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Best RTA/RDTA for a Truck Driver?


Member For 2 Years
Hello, my name is Josh and I am new to the forum. So I recently became a truck driver with a dedicated route that runs me over 6000 miles per week. Because of this, I need a very durable and leak-proof vaping solution with a large capacity tank

I have used Smok TV12's since they were released, but they leak far too much. I also have an Ohmega Calypso Genisys-Style tank that I very much love, and it is leak proof so long as it is held up. However, I need a tank that is leak proof no matter its orientation as the mod will have to lay on its side quite often. I prefer large diameter (28-32mm) tanks with a fair bit of juice capacity.

I am very much into my Ohmega Calypso and the RDTA scene. I was wondering about picking up either the Steam Crave Areomizer Plus or the Mason Dump Tank. Any suggestions?


Member For 2 Years
I assume by Squonking you are referring to a mod with a built in tank that can automatically soak cotton on an RDA of your choosing? If so, I am not sure one of those would work for me. I usually vape around 150 watts and the auto-juicing mods I have seen only use a single battery, so they are not powerful enough.

I currently own a ThinkVape Finder DNA 250 triple battery mod that I like alot, all I need at this point is a good Tank. It must be a tank as I drive for 11 hours a day and cannot refill the tank for the entire length of the day.

What type of top airflow tanks would you suggest?


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Hello, my name is Josh and I am new to the forum. So I recently became a truck driver with a dedicated route that runs me over 6000 miles per week. Because of this, I need a very durable and leak-proof vaping solution with a large capacity tank

I have used Smok TV12's since they were released, but they leak far too much. I also have an Ohmega Calypso Genisys-Style tank that I very much love, and it is leak proof so long as it is held up. However, I need a tank that is leak proof no matter its orientation as the mod will have to lay on its side quite often. I prefer large diameter (28-32mm) tanks with a fair bit of juice capacity.

I am very much into my Ohmega Calypso and the RDTA scene. I was wondering about picking up either the Steam Crave Areomizer Plus or the Mason Dump Tank. Any suggestions?

get the recurve squonk


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In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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You might get on with the maganus cloud blaster top airflow similar to the TFV8 beast

You do have to watch the top cap with its plastic threads but it won’t leak on you like the beast does

It’s been out for ages now saw it a minute ago for about $17


Member For 2 Years
@li_vaper21 @KingPin!

Thanks for the suggestions. At least now I have some backup plans. However, as I said I prefer RDTAs. Are their any tanks out there like the Ohmega Calypso but spill proof? Does anyone here have any experience with the Mason Dumptank 30mm or the Areomizer Plus 30mm?


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Dump tank from my reading will do exactly that dump it’s tank all over your mod haha

Armomazier was/is very popular haven’t personally used one though you might also be interested in the’s a biggun!

RDTAs are hard mate I haven’t personally used one where I’d trust it to leave it on its side for long durations especially with road vibrations inevitably the wick will become saturated and will leech into the chamber ....there was a big one called “Iron Maiden” it’s a 30mm RDTA again haven’t used this one but I do know it was popular at the time

Thing is with rebuildables is leaking is mainly down to wicking it right and this takes practice ...pre made coils as long as the bung is sorted around the coil you can alleviate a lot of the leaking up front

I personally like rebuildables but I don’t leave my mod sitting on its side either :(


Member For 2 Years
Dump tank from my reading will do exactly that dump it’s tank all over your mod haha

Well thats a bummer about the Mason, I really like the look of that tank. The good news is I hardly ever had my Ohmega Calypso leak. Because of the tank being below the build deck, it was impossible for the tank to leak so long as it was kept upright. However, because of the fill holes not having plugs of some kind, it would leak the entire tank out if it was tilted over. I have experience building my own coils and wicking so that should'nt be a problem if I can manage to find one that is known to resist leaking.

Im quite surprised that Vape Tank companies havent thought of building an RDTA with top airflow that then flows down to the build deck and then back up to be inhaled. Then it could have the tank on the bottom and simply include a plug for the fill hole and wala - a leak proof rebuildable tank setup.


