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Burning after a Rebuild

Hey guys I have a quick question...I have built/re-wicked many many times but my girlfriend recently got a Stingray Clone and a Tobeco top and for the first build it burned normaly and never had an issue. I have rebuilt it 4times sence then and every time it eather flames or has a horrible burning taste...I use 24g wire and it seems to be fine...I'm just curious as to why this is seems like the cap is touching the coils or the screws...could that cause the burning or flameing? Any info you guys could give would be awsome...I just want to get it working right and safe!


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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  • Don't allow the coils to touch the cap or deck. That is a short. Dangerous.
  • If it's flaming, you have a much bigger problem such as not knowing how hot or low the resistance is.
  • If it is producing a burning flavor, you may not have enough wick in the atty.
  • Get an Ohmmeter and check your builds.
  • Learn Ohms law and the limitations of your batteries.
Thanks alot for that info...her top is different than mine and I have never built on one before so I believe the top is touching the coils...that's at least the olny thing I can think of because it burns/smells great without the top on. Would you recommend a smaller gauge of wire? Would the screws touching the top effect it as well?


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Yes the screws touching the top is a big no-no!

Any contact with the top or edges (in the case of the coil itself) will cause a short..never a good thing!


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If you value your lady's pretty face and hands you'll toss the Stingray into the junk drawer and buy her a regulated mod.

You've obviously got no business using a mech, especially a hybrid one, and you're putting yourself and your girl at risk.

Sounds harsh, but it's the truth.


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If you have been shorting then it's likely that the battery in use has been damaged by it even if it didn't vent. Building on a mech absolutely requires using an ohm meter to know your resistance and that you are sure there is no short before ever placing it on the mech mod. It's critical that you know the demands you are placing on the battery don't exceed it's capabilities. Any battery regardless of it's quality will be damaged by a hard short and if you don't disconnect it from the short fast enough, vent. Regulated mods can help protect you from mistakes. The only protection with a mech is your own knowledge.
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