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better quality clearomizer


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Hello im so impressed with my starter kit after two days that i have decided this is definitely for me. No More stinky tobacco products for me! In your opinion what do you think a better quality clearomizer is for not cheap but not expensive? Also in your opinion what is a very hearty thick satisfying liquid that gives a thick vapor and on the higher nicotine side? for a good throat hit preferably coffee flavored but open to other flavors too


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Well its a zig zag clearomizer disposable, i think its the juice i bought that im probably so impressed, i got 30mg double espresso cause that was the best packaged. I read that its the best quality juice you can probably get from a gas station.


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Hello im so impressed with my starter kit after two days that i have decided this is definitely for me. No More stinky tobacco products for me! In your opinion what do you think a better quality clearomizer is for not cheap but not expensive? Also in your opinion what is a very hearty thick satisfying liquid that gives a thick vapor and on the higher nicotine side? for a good throat hit preferably coffee flavored but open to other flavors too
What do you have now? And what's wrong with it? If nothing, maybe just buy a second as a backup...but flavor is a pretty personal thing - you might want to visit a B&M and test out some flavors before buying until you get a hang of what flavor profiles you might like. Unfortunately, I could never find a decent coffee vape until I started making my own...most were just too dark and gunked up my coils and started tasting like hell pretty quick...

Kent B Marshall

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What battery device are you using?


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Well if gas station ecigs has you impressed, pretty much anything you get at a proper vape store or reputable online store will likely be a win for you. stick to the bigger names for hardware for now til you get your bearings. (Kanger, aspire & innokin)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Kent B Marshall

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Limited selection for the ego battery. Recommend to stay with zig zag
innokin iclear 16
Aspire CE5 (BVC)
Aspire ET - EGO Clearomizer BVC

Kent B Marshall

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3.7V 650aMH e-go battery. Is a higher battery better for getting thicker somke and good throat hit
Sorry hit post before I completed, I edited
Others will join in with their recommendations
Good Luck


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I was in your position just a few weeks ago. I had a basic starter kit (Kanger Emow), it got me off cigarettes but after 2 weeks I knew I needed something better. I was not afraid to spend a few bucks because I knew I liked vaping. A few people here suggested the Kanger Subtank Mini and Eleaf Istick. I bought both (30 watt Istick) and I could not be happier. The battery lasts me 2 full days, and the Subtank Mini holds enough Juice to get me through a whole day. The whole vaping experience is much more enjoyable with this set up. More vapor and less hassle.

One thing to consider is you will likely have to lower your nicotine level with the Subtank Mini. I was happily vaping 18mg Nic Juice with my Emow. Trying to vape the same 18mg juice in my Subtank Mini was way too strong for me. I went down to 12mg and now even 6mg at times.

Good Luck!


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I was in your position just a few weeks ago. I had a basic starter kit (Kanger Emow), it got me off cigarettes but after 2 weeks I knew I needed something better. I was not afraid to spend a few bucks because I knew I liked vaping. A few people here suggested the Kanger Subtank Mini and Eleaf Istick. I bought both (30 watt Istick) and I could not be happier. The battery lasts me 2 full days, and the Subtank Mini holds enough Juice to get me through a whole day. The whole vaping experience is much more enjoyable with this set up. More vapor and less hassle.

One thing to consider is you will likely have to lower your nicotine level with the Subtank Mini. I was happily vaping 18mg Nic Juice with my Emow. Trying to vape the same 18mg juice in my Subtank Mini was way too strong for me. I went down to 12mg and now even 6mg at times.

Good Luck![/QUO
Theese are the kind of opinions im looking for. What do you use? Is are all dispoables begginer level?


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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3.7V 650aMH e-go battery. Is a higher battery better for getting thicker somke and good throat hit
A battery with variable voltage will get you what you want. They are known as twists or a battery with adjustable voltage. The Zigzag rig you have does not have that. It's 3.7volts no matter what. When you increase the voltage, the coil gets hotter, producing more vapor - to a point, then it tastes burned. Yes, It's an ego style battery fixed at 3.7 volts.

We can help you kick the smokes and vape. PM me if you need help.


