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Better fill-up your carto. This can get long :)


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Greetings to all,
My name is Donley Wilson, AKA DonleyDoRight. I have been a vaper and cigarette free for six years.
I was invited to join Vaping Underground by UncleRJ (thank you very much) whom I’ve known from other forums for a couple of years.

UncleRJ thought that Vaping Underground would be a good, no GREAT, new home to belong to.
Many of you may already know me as I have been active on “other” forums for over five years, AND also know I am co-owner of with my wife Carol, and that tobacco extractions are “My Thing.”

I started vaping when a friend of mine, “D” (who is a PhD professor of Theoretical Physics that I have huge respect for) showed me and told me about this “Electric Cigarette Thingy” that he bought.
He showed me some el cheapo 401 looking things that needed these little, tiny juice carts that went in the tip and needed replacing about every 5-10 puffs, IF they were not already dried out when he opened a new $10.00 five pack.

He said that he was not very satisfied with it and it hadn’t slowed his 3 pack a day of Marl… Red habit one iota.

Well now, with me being the total geek that I am, I just HAD to know more. So I Googled “Electric Cigarettes”, read the history of its invention, and found a web store named “Innovapor”.

I ordered a 510 double kit for, Gulp, $150.00 that came with a 15ml bottle of EcoPure and when it arrived, THAT was the last day I smoked cigarettes.

A week later both my wife and her besty, Brenda, who had been smoking for 42 years, had 510 kits and they TOO became non-smokers within a weeks’ time.

Well, we were absolutely beside ourselves and in fact it brings a tear to my eye thinking about it as I type, that after countless years of trying to quit and hundreds (probably thousands) of dollars spent on every quit-smoking method known, from patches to acupuncture to hypnotism, I WAS a non-smoker.



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So with our new found euphoria of finding a product that would/could cause lifetime 2+ pack a day smokers to not even finish the cigarette packs that were open, all three of us went out into the world and showed everybody, anybody, dead bodies, this new “Thing” we had discovered.

We bought kits for ALL of our smoking family members and friends, and then they bought kits for their friends and families. Carol and Brenda started having “Vaporware” parties at people’s houses showing 5, 10, 15 people at a time and letting them try out this E-Cig thing and vape this awesome Chinese juice.

Did I say AWESOME Chinese juice? NOT!

Since we were now buying and selling kits, (funny how a business can start (I’ll tell you about how our first BIG order over $6K was seized by the FDA and held for over a year another time) we found that on subsequent orders of e-liquids, that a flavor that was a favorite (Cappuccino to be exact) didn’t taste or even look the same as the exact same flavor from the same vendor just a month earlier. Or even within the same order. Found a chink in the armor, we did.

Again, being the total geek that I am, I broke out Google and started lurking around, then participating in forums and researching just “What IS in this e-Liquid”. Bought a bottle of VG and some LorAnn’s Cappuccino at Walmart, and wow, better tasting than what we had been buying from China.

Then, what about the nicotine? Back to Google and “The” forum (You know who I mean) and I even attempted to extract nicotine from tobacco. Didn’t succeed at removing the nic, but, WOW did I find a way to extract the flavor from tobaccos! Then I found Levy of Extreme Vaping and, as they say, the rest is history.

So, within a few months we stopped buying VG and flavorings at Walmart, and now here we find ourselves, 6 years later, still in business and want2vape has become known worldwide for our tobacco extracts, now called NET’s. Other than a few bumps in the road, like “Don’t name a flavor after a trademarked product like say ‘Coca Cola’” cease and desists, we have grown, made new lasting friendships and no longer have ‘day jobs’. Life is good and only getting better.

When you start out helping others and only have their good will at heart and don’t start a business JUST for the money, everything in life will work out for the best.



VU Vendor
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Last one, promise :)

Oh yeah, my friend “D”. About 2 years into vaping we bought MODs, BIG batteries and low ohm Tanks. We hooked “D” up with a Pro-Vari and a CE4 (hey, it was a long time ago) and he too, finally tossed out his smokes. In fact, about a year later, he was and still is smoke AND also vape free. And that is, let’s see- 6-3+1.5 carry the 1= 2, yeah, 2 1/2 years ago..ish. :)

So again, I want to thank not only UncleRJ for inviting me to join “The” Vaping Underground, but all of VU’s fine members. I recognize many of you already and acknowledge you are known for helping out wherever, whenever a Newbie needs it. Carol and I will be more than confident sending folks here looking for e-cigarette and vaping advice.

