I have this weird issue with my Big drippers: I fill the tank to the brim (and with thick VG too), and it holds the 5 ml of juice for days on end, no problems (I mostly drip with my Big Drippers, I only keep the tank full for when I drive). But then suddenly, the tank starts to empty itself: for hours, the deck is flooded and the vape is wet and crummy, until the tank is finally empty. There's no stopping it from slowly discharging juice into the chamber when it starts doing it. I don't handle my mod any different, I don't shake it, I don't open the tank or press the pump... I don't do anything: at some point, the tank bleeds itself dry and that's that.
Both my Big Drippers do that. Anybody knows what I might be doing wrong here? Or what might cause this?
Both my Big Drippers do that. Anybody knows what I might be doing wrong here? Or what might cause this?