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Broken Age: Act 2 Review


Staff member
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Vape Media
Spoilers for Act 1 ahead. Head over here for our full Broken Age: Act 1 review.

Broken Age: Act 2 is a smart, fun, challenging cap to Double Fine’s Kickstarted adventure. Still just as gorgeous and well-written, Act 2 is nearly twice as long as its predecessor. It ups the ante with surprising new characters, intriguing story reveals, and some really ingenious puzzles for the most part. There are a few nagging challenges along the way, but nothing that really detracts from the fantastic adventure at hand.

Picking up right at Act 1’s phenomenal cliffhanger, a bulk of Act 2's charm is how it flips the first part’s script on its head. I really enjoyed how the theme of role reversal seeps through nearly every moment of Act 2. Exploring a decrepit Mog Chothra as Vella, and meeting the citizens of Meriloft as Shay shine new light on the events of the first half of the game. Controlling both characters as they come to terms with the realizations that they’ve been lied to for a bulk of their lives constantly provides hilarious, and often-times poignant moments. It's a well-written and surprisingly-mature story of growing up, dealing with the messes life throws at you, and ultimately coming out a better person.

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