The Road Warrior
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A battery with variable voltage will get you what you want. They are known as twists or a battery with adjustable voltage. The Zigzag rig you have does not have that. It's 3.7volts no matter what. When you increase the voltage, the coil gets hotter, producing more vapor - to a point, then it tastes burned. Yes, It's an ego style battery fixed at 3.7 volts.

We can help you kick the smokes and vape. PM me if you need help.

+1 for this and feel free to PM me as well. I looked up your Zigzag kit online. The style of tank you have is want is more commonly known as a "Top Coil CE4" clearomizer. A couple years ago that was pretty much a staple tank and heavily used because at the time (2012-2013) it was the standard for beginners clearomizer tanks just like it is now. I still have some of those style of tanks but made by Innokin (out of one of my starter kits I bought on sale for the eGo batteries in it,) and another one that Kanger used to make with replaceable coils (known as the CE-X)

There is nothing wrong with starting on that tank but Zamazam is right that a "twist" eGo battery or a variable wattage device like an Eleaf Istick would be your next step when you're ready to upgrade. There are several versions of eGo Variable Voltage batteries available now a days and you'll want to google threw them to see if that is the route you want to go...or if you're serious about sticking with vaping which, from the sounds of your posts you are, you might want to consider skipping the next level of eGo and go straight for a beginners regulated Variable Wattage mod which will greatly open up your options for what kind of tank you can power and give you more flexibility in the future saving you money in the long run from "stepping up" one device at a time. If you want to go the eGo route than Discount Vapors has about the largest selection I can think of off the top of my head. If you want to do some research here and watch as many reviews on youtube as you can for the various box and tube regulated mods than 101vapes or Vaporbeast with their discount codes and a few other places may be where you want to start your shopping. The advantage to going with something like an Eleaf Istick 50 watt is that it's got a built in battery pack of 4400 mah that you charge with a USB cable like your phone so you don't have to buy external 18650 batteries and a charger for them out the starting gate, but can power sub ohm tanks (tanks with a resistance of less than 1 ohm,) to help give you that thicker vapor your seeking like the Kanger Subtank series or the Aspire Atlantis tanks or the Arctic Tank,,,those are the one's I like but your milage may vary.

The reason I bring up maybe skipping ahead to a regulated box or tube mod is because of the way you are describing the e-liquid you're seeking. E-liquid is made up of three or four basic components....PG (propylene glycol), VG (vegetable glycerin), flavoring, and if desired nicotine. Some liquids are nicotine free. Generally speaking PG is the thinner of two base ingredients. PG is generally a better flavor carrier and is responsible for most of the "throat hit" feeling of e-liquid...either on it's own or in conjunction with nicotine depending on your nic level and the quality of the ingredients of the liquid. VG is thicker and sweeter on it's own but does not carry flavor as well, it is responsible more for the vapor production in your liquid. Both base ingredients produce vapor but VG produces far more than PG on it's own. VG gives a much denser feeling vape but lacks the throat hit of PG even with high levels of nicotine mixed into it. Most, but not all flavoring is PG based...but there are some liquids that use a VG or alcohol based flavoring...this is necessary as some people are sensitive or allergic to PG and cannot vape liquids that are PG heavy or in some cases contain any PG at all.

Because of it's thicker and stickier nature, most older clearomizers like the one you're using and even some newer ones like the Nautilus and the Aerotank series can have a difficult time wicking some VG heavy liquids. There are exceptions like Alien Visions E-juice flavor Boba's Bounty, which is 100 percent VG to the best of my knowledge, but I was able to get it to wick in a Kanger Evod clearomizer but I had to build the coil a certain way and drill out the airflow holes in it to get it to wick properly. Generally, clearomizers like the one you're currently using like a 50/50 blend of the two at best or one with 60 percent or more PG. The newer sub ohm series of tanks have much larger juice flow ports and can handle much higher concentrations of VG in their stock coils where as before you would have had to modify them or use them in a rebuildable tank or dripping atomizer. Some people thin their VG heavy liquids out with a drop or two of distilled water for use in clearos like your but it takes some practice to get the mix right and as much as one drop extra can over thin the liquid and dilute the taste an vapor enough to make it unpleasant.

