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Brand new to vaping. Mello 3 mini tank burnt or no flavor after a day.

I have been vaping for maybe a week, and I'm already this close to just going back to cigs. I REALLY don't want to, so, I'm hoping I can get some help here. I bought a Eleaf iStick with the Melo 3 mini tank. Before, I had a Smok 22, but oil leaked into the battery and shorted it out. Now, I have this iStick and it just tastes awful. I prime the coil, let it sit, put the wattage to something viable, everything I've been able to find. After a day or 2, every coil stops giving me flavor. EVERY coil I've tried. I even paid for another tank that came with more coils. Same issue. I'm at my wits end. It's either burnt, or tasteless, and I'm unsure which is worse. I am having no luck with these devices at all, and its ruining my ability to get away from tobacco.
Please, I DO NOT want to go back to cigs. If anyone can help me, I'd be forever grateful. Thank you. If more info is needed, I'll gladly post it.

Hillbilly Pig

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What is your PG/VG/nic content of your juice? If its high VG, it probably ain't wicking right, you could try poking a couple small holes in the cotton with a safety pin, but be careful with that method. Another reason for bad flavor, could be the juice you have just tastes like shit. Do you switch up your flavors? You could be getting what is known as vaper's tongue. Also factory coils will have duds, it's a toss up whether or not the cotton is packed right.
Lot of questions here...
Ratio of my juice is 30/70 pg/vg. I have several flavors. All tasted great in the smok, but they all taste terrible in the pico. I don't think its the juice. I considered getting different coils, but I'm trying to avoid spending money I don't have unless I'm pretty sure it will fix the problem. What kind of coils can I use in the Pico? Based on what you say, unsure if I should get more of the ones that came with it...
Thanks for the advice so far!

Hillbilly Pig

Silver Contributor
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The only coils available for the melo III is .3 and .5, correct? Not sure what to say there. How many watts are you vaping at, and do you gradually increase the levels to get there? You need to slowly increase your watts to your preferred range, you can't just jump there. Sorry I ain't much help, but I'm not totally sure how to help here.
Unsure what my "prefered" wattage should be. No matter what I try, either has no flavor, or tastes burnt. I'll try ordering more coils, but honestly, I'm VERY new to this. So, havent even learned how to find my favorite wattage. Maybe I am doomed to go back to cigs. Sigh...
Thank you for trying. Hopefully others with some ideas will chime in too.


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Unsure what my "prefered" wattage should be. No matter what I try, either has no flavor, or tastes burnt. I'll try ordering more coils, but honestly, I'm VERY new to this. So, havent even learned how to find my favorite wattage. Maybe I am doomed to go back to cigs. Sigh...
Thank you for trying. Hopefully others with some ideas will chime in too.
New coils need a "break in". At first you'll experience a metal flavor, which will disappear after a short period.

It is important to know the wattage, and the eJuice you are using!

In order to find the "sweet spot" of the eJuice you are using, you have to start at a low wattage. I usually increment the wattage by 2.5 W step by step, until I get the most vapor, and flavor. If you start getting just a hint of a burnt flavor, step it down to the previous wattage. That should do the trick.


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I never liked the Eleaf coils myself but any of the Aspire Atlantis style coils fit that tank. I'd recommend the Aspire Triton Clapton or the EVO coils. Here's a list of coils that fit that tank.
A lot of the coils have the wattage range printed on them. As Neunerball said start bellow that with a new coil and work up until you get a good vape. Welcome to the VU. . There is a bit of a learning curve so don't give up it's worth it.. Don't forget to prime a new coil.
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I never liked the Eleaf coils myself but any of the Aspire Atlantis style coils fit that tank. I'd recommend the Aspire Triton Clapton or the EVO coils. Here's a list of coils that fit that tank.
A lot of the coils have the wattage range printed on them. As Neunerball said start bellow that with a new coil and work up until you get a good vape. Welcome to the VU. . There is a bit of a learning curve so don't give up it's worth it.. Don't forget to prime a new coil.

Thank you for the info! Would these work in the Pico?
New coils need a "break in". At first you'll experience a metal flavor, which will disappear after a short period.

It is important to know the wattage, and the eJuice you are using!

In order to find the "sweet spot" of the eJuice you are using, you have to start at a low wattage. I usually increment the wattage by 2.5 W step by step, until I get the most vapor, and flavor. If you start getting just a hint of a burnt flavor, step it down to the previous wattage. That should do the trick.

Thank you! I'll keep this in mind!
Two of the listed ones will. The one that says Mega only...probably not.

EDIT: The Atlantes style coils have threads at the top. You won't use them with the Melo tank so ignore them.

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by this. Could you elaborate? "two of the listed ones"? "The one that says Mega only"? What does this mean?
Sorry to ask so many questions, but, as I said, I can't get this right, I might have to give up. I really appreciate the help!


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
I have a Melo III Mini and I have found that the tank tends to vapor lock until the coil breaks in. I loosen the cap until I see air bubble rise out of the cotton on the coils to not burn the coil out. Once the coil have a few ML's pushed thru it no need to do it any longer, Failure to do so results in scorched cotton for me. As to VG/PG ratio from my experience using High or MAX VG it makes no difference even with Aspire BVC Coils.


Diamond Contributor
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Also what wattage are you firing the Melo III Mini coils at? I only use between 25-27.5 watts with the .3Ω coils.


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
After trying some suggestions here, I've settled on 28.5 watts. So far, so good. Thanks for the tips!

Glad to help!


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