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Broke my smoke thing


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I have a kange subtank mini... I had it attached to something cool but forgot what it's called now because I dropped it and threw it away. It was variable silver with two buttons to change intake and a button on the side to smoke.

Anyway the thing is broken. I need something new. I wanted to step up, but I want something compatible with this

Sorry for the huge picture. My budget is say 175 but staying close to 100 would be cool. Let me know what you guys think is the best buy for that money to work with mmy tank as I have 2 of the tanks and don't want tot ditch them.

Modfather you were so helpful before if you see this PM me dude! It's Jimmy!


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Can I use this with a flask with a decent amount of power?


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Get the aspire cf mod it is great with those or a sigeli would still be in your price range


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There is no point in paying extra for temp controlled if you are going to be using prebuilt kanthal


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I'm a fan on the iStick 50w. It has an internal battery, which some don't like, but that's the exact reason I do like it


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For this situation, I'd second the iStick 50 watt. Less to have to fiddle with (batteries and charger). Unless you are chain vaping at 30+ watts all day, this should run you all day on a charge.


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For this situation, I'd second the iStick 50 watt. Less to have to fiddle with (batteries and charger). Unless you are chain vaping at 30+ watts all day, this should run you all day on a charge.
I can chain vape at 22 watts all day and not kill it:)


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Can I use this with a flask with a decent amount of power?
Yes, a 40watt flask will have enough power for the sub-tank. I second the idea of a iStick 50 watt, they are not expensive and produce a lot of power with a really good battery capacity.


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what if i were chain vaping hypothetically


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you know whats funny i didnt know the name of what i had but looking up the istick50w but i had the mini i think


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The way I see it, on the off chance you do drain it, when are you not near a usb charger for a bit?


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I don't have an Istick 50 but have seen them in action and only heard great things about them. Especially if you are using the sub tank mini, you can't vape that anywhere near your 50 watts.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


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[ QUTE="Zamazam, post: 411189, member: 1221"]I go through 4 tanks before I need to charge my iStick 50.[/QUOTE]
Sub tanks? I go thru 4 tanks on my sub nano and still have well over a half charge


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Yeah maybe I will get the istick 50 again... I was just hoping for a big upgrade :( Now what about the istick vs. the istick mini?


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The mini is only 10 watts I think. Then they made a 20w, 30w, now the 50w. If u had the mini, the 50w is a huge upgrade. I don't know much about the mini, but I wouldn't even think it would fire the kanger sub tanks


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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[ QUTE="Zamazam, post: 411189, member: 1221"]I go through 4 tanks before I need to charge my iStick 50.
Sub tanks? I go thru 4 tanks on my sub nano and still have well over a half charge[/QUOTE]

My tank is the original 25mm Sub-tank....


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The mini is only 10 watts I think. Then they made a 20w, 30w, now the 50w. If u had the mini, the 50w is a huge upgrade. I don't know much about the mini, but I wouldn't even think it would fire the kanger sub tanks
Nope, the mini iStick won't fire the subtank.


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Sub tanks? I go thru 4 tanks on my sub nano and still have well over a half charge

My tank is the original 25mm Sub-tank....[/QUOTE]
What ml is that tank? The nano is only 3, so thru 12ml s, I still have alotta charge left


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I could be wrong then but i def want *moreee powerrrr* (tim the toolman tsyjor voice

so how does the istick staxk up against the aspire cf mod or a sigeli


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Whats the modfathers sn on here so i can message him. No flasks would work with my tanks?


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I could be wrong then but i def want *moreee powerrrr* (tim the toolman tsyjor voice

so how does the istick staxk up against the aspire cf mod or a sigeli
Apples and Canataloupes. The Sigelei (depending on model) at 30, 50, 100, or 150 watts is a good selection if you want the ability to change your batteries. The CF mod is fix voltage, 4.2 volts and is kinda a semi-mech, that is a mod with some protection, but more or less just a fixed voltage mod.


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So I could get this

And it would be 3x more powerful but I would need to change batteries?


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You can find pre-orders for the IPv4 for less than $70 shipped.


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You can find pre-orders for the IPv4 for less than $70 shipped.

When will the preorders be shipped and how do the batteries do because my previous setup had usb charging but still barely lasted a day and the charger frequently fell out


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The IPV doesn't have an internal battery. You have to buy batteries for it, just like with the Sigelei's. Then you need to buy a proper charger for those batteries, and you also need to know battery safety.

IF you want a battery changeable mod, I suggest you learn this stuff first, before you buy one.

The iStick 50 is going to have MUCH more battery capacity, as well as more power, over the mini you had. And it will be simple enough to use.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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So I could get this

And it would be 3x more powerful but I would need to change batteries?

It would last longer depending on how high you set the watts, but yes, you will need good batteries like Samsung 25R's and a decent charger like a LUC or Xtar.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The IPV doesn't have an internal battery. You have to buy batteries for it, just like with the Sigelei's. Then you need to buy a proper charger for those batteries, and you also need to know battery safety.

IF you want a battery changeable mod, I suggest you learn this stuff first, before you buy one.

The iStick 50 is going to have MUCH more battery capacity, as well as more power, over the mini you had. And it will be simple enough to use.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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You'll get there James. Think it over and go with what you feel comfortable with.


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OK now best question. Where to buy (the best) juice because my local place has barely decent rates and I just was on a trip to the big city for juice and it felt like I was an inmate and there was no vaseline on the broomstick when I got rung up.


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Not the cheapest juice but my personal favorite... :D

Good luck shopping and happy vaping....and remember...if you go the Segeli route (which is a nice route to go with,) get two pairs of good batteries like Samsung 25R's or LG HE 4's and label one set 1 and 2 , the other set 3 and 4. Always keep the two pairs together, always charge them together and make sure they charge and discharge evenly. You can tell this Buy getting a good Xstart charger of an efest LUC charger that has an LED screen to show how the battery is charging and how much charge it has when you put it on the charger. When you put your batteries into your mod rotate which side the battery is on every other time....the batteries are drained in series in mod's the the Segeli 150 watt. Making sure they charge and drain evenly and keeping them paired and rotated like that will help insure a long happy battery life.

And when you notice that the batteries aren't discharged equally or charging equally then they are wearing out and need to be replaced because the internal resistance is going up in them and they will not preform as well....takes a long time to happen in a regulated mod like that with good batteries...just giving you some good knowledge to have from the start. Happy Vaping! :)

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