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Best tank for Tesla Mod?

Hey all, I recently received a Tesla Mod as a gift from my sister. Before this, I have been a pretty new vaper who was sticking with eGo batteries and eVod tanks. I know little beyond that, and I really want to get the right tank for this mod. I know that I should be looking at 510 tanks but there's some stuff I have read about resistance and whatnot and it's kind of confusing... I'm basically lost as hell, lol. I basically need some guidance on the best tanks that can fit this mod, maybe even some tips to help me figure this out on my own in the future... :D I also just wanted to see if anyone else here has a Tesla mod and what tanks have been tested and found to be awesome.

Big thanks in advance!


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Are you looking for a rebuilable tank, or not?
Lots of airflow or not?


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Cant go wrong with a protank2 or 3 or as Twisted Vapor said Kranger AeroTank. Protank 1&2 also are kranger.

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