the wick back in...I've known some NET vapers who dry burn their coils twice a day.
as for more flavor....this bullshit that you need more power more watts ,bigger coils is plain crap..if you want to chase flavor you'd be far better off with a genisis atomizer with a ss mesh wick than these chinomizers stuffed with cotton....I have a friend who vapes a NET called Blacknote which has a reputation of vaping pretty clean for a NET juice and he vapes it on a genisis atty. that type of vaping gives you a similar draw than smoking, superior flavor,but you won't be blowing big clouds. I'm not sure what you mean by a thicker draw...I know for myself that I tend not to like cotton wicks as the vapor seems kind of light and wispy, whereas vaping on ss mesh gives me a chewy vape...try all kinds of stuff,and see what you like. I always vaped NETs on ss mesh in a genisis and tobacco juices as a rule people say vape better on ss mesh. also don't get stuck on this more power equates better vape that is nonsense. experiment vape the whole range and see what you like you might be surprised at what you find I say NETs tear up coils and you have to rebuild alot more frequently for a new vaper rebuilding a genisis atty is a major pain in the ass....

actually I've always thought a great set up for vaping NETs would be squonking a bottom feed would allow you to easily dry burn you coils without having to drain a tank,and at the same time not having the hassle of dripping.... the coil is easy to acess...and you can build it however you like with small single coil attys up to big dual coil attys and you can use either limp wicks like cotton or rayon, or ss mesh.

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I'm concerned why your 1.25 ohm coil is reading 0.27 ohm on your mod. I believe your coil or a clipped lead is making contact with the chimney. So first thing, you need to fix that. I want you to check it on the mod with just the deck, then check it again with the chimney on. I'm pretty sure the 1.25 ohm reading is the correct one given the atty you're using.

Anyone using a NET or other coil gunking juice will be happier with an RTA that allows anytime access to the deck without dumping your juice. There are a number of m2l RTAs that do, and I'll be happy to suggest some. There's nothing wrong with your Russian, but you may want to use a different juice in it, or change your wick and dryburn your coil after each tank.

Big clouds and m2l vaping don't really go together :) There are some single coil tanks with a looser draw that work well with higher vg and can make a nice cloud. I would recommend the EHPro Bachelor or Wotofo Serpent for that. I have a design with Augvape called Merlin, but that one is probably still 2-3 weeks out. But, it would fit into the Bachelor/Serpent category of tanks.


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well it depends...on what your after...NETs are a pain in the ass,they are delicious but they just foul coils up something terrible...and so alot of people trya and find an atty that will allow them the ability to pull out their wicks dry burn the coils and pop the wick back in...I've known some NET vapers who dry burn their coils twice a day.
as for more flavor....this bullshit that you need more power more watts ,bigger coils is plain crap..if you want to chase flavor you'd be far better off with a genisis atomizer with a ss mesh wick than these chinomizers stuffed with cotton....I have a friend who vapes a NET called Blacknote which has a reputation of vaping pretty clean for a NET juice and he vapes it on a genisis atty. that type of vaping gives you a similar draw than smoking, superior flavor,but you won't be blowing big clouds. I'm not sure what you mean by a thicker draw...I know for myself that I tend not to like cotton wicks as the vapor seems kind of light and wispy, whereas vaping on ss mesh gives me a chewy vape...try all kinds of stuff,and see what you like. I always vaped NETs on ss mesh in a genisis and tobacco juices as a rule people say vape better on ss mesh. also don't get stuck on this more power equates better vape that is nonsense. experiment vape the whole range and see what you like you might be surprised at what you find I say NETs tear up coils and you have to rebuild alot more frequently for a new vaper rebuilding a genisis atty is a major pain in the ass....

actually I've always thought a great set up for vaping NETs would be squonking a bottom feed would allow you to easily dry burn you coils without having to drain a tank,and at the same time not having the hassle of dripping.... the coil is easy to acess...and you can build it however you like with small single coil attys up to big dual coil attys and you can use either limp wicks like cotton or rayon, or ss mesh.

Great info from some members who really know their atties.

Roxy Is THE atty guru, and I mean she can make ANY atty work beyond the norm.

As far as NET, Like pulsevape said, its the nature of the beast (NETs). There are NET like the ones from Blacknote very clean, but for me at least, the taste is weak, not bad, but I like the real dry , gross, dark ones and Ive tried it on a few tanks but its just kinda futile. If Im lucky with my favorite NETs I can get 2ml of perfect flavor. I can sometimes push it to almost 3ml, but that half a ml, is not that good, so for me its a waste of good expensive liquid.

At the average of 25.00 per 30ml/ ounce one does not want to get sub par or gross taste out of each drop.

The only tank that Ive used that is easy to change out the wick without dumping or wasting much liquid are the Taifun GS ( the slim 19mm one). I can go thru a full tank on my own cold macerated, all VG tobaccos with no problems. I change it out daily. Again, I have at least one dripper and the tank going for tobaccos a day.

With my real strong, dark , gooey, molasses liquids I just stick to a dripper. Its just easier to enjoy the gross ones on an RDA.

Like pulsevape says, its just what you have to deal with if you like it dirty. If Im on an NET binge, then its 2 Origens plus the small tank, 2 wick changes each on the RDA and at least one change out on the tank.

Roxy knows her tanks so she can list out the RTAs that have easy access decks. I dont have a lot of know ledge on a lot of tanks.