However, these sub ohm coils require devices with much higher power outputs to fire the subohm coils than generally put out by an eGo style battery. Some of these tanks, like the Kanger Subtank series, also have a 1.2 ohm coil option that can be fired on some eGo batteries but it is still recommended to use them on a higher powered device.

I am linking a couple threads to help explain the battery safety and power basics and about resistance and building. As these threads were written in response to other people's questions not all of the wording in them pertains to your specific question but the general knowledge in them is go to know never the less. I know you've been digging around the liquid threads and other parts of the forum and you are definately off to a good start. Any questions you have please as them in a thread or PM me directly if you'd like and if I can't answer them I can point you to who can. Once again, welcome to the VU and congrats on making the switch to vaping and best wishes on your vaping journey! :)


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Thanks man that was a lot of info and very helpful. So im assuming my local smoke shop will have alot of this stuff or is it usually an online endevor?


The Road Warrior
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Thanks man that was a lot of info and very helpful. So im assuming my local smoke shop will have alot of this stuff or is it usually an online endevor?

I don't know about where you're at but my local smoke shops are only good for the cheap beginner stuff like knock off ego kits and cig-a-likes and cheap liquids...we have had vape shops popping up like weeds all over literally just in the last 12 months and half of them I wouldn't recommend shopping at either for the same price to quality issues...I would try and look around the best you can and find the biggest vape shop you are able to get to in your surrounding area to check stuff out and see what they carry. Shopping online is usually the cheaper route yes but it's good to support the local B&M's from time to time as they serve a valuable place in the community...especially if they are knowledgeable about the products they're selling. Something can look perfect online and then you get it in your hands and you hate it...even if you don't buy it from the local shop it's nice to go down and look at things...

I hate using this comparison publically but it's an accurate one...mod shopping is kind of like gun don't know if it's the right one for you till you've held it in your hand and pulled the trigger. Unforchanatey, Vape shopping is like gun shopping in the same respect in that every vape shop has a groupie or two that hang around the shop all day and butt in when you're trying to get help or keep talking to the clerk distracting you from getting help and snicker's at the new guy and is just an all around douche'....I hate to say it but I have yet to go into a vape shop that hasn't had "that guy" sitting at the counter. That aside, even if I go into shops to look and not buy I usually buy like an ego charger or something to use in a homemade starter kit for my friends as I have many ego's practically new and unused and no chargers so if I want to look at a mod I'll look at it, buy my charger (I look as the small purchase as "renting" my time there :) ) and go my merry way and buy online. Like I said, I know it's a dick thing to do but when you're on a budget you've got to think if your wallet first because the vape shop won't pay your bills unless they give you a job :)

The other reason it's easier to find stuff online is because vaping was mainly an underground kind of thing until a couple years ago so an online retailer could reach a much larger audience than a local shop and do more business with less overhead so at this point we have several reputable online vendors with much larger selections at much more reasonable prices because they've been established for several years at this point while you have maybe one or two vape shops in the larger areas that have been around more than two shop at your desgression.

You can always look up reviews on youtube and ask here if you have any specific questions...there's no such thing as the wrong question...just the wrong person to answer it :D

Joshua Iles

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+1 for aspire bvc tanks. I prefer a plastic drip tip over metal, so an aspire k1 even tho small might be a good choice as u can buy drip tips for it. Aspire ce5 is what I mostly use right now, have 2 of those a k1 et-s and a vivi nova. All take bvc coils, for me that was a nice step up from evods, which is a step up from ce4s. All about personal preference, if u prefer a box type mod get an mvp20w, cheap and super easy to use. I have a 2.0 and like it fine, but 20w are generally cheaper and have more power, crazy huh?


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@Joshua Iles One of my local Vape Shops starting using Aspire K1's with 10 watt Mini Isticks for sampling their Juices. I was VERY impressed by this little set up, lots of vapor & excellent flavor. The best part is it discreetly fits in the palm of your hand. I am considering buying this combo as a cheap back up / stealth vaping system. I love my Subtank Mini & 30 watt Istick combo, but at times I would like something a little more discreet.

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