I started Vaping about 8 months ago to get a nicotine fix indoors. I started with a cheap small pen, moved to a single 18650 mech mod for clouds, then ran into an old damn good friend of mine who turned me onto an IPv4. I got a Tobh Atty and I was finally satisfied. Temporarily anyway. I lost interest for a while due to heavy drinking and drug use, went to rehab and wanted to quit my 10 cigs a day habit. The doctors told me it was the worst time to quit and I quickly moved up to a pack a day. Sometimes a little more depending on what time I woke up and what time I went to bed. I moved into an SLE for three weeks after my 31 day stay in rehab, and they allowed vapes. I gave my IPv4 with a Royal Hunter dripper to a housemate because I didn't feel like fixing it(he got it fixed and I told him to keep it). I bought a Kangertech Kbox nano for myself, been vaping that for four weeks with a tank. This little thing packs a punch! I'm currently waiting on a cherry bomber v2, a 30mm Tobh atty, 4 18650 Samsung batteries, and a tool kit. I want to start doing my own builds to save money and have fun. The Kangertech will be my commute mod, while the cherry bomber will be dedicated to cloud chasing and a lot of fun. I still smoke cigs but back down to half a pack again. I'm soooo tiiiirred right now. Falling asleep, yet not wanting to be rude, so, goodnight all.