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Best RTA for ipv3


Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Right now I'm looking at the kanger mini since it's rebuildable

What are some others that are good and also rebuildable and the biggest thing is I want to get the one that has the best flavor

I need something that holds 3-5 ml so I'm not dripping while driving and so certain times I won't have to carry a bottle around


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

I like the Starre subtank shown on the IPV4. .25 coil/5ml tank.. It's what I use when driving..good clouds/flavor at 50-55w...
Cant recommend a RTA though as I quit using them when the subtanks came out..
Good luck finding what your looking for

sent from my XT1080 via Tapatalk

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