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Blueberry Cake (Junk Food Vape)


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Member For 5 Years
Blueberry Cake by lirruping

4% CAP Sugar Cookie v2
3% CAP V. Custard v2
1% fw Yellow Cake
0.5% fa Meringue
1% TFA or Cap Sweet Cream
2.5% flv Blueberry Muffin
1.5% fa Bilberry
2% fw Tres Leches (this is key for the cake effect - no subs that I can think of)
0.5% FA Caramel (this you can leave off or substitute, but add it if you have it)

I think I posted this, or a variation of it, a few months ago in some thread somewhere...about something else. But I've been making different versions of it and vaping it a lot lately, especially during my move and as life changes so drastically, it's nice to have something I like so much staying the same. I feel like this version is the best balance of sugary-sweet creamy-cake, a touch of spice (from the Sugar Cookie) and fruit, so I've decided to give it its own thread.

It has some baddie type ingredients and some may want to scale back on the total flavoring since it's on the high side, but boy oh boy is it yummy. It's comfort vape :)

I know a lot of people may not have Flavorah. Their blueberry muffin flavor is pretty mild, both on the blueberry and on the muffin, but it definitely adds something important to making this taste like blueberry cake. If you wanted to try this without flv B. Muffin, I'd recommend using any non FA blueberry (along with bilberry as noted above) + a tiny bit of AP to kind of get in the same ballpark.

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