The Great King of Nothing
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Welcome Joshua. Depending on your budget a Modfather with the post less deck has been one of the most leak free bottom airflow designs I have ever used making it a daily driver for me and they can be made to hold a large quantity, the flavor reproduction is solid and they offer proper cloud satisfaction (IMO). The QP Design Juggerknot spent the whole weekend upside down in a pocket and the only leakage was the liquid already in the cotton (like four drops), making it as leak proof as I have found.

Good luck searching for what you need. A dripping trucker sounds super scary.


Member For 2 Years
@jwill So the ModFather wont exactly work. Last I checked the ModFather is a standard RDA with no tank. As you said yourself, a trucker trying to drip while driving is indeed a scary thought, therefore I need a RDTA (Rebuildable Dripping TANK Atomizer). This is why I had my eye on the Mason Dump Tank as well as the Steam Crave Areomizer Plus.


The Great King of Nothing
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@jwill So the ModFather wont exactly work. Last I checked the ModFather is a standard RDA with no tank. As you said yourself, a trucker trying to drip while driving is indeed a scary thought, therefore I need a RDTA (Rebuildable Dripping TANK Atomizer). This is why I had my eye on the Mason Dump Tank as well as the Steam Crave Areomizer Plus.

Modfather makes an awesome RTA in both 25mm and 30mm. They are awesome.


The Great King of Nothing
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I love my dump tanks (other than breaking glass on them) and never had any leaking issues once learned how to build them correctly. The modfather is literally better in every regard. The only thing that beats it (IMO) is the QP design Fatality which I dont think would be good for your purpose.


The Great King of Nothing
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There are tons of opinions on different hardware on here and a lot of folks with really good experience.


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@jwill well the idea behind the 28mm+ size idea is yo have a large capacity tank (hopefully around 10ml) while having the ability to build large coils with large wicks to reduce leakage (I usually build 3.5mm coils). So if there are any smaller RDTAs that just so happen to have high capacity as well as the ability to build large coils, I would consider those as well.


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Another option to keep in mind for 11 hour stints where you can't fill a tank or charge batteries is multiple setups all ready to go. I usually bring at least 3 complete setups out with me because as we all know shits happens. Like the cooler behind my drivers seat with Ice Cold waters the vape bag is as easily accessible. Once I dropped my MOD and it bounced under the seat so just grabbed the next one I had in reach until I could get out and reach the one I dropped.


The Great King of Nothing
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@jwill well the idea behind the 28mm+ size idea is yo have a large capacity tank (hopefully around 10ml) while having the ability to build large coils with large wicks to reduce leakage (I usually build 3.5mm coils). So if there are any smaller RDTAs that just so happen to have high capacity as well as the ability to build large coils, I would consider those as well.

Thats why I recommended the modfather. They make chimney kits

You can get up to 20ml of juice. That should keep you busy for a while.


Member For 2 Years
@SteveS45 Glad to get an opinion from another driver. I do also have the new SnowWolf X mod I could bring along. However the ThinkVape Finder DNA 250 is a triple battery MOD and throughout my shift, the batteries seem to hold up (I do have the nice Sony VTC5A batts and they are quite powerful). My batts dont break a sweat with chain-hitting 150W @ 0.10 Ohm, the MOD itself is designed to go as low as 0.06 Ohm and can therefore handle just about any build on the planet


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@SteveS45 Glad to get an opinion from another driver.

I am not a truck driver like you I drive a Chevrolet Blazer~! But I do spend many hours behind the wheel like when I am snow plowing or driving on the Parkways doing IT Work. When I am out in the middle of the night clearing parking lots after or during a blizzard sometimes I can't get out of the truck because it is blowing so hard you get white conditions.


Member For 2 Years
I am not a truck driver like you I drive a Chevrolet Blazer~! But I do spend many hours behind the wheel like when I am snow plowing or driving on the Parkways doing IT Work. When I am out in the middle of the night clearing parking lots after or during a blizzard sometimes I can't get out of the truck because it is blowing so hard you get white conditions.