Have a wonderful day/life,

If I can help ANYONE with ANYTHING please ask.
Been there done that in the vaping business and the world of tobacco extraction.
So whether you're a newbie, a veteran or just have a tobacco extraction question. Again, please ask.
That IS why we are all gathered here..

I know this was a "Tad" long. But even after 6+ years, we are still excited about vaping and have nightmares of what the FDA may do.


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This was easily one of my most favorite forum introduction's I have had the pleasure of reading.
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VU Vendor
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Thank you for the warm welcome. It is my pleasure to be associated with this fine forum.

I have been a member of them all, And Vaping Underground is easily the most honorable.

Perusing through the members list I recognize many old friends and fond memories overwhelm me as I recollect past conversations with them.

So again it is MY pleasure and honored to be welcomed and accepted here.
Happy Independence day to you all.
May we all be safe as we ponder the sacrifice others gave so that WE could be free.

If I can be of service to anyone or the forum as a whole, please ask.


While in the process of becoming an "Official" Vendor. The fine folks here at Vaping Underground have allowed us to post in the "unlisted forum" (Just how cool is the forum and these guys?)
So we took advantage of the kind offer and did :)

(You can find it here.)

I even made a post for our Independence Day Sale just so you all had a chance to see what we are all about.
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nice welcome, you seem to have more luck then me at converting people from cigs lol. so far ive manage to get one smoker to buy an ego one kit and stop smoking, but every one else just looks at me vaping like im retarted ;(


#Team Jimi Supporter
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Welcome to VU! Glad to have you with us!

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Welcome from me as well!


VU Vendor
VU Vendor
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nice welcome, you seem to have more luck then me at converting people from cigs lol. so far ive manage to get one smoker to buy an ego one kit and stop smoking, but every one else just looks at me vaping like im retarted ;(

You know we are NOT supposed to use the term "Retarded" anymore. It's insensitive. lol
It has now been changed to: "intellectual disability" (As I roll my eyes in incredulity)

Can you believe they actually signed a LAW changing that?
Rosa's Law Oct 2010 . Wow, talk about a complete waste of time spent in Washington. But I digress.

Ok so much for my FALSE indignation . If anyone is retarded it's me :)

In the old days of vaping it was such a novelty that people showed heighten interest when they saw you vaping.

So I believe (IMO) that folks were more open to conversation and wanting to know How it worked, IF it worked, Why it worked.
So converting a smoker to vaping was easier, If for no other reason than the novelty of it all.

And to be completely honest, Many have returned to smoking.
It IS so much easier to walk into a gas station, plunk down $5+ for a pack of smokes (+ a lighter or matches) and fire up. than to take the time to learn the ins and out of vaping,charging, keeping juice on hand ect.

Now being much more common place, in the news and signage everywhere stating "No Smoking" No Electronic Cigarettes"
And everyone is also constantly being bombarded with "ANTI-Vaping" in the media as well. And states like Calif. (Where I am originally from and I apologize for) Are openly campaigning against vaping.
I read that they (Calif.) even admitted that it was because of lost revenue from Tobacco sales tax.

So I think that one HAS to be convinced to try vaping, make a concerted effort to quit smoking, ask for help and advice and go way out of their normal comfort zone.
Again, just my opinion.

One thing I know for sure, 100% written in stone. That IF you GIVE someone an e-cig kit, they 99% of the time will NOT convert to vaping.
Whether it's lack of $kin in the game, lack of respect (both self and towards others) or just don't care. It never seems to work.
And while I hate having to charge a family member, I know deep down in my heart it is for their own good.

Now with my Nephew, I made him a deal, He pays for the kit and I would keep him in juice (really trying get away from the term "Juice" and use "e-Liquid". But that's another story)
Still didn't work with him.

