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Brain chemical dopamine bounces back after quitting smoking


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The brain makes less dopamine, a chemical involved in both pleasure and addiction, when people smoke but this temporary deficit may be reversed when smokers kick the habit, a small experiment suggests.

It is assumed that the brain adapts to the repeated nicotine-induced release of dopamine by producing less dopamine,” said lead study author Dr. Lena Rademacher of Lubeck University in Germany.

Nicotine addiction is known to be associated with abnormalities in the dopamine system. But scientists are uncertain if smoking induces those abnormalities or if they already exist in some people and make them more vulnerable to getting hooked on nicotine.

Because the study found that most nicotine abnormalities went away after smokers quit, it suggests they are a byproduct of smoking, Rademacher said.

“In case of a predisposing trait, abnormalities are expected to persist with abstinence,” Rademacher said. “Conversely, if dopamine function normalizes with abstinence this rather indicates that alterations were induced by substance consumption.”

One limitation of the study is its small size, which makes it difficult to draw statistically meaningful conclusions, the authors note. The study also only included men, making it hard to say whether the findings would apply to women.

You know what happens when someone assumes right?
I guarantee you this theory was never tested outside of SMOKING cigarettes.
So how do we know it isn't one (or a mixture) of the OTHER 6,999 chemicals in a cigarette along with nicotine that fucks with the dopamine levels?

Oh thats right, WE DO KNOW that already:

Ammonia cooked with tobacco makes the nicotine up to 35 times as strong
The function of ammonia in commercial cigarette manufacturing is to turn the nicotine into a vapor ready form by converting bound molecules into free molecules. If you are smoking commercial cigarettes, you're getting up to 100mg of potency in one cigarette. This alone wrecks the body's ability to properly regulate dopamine and serotonin levels, balancing the entire process on three fulcrums: the potency of the brand being smoked,how many cigarettes are smoked per day, and when the cigarettes are being smoked. This is why so many smokers grab a cigarette and light it up before or after something stressful, or a situation which requires energy and motivation

Why do most nicotine related cessation programs fail?
Nicotine gum delivers between 2 and 4 milligrams per piece. Nothing close to the amount received from smoking an ammonia-treated "cig." The
patches deliver less than 1 mg (between .5 and .9 mg) each hour, and that's on a slow, fairly constant release into the blood. Again, nothing like the nicotine vapors in a commercial cigarette, which reach the heart and brain within 3 seconds. Medications like Chantix and Zyban do not contain nicotine at all, but block the brain's receptors to it, creating a very dangerous "wall" which can also disrupt dopamine and serotonin from reaching proper regions in the brain. This is exactly why suicide is a side effect of these two prescription medicines

These "Scientists" aren't stupid and the above isn't new news to anybody.
In other words THEY ARE LYING and claiming that SMOKING feebase nicotine in tobacco cigarettes is just as bad as using very small therapeutic doses of nicotine like we do when we vape.

In order for a vaper to get even close to the 100mg dose that's in a single tobacco cigarette via freebased nicotine he/she would have to vape 300mg/ml nic (30% Nicotine!!!) for approx 20 minutes straight!!!

Fortunately the VERY HIGHEST nicotine strength eliquid on the market is 36mg/ml (only 3.6% nicotine)
You can see from a mile away how these quacks are trying to demonize even the very small amounts of nicotine that we use as vapers.

The moron lawmakers will no doubt fall for it.

“To the extent that smoking or other drug use alters how this system functions normally can have impacts on behavior that increase the likelihood that one continues to use drugs or has difficulty in quitting drug use,” McClernon said.

“Dopamine regulation of motivation for instance, is likely involved in the tendency of drug users to be overly preoccupied with drug use” to the exclusion of other forces in their lives like work and relationships, McClernon

This is total bullshit because I was addicted to opioids for over a decade.
As a matter of fact I am dependent upon them as you read this.
Opoids have NOTHING to do with the dopamine receptors, the Delta, Mu, & Kappa receptors are what makes opoids work.

So unless "drugs" means something else this guy is talking out of his ass - 5150


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If you are smoking commercial cigarettes, you're getting up to 100mg of potency in one cigarette.

I don't think so.

Empirical point: For many years, I've used nic gum in the rare situations where I can't smoke/vape. Back when I was smoking, a 4mg piece of nic gum had a "kick" to it and I had to chew it much more slowly than I do now that I vape. Ergo, I postulate that I'm getting more nic from my vaping than I ever did from my cigarettes.

Theoretical point: The nic in our juice is "free" -- unbound, not in the form of salts like it is in tobacco. Getting it into this state is what increasing the pH in tobacco with ammonia is intended to accomplish, but it's only partially effective. Hence the nic in out juice should be at least as "potent" as the nic in commercial cigarettes, if not more so.

Poppa (K)

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It would be interesting to see if caffeine use was a factor during this study.

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