Lol that sounds like fun ;)


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Except for the dumbasses who don't belong on the roads before the town plows have cleared them. That is one of the main reasons you need to get your accounts done before the ID-10-T's come out~!

Gotta love watching them spin out though, I once saw a Fiat 500 doing a full 65 MPH on ice and he ended up spinning a full 720° and then ended up straight in his lane somehow and continued on, it was fantastic to watch :)


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Gotta love watching them spin out though

I love the ones who pull into a parking spot in a lot when I start plowing. I just say the lot is closed and if they do not move their vehicle it will be plowed in until the spring. Even better is the fools who think they can drive over snow I put in the driveway when I start. It is like a big white traffic barricade so I can finish the lot. When they come up to me pleading to get them out I ask why did they try to drive over that mound and I will when I am done but it will cost them~! Hilarious watching them spin their wheels.


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I once saw a Fiat 500 doing a full 65 MPH on ice and he ended up spinning a full 720°

Last year after an 18 inch snowfall the night before I had some kid in one of the rice burner loud ass low Japanese cars trying to pass me at every light. After about the forth time I jumped off the line, dropped the blade angled towards his lane and left 8-10 inches of snow in front of him. Saw him come to a complete stop and still saw him still trying to get out when I passed by again an hour later going back. You know they have what is called a Snow Emergency and he could be ticketed for being out driving.


Member For 2 Years
Last year after an 18 inch snowfall the night before I had some kid in one of the rice burner loud ass low Japanese cars trying to pass me at every light. After about the forth time I jumped off the line, dropped the blade angled towards his lane and left 8-10 inches of snow in front of him. Saw him come to a complete stop and still saw him still trying to get out when I passed by again an hour later going back. You know they have what is called a Snow Emergency and he could be ticketed for being out driving.

Lol Nice!


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I nominate the 14mm Voltrove ;)



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I like that watering hole~! :vino:
Yeah local neighborhood Cafe/Bar that's been in the same family since 1929. Their slogan is "Alcoholic's serving Alcoholic's since 1929", I love this place. It's my sanctuary from the Hipster Hell that Seattle has become.


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Reminds me of the local watering holes we used to have here but are long since gone partly due to the smoking bans.


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Yeah local neighborhood Cafe/Bar that's been in the same family since 1929. Their slogan is "Alcoholic's serving Alcoholic's since 1929", I love this place. It's my sanctuary from the Hipster Hell that Seattle has become.

Ah damnit Im looking to move to Seattle soon lol but yea I love the look of that 40mm behemoth. If it was actually realistic, I would go for it. For now, I think I will try either the ModFather, the Areomizer Plus, or the Mason Dump Tank.

I found several videos showing that the Mason Dump Tank can be leak free, you just have to wick it properly.

U also just found out that the DNA250C chipset was released. I may just pick up a Lost Vape Triade DNA250C


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Welcome Joshua. Depending on your budget a Modfather with the post less deck has been one of the most leak free bottom airflow designs I have ever used making it a daily driver for me and they can be made to hold a large quantity, the flavor reproduction is solid and they offer proper cloud satisfaction (IMO). The QP Design Juggerknot spent the whole weekend upside down in a pocket and the only leakage was the liquid already in the cotton (like four drops), making it as leak proof as I have found.

Good luck searching for what you need. A dripping trucker sounds super scary.
And depending on what truck stops you visit, there will be some other things dripping also


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Yeah local neighborhood Cafe/Bar that's been in the same family since 1929. Their slogan is "Alcoholic's serving Alcoholic's since 1929", I love this place. It's my sanctuary from the Hipster Hell that Seattle has become.
Ask your barkeeep to make you a Rocky Mountain Mother Fucker . Them things are smooth. There are 2 versions. Both are good.