So I think is WAS easier in the old daze (For just about everything) to convert smokers to vapors.
So you are NOT alone Nor retarded.

Or, you could very well be retarded o_O But since we haven't been formally introduced I'll withhold judgment.

I'm sure somewhere on this forum there is a thread on "How to help others convert to Vaping" with stories of success and failures.
If not, maybe there should.

I apologize for the retard jokes. And they ARE just that. I mean nor meant ANY disrespect.
I absolutely adore the lot of you all. And would nothing to compromise our relationship.
Just poking a bit of fun at the term as it was in the news recently.

Have a wonderful Holiday weekend. Let's go wave a flag. (I guess the "Confederate flag is out of bounds though)

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You know we are NOT supposed to use the term "Retarded" anymore. It's insensitive. lol
It has now been changed to: "intellectual disability" (As I roll my eyes in incredulity)

Can you believe they actually signed a LAW changing that?
Rosa's Law Oct 2010 . Wow, talk about a complete waste of time spent in Washington. But I digress.

Ok so much for my FALSE indignation . If anyone is retarded it's me :)

In the old days of vaping it was such a novelty that people showed heighten interest when they saw you vaping.

So I believe (IMO) that folks were more open to conversation and wanting to know How it worked, IF it worked, Why it worked.
So converting a smoker to vaping was easier, If for no other reason than the novelty of it all.

And to be completely honest, Many have returned to smoking. But I now live in the South where (Gonna get beat for this) folks are a bit less open to change and generally less edumacated.
It IS so much easier to walk into a gas station, plunk down $5+ for a pack of smokes (+ a lighter or matches) and fire up. than to take the time to learn the ins and out of vaping,charging, keeping juice on hand ect.

Now being much more common place, in the news and signage everywhere stating "No Smoking" No Electronic Cigarettes"
And everyone is also constantly being bombarded with "ANTI-Vaping" in the media as well. And states like Calif. (Where I am originally from and I apologize for) Are openly campaigning against vaping.
I read that they (Calif.) even admitted that it was because of lost revenue from Tobacco sales tax.

So I think that one HAS to be convinced to try vaping, make a concerted effort to quit smoking, ask for help and advice and go way out of their normal comfort zone.
Again, just my opinion.

One thing I know for sure 100% written in stone. That IF you GIVE someone an e-cig kit, they 99% of the time will NOT convert to vaping.
Weather it's lack of $kin in the game, lack of respect (both self and towards others) or just don't care. It never seems to work.
And while I hate having to charge a family member, i know deep down in my heart it is for their own good.

Now with my Nephew, I made him a deal, He pays for the kit and I would keep him in juice (really trying get away from the term "Juice" and use "e-Liquid". But that's another story)
Still didn't work with him (Oh, and he IS retarded to a slight degree. At least medically diagnosed as such)

So I think is WAS easier in the old daze (For just about everything) to convert smokers to vapors.
So you are NOT alone Nor retarded.

Or, you could very well be retarded o_O But since we haven't been formally introduced I'll withhold judgment.

I'm sure somewhere on this forum there is a thread on "How to help others convert to Vaping" with stories of success and failures.
If not, maybe there should.

I apologize for the retard jokes. And they ARE just that. I mean nor meant ANY disrespect.
I absolutely adore the lot of you all. And would nothing to compromise our relationship.
Just poking a bit of fun at the term as it was in the news recently.

Have a wonderful Holiday weekend. Let's go wave a flag. (I guess the "Confederate flag is out of bounds though)

LOL :) yup i completely agree, most people don't care. I know its not correct saying retarded but its so much kooler then saying "i look special vaping on these big box looking items" but then again the "trend" is kinda new here in Romania. Yes i am in romania i am attending school here FYI but i love it here. and yes punctuation and grammar is a no go for me. at least while i am using my phone lol its hard to make everything right with big fingers on an htc mini :)


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Welcome to VU great thread to read that really glad you have done so well! Im still on the learning curve and been on VU for about 3 weeks now and alot of these guys have gave great advice dout id be as far into vaping as i am now with out them! WELCOME

happy vaping


VU Vendor
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Now with my Nephew, I made him a deal, He pays for the kit and I would keep him in juice (really trying get away from the term "Juice" and use "e-Liquid". But that's another story)
Still didn't work with him.