The ones that did well with NET in the past were the GP type of autodrip tanks; The Heron and the Spheroid. Great taste and because they use a "filler" it filters the NET and you get more ml per wick. THe con is that the spongy filler sort of holds a lot of liquid and I feel is a bit wasteful, again with the cost of good NET...

Give an RTA a try, and remember NET dont seem to like it too hot. THey change a lot with low res- high wattage, it starts to get ashy, which if you want a more "cigarette" experience you might like it.

There is my 2 cents.


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Hey VU gang,

My 4th post here, but I am learning. So, I quickly got out of my last rig (VaporFi Edge) and into a new Vapor Flask Stout with 91% Russian v2 by Kebo. I'm using 26 ga titanium wire and 2mm Exowool silica wick.

I am running at 40W with .27Ω resistance. I'm assuming the deck adds resistance, as I was measuring about 1.25Ω measuring the coil with my multimeter. Don't worry - I just ordered a Coil Master 521 tester (great another hobby to sink money into).

Anyhow, I am a big fan of smoking naturally extracted tobacco juice. At least from my 30 days of experience. The 91% Russian RBA was recommended to me as a mouth-to-lung vaper. I like it. It's nice. But I am wondering how I can up the came to get a thicker draw of vape with more flavor (and more nic). Most of the juices I am running are 70%PG/30%VG and running 24 mg/ml of nicotine.

I am interested in receiving input on:

1) Top choices for other RBAs for use with nets;

2) Other mods which might help me achieve my above stated goal of thicker vape and more flavor;
3) Any suggested other modifications or ideas to try.

What ever you use is going to quickly foul the wick, have you thought about a dripper, strictly for NET?
Wow! That was a whole ton of good info. I've got a Coil Master 521 arriving today, so I can check resistance on the deck versus coil alone and I will ensure it isn't touching the chimney - I'm pretty sure I checked for that, but then again, this was the first coil I've ever built.

So, the big question is - is a drip rig the best way to go for NETs? In terms of maintenance and performance? I can use with the Vapo Flask atty I just bought, right? Any suggestions on a good drip tank for NETs?

I know the NETs are rough on coils, which is why I switched from my starter rig so quickly. By "dry burn", I'm assuming that means run the tank dry, pull the cotton, and burn the coil for 10 seconds or so to cook off the residue?

I appreciate the sage advice here.
I'm concerned why your 1.25 ohm coil is reading 0.27 ohm on your mod. I believe your coil or a clipped lead is making contact with the chimney. So first thing, you need to fix that. I want you to check it on the mod with just the deck, then check it again with the chimney on. I'm pretty sure the 1.25 ohm reading is the correct one given the atty you're using.

Anyone using a NET or other coil gunking juice will be happier with an RTA that allows anytime access to the deck without dumping your juice. There are a number of m2l RTAs that do, and I'll be happy to suggest some. There's nothing wrong with your Russian, but you may want to use a different juice in it, or change your wick and dryburn your coil after each tank.

Big clouds and m2l vaping don't really go together :) There are some single coil tanks with a looser draw that work well with higher vg and can make a nice cloud. I would recommend the EHPro Bachelor or Wotofo Serpent for that. I have a design with Augvape called Merlin, but that one is probably still 2-3 weeks out. But, it would fit into the Bachelor/Serpent category of tanks.


I'm open to your suggestions, I'll look at the two you mentioned. The Exowool silica seems to have a pretty good life for a wick. I definitely don't want to be messing with it every few hours to get it to work right, so it sounds like a drip tank may be the way to go.

I'm going to try some non-NET juices and see how I like them as well. I'm not looking for big clouds per se, just some good "mouth feel".

An that is the problem with the Russian, is I have to run it dry to inspect it. That should be accomplished late this morning. Thanks for the input. More is always welcome.


Diamond Contributor
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I'm open to your suggestions, I'll look at the two you mentioned. The Exowool silica seems to have a pretty good life for a wick. I definitely don't want to be messing with it every few hours to get it to work right, so it sounds like a drip tank may be the way to go.

I'm going to try some non-NET juices and see how I like them as well. I'm not looking for big clouds per se, just some good "mouth feel".

An that is the problem with the Russian, is I have to run it dry to inspect it. That should be accomplished late this morning. Thanks for the input. More is always welcome.
if you're after good mouth feel borrow a friends genisis and get some ss mesh.....and be prepared to spend alot of time tinkering and pulling your hair out.


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When I dry burn, I do it in pulses, maybe 3 seconds per pulse, until it's lighting well and clean.

Many people feel a dripper (RDA) is the best way to go for NETs due to the quick gunk factor.


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If you want to mouth to lung, do what pulsevape said and get a genny or change the build in your kayfun. 28g kanthal, 3mm diameter and 8 wraps wicked with cotton is my go to kayfun build. Kayfun performance is greatly affected by the build and wick. Your setup is far from what I've found optimal for that atty. Good luck.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If you want to mouth to lung, do what pulsevape said and get a genny or change the build in your kayfun. 28g kanthal, 3mm diameter and 8 wraps wicked with cotton is my go to kayfun build. Kayfun performance is greatly affected by the build and wick. Your setup is far from what I've found optimal for that atty. Good luck.
I've always thought the kayfun was alot better than all these chinomizers.....

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