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I use a refill bottle to refill my squonk mod while driving an 18 wheeler and swap batteries while driving also. You have options you aren’t considering. Also, you can’t drive 11 hours without taking a break and it’s impossible to make 6,000 miles a week. Don’t post bullshit please.


Member For 1 Year
Sometimes the leaking can just be coming from faulty o-rings. Have you tried changing your rings on those tanks? I’ve bought a lot of tanks, including smok products and have had little to no leaking.

Sent from my iPhone in Cincinnati, Ohio


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I use a refill bottle to refill my squonk mod while driving an 18 wheeler and swap batteries while driving also. You have options you aren’t considering. Also, you can’t drive 11 hours without taking a break and it’s impossible to make 6,000 miles a week. Don’t post bullshit please.
Maybe he's in one of them fine Swift or CR England team operations!
That would explain why he needs a tank that won't leak when laying on it's side!


Member For 2 Years
Maybe he's in one of them fine Swift or CR England team operations!
That would explain why he needs a tank that won't leak when laying on it's side!

Lol! I am a C.R. England Driver! Dedicated route from Salt Lake City, Utah to Columbia City, Indiana twice a week for a total of 6000 miles a week guarenteed. I need a tank that wont leak on its side because I dont always have a secure place to set it. My partner uses up al the cup holders during his shifts so it ends up where it can fall over from any bump or turn.


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@WallacEngineering ... I have the steam crave aromamizer plus rdta and would full heartedly recommend it - except - it's a juice hog. I run between 65 and 70 watts and I'm filling this thing up a few times a day. I gave up my truck keys and drive a desk now (shame on me I miss the road). But FWIW it's an awesome tank, as long as its built right it doesn't leak (even on its side) but it does not like airplanes. For you to run at 150w...youd probably be filling it up twice as often as me and like I said, I fill mine 2 or 3 times a day driving my desk....

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk


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@MannyScoot If that thing has a twin-turbo V10 diesel swap and it can haul about 25 tons, then yes it counts ;)

@P35 Thanks for the heads up. I just went ahead and ordered the full Areomizer Plus kit with the extra chimneys and glass pieces so I can make the 20ml version. As for your juice consumption, I doubt its the tank. The TFV12 will last me all of my 11-12 hour shift on a single tank and I believe it has a capacity of 7-8ml or so. 150 Watts is the highest I will normally hit. All day today I have been at 125 Watts on the 0.12 "Magnum Barrel" Coil.

Your seemingly high consumption could be due to the type of coil you are running or possibly bad cotton, either that or you vape more than a steam train steams lol.

EDIT: I would have liked to find a Mason Dump Tank because damn that thing is pretty, but unfortunately living in Utah means that sourcing parts is harder. Early 2017 they released a law saying that you could no longer order any nicotine product online and have it delivered to the state of Utah. This includes MODs, tanks, juice and anything else vape related. The only way to order vape stuff online here is to find overseas websites whom are unaware of the Utah law. I was able to order the Areomizer and the new Lost Vape Triad DNA 250C though! Im super stoked for that MOD!
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Diamond Contributor
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I thought I could pull the Harvey Keitel From Dusk till Dawn line...... You see that camper outside... I need a CDL to drive that.... That means I'm a truck driver right.......


Member For 2 Years
I thought I could pull the Harvey Keitel From Dusk till Dawn line...... You see that camper outside... I need a CDL to drive that.... That means I'm a truck driver right.......

Lol wow seriously? Class B I presume for the camper? I would be surprised if they made you go full-blown class A for it. Any ya, I suppose it does make you a truck driver ;)


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A truck driver needs a mod to show he is a man.......or a child........

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk


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Hey guys, Ive been trying to set up my Steam Crave Areomizer Plus for months and no matter what I do I just cant get the wick right. Even if I jam 4.0mm coils onto the deck and stick massive, thick cotton through the juice flow holes, it still leaks the entire tank out in less than 5 minutes. Its just not working out. Now Im trying to get ahold of an Iron Maiden by Hellvape but cant find anywhere to buy it except sketchy chinese websites like GearBest. Any ideas?

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