I forgot to mention though,

While my nephew went back to smoking. His parents converted to vaping. Lock stock and barrel for which we applaud them for.

They are one flavor, one battery, one type of carto folks. NO changing or trying new flavors allowed.

So goes to show that we ALL are different and what works for one may not for another.

And what makes the possibility of Big Brother limiting our choice on flavors so terrifying.


Silver Contributor
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What an amazing into, welcome to the forums Donley!

Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
A welcome from Me. There is no question that can be asked that someone here doesn't know the answer too.
That's enormous power. :cool:


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You know we are NOT supposed to use the term "Retarded" anymore. It's insensitive. lol
It has now been changed to: "intellectual disability" (As I roll my eyes in incredulity)

Can you believe they actually signed a LAW changing that?
Rosa's Law Oct 2010 . Wow, talk about a complete waste of time spent in Washington. But I digress.

Ok so much for my FALSE indignation . If anyone is retarded it's me :)

In the old days of vaping it was such a novelty that people showed heighten interest when they saw you vaping.

So I believe (IMO) that folks were more open to conversation and wanting to know How it worked, IF it worked, Why it worked.
So converting a smoker to vaping was easier, If for no other reason than the novelty of it all.

And to be completely honest, Many have returned to smoking.
It IS so much easier to walk into a gas station, plunk down $5+ for a pack of smokes (+ a lighter or matches) and fire up. than to take the time to learn the ins and out of vaping,charging, keeping juice on hand ect.

Now being much more common place, in the news and signage everywhere stating "No Smoking" No Electronic Cigarettes"
And everyone is also constantly being bombarded with "ANTI-Vaping" in the media as well. And states like Calif. (Where I am originally from and I apologize for) Are openly campaigning against vaping.
I read that they (Calif.) even admitted that it was because of lost revenue from Tobacco sales tax.

So I think that one HAS to be convinced to try vaping, make a concerted effort to quit smoking, ask for help and advice and go way out of their normal comfort zone.
Again, just my opinion.

One thing I know for sure, 100% written in stone. That IF you GIVE someone an e-cig kit, they 99% of the time will NOT convert to vaping.
Whether it's lack of $kin in the game, lack of respect (both self and towards others) or just don't care. It never seems to work.
And while I hate having to charge a family member, I know deep down in my heart it is for their own good.

Now with my Nephew, I made him a deal, He pays for the kit and I would keep him in juice (really trying get away from the term "Juice" and use "e-Liquid". But that's another story)
Still didn't work with him.

So I think is WAS easier in the old daze (For just about everything) to convert smokers to vapors.
So you are NOT alone Nor retarded.

Or, you could very well be retarded o_O But since we haven't been formally introduced I'll withhold judgment.

I'm sure somewhere on this forum there is a thread on "How to help others convert to Vaping" with stories of success and failures.
If not, maybe there should.

I apologize for the retard jokes. And they ARE just that. I mean nor meant ANY disrespect.
I absolutely adore the lot of you all. And would nothing to compromise our relationship.
Just poking a bit of fun at the term as it was in the news recently.

Have a wonderful Holiday weekend. Let's go wave a flag. (I guess the "Confederate flag is out of bounds though)

Sister in law is in New York this weekend and went to buy a pack of cigarettes and they were 14 dollars so she is not smoking thus weekend. Lol


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Back to this retarded thing.

IMHO, it's just a catchall to inform those that need to know that the person which is at the forefront of the conversation has a mental condition.

And IMHO, it is a perfectly fine word if not used in an unkind way.

Example, you are walking down the street with your child.

And said child says "Daddy, Why is that man talking to a stop sign?"

And you say, "The poor dude is retarded". Kind of a catchall.

Or if you were a psychologist, you may be able to tell your kid that the strange man is "Suffering from a mixture of paranoia and talk to stopsines psychosis"

OK, I made that last thing up.

But the word served us well until we got politically correct.

We no longer have bald people,

We have the "Follically Challenged"!

By the way, my cat is retarded. But I still love her.

Sorry, past time for my meds!

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