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Burning arctictank could

hey guys new around here. Iv had it around 6 months now. For some reason My coils only last me 1 day 2 days tops. Iv tried everything, Iv pre soaked my coils overnight, Iv tried just a few drops and letting it sit with a full tank over night, Iv worked the coil in from 10 watts slowly working up to 50 watts. Iv tried other mods. Right now I'm using my sigelei 150 l, Iv used my ipv3 in the past and I get the same results. My first set of coils that came with the tank lasted me over a week and now I'm gone through 15 coils and its getting expensive. I make sure my tank doesn't get below the glass Iv also tried just refilling it at half a tank and no changes I'm vaping at 50 watts with the .2 btdc 15-20 ml of one hit wonders milk man. I'm hoping someone has some clue what I'm doing wrong


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Member For 3 Years
I personally have not had good luck with the .2 coils. They burn out to quick for me. I use the .5s. I normally run them around 26 watts.


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Member For 3 Years
From my experience, Arctic coils dont like long drags. With the cool easy comfortable draw, I find it hard to resist, and the coils are burnt in a day or two with the 0.5s.

I may try the TC coil to see if that controls the issue.

I have vaped the Arctic from about 45 to 72, but usually not over 60w. Seems its the hit not the wattage that causes the burn. Dry hits are rare, maybe happened once.
hey guys new around here. Iv had it around 6 months now. For some reason My coils only last me 1 day 2 days tops. Iv tried everything, Iv pre soaked my coils overnight, Iv tried just a few drops and letting it sit with a full tank over night, Iv worked the coil in from 10 watts slowly working up to 50 watts. Iv tried other mods. Right now I'm using my sigelei 150 l, Iv used my ipv3 in the past and I get the same results. My first set of coils that came with the tank lasted me over a week and now I'm gone through 15 coils and its getting expensive. I make sure my tank doesn't get below the glass Iv also tried just refilling it at half a tank and no changes I'm vaping at 50 watts with the .2 btdc 15-20 ml of one hit wonders milk man. I'm hoping someone has some clue what I'm doing wrong
I use the .5 ohm btc with an eleaf 60 watt and it seems I get the longest life between 20 to 25 watts. I tried upwards of 40 watts as the .5 are rated 20-40 and they seem to last longest around 25 watts with short drags. If I long drag them with even a small amount of air closed off from the flow control, they start to taste like crap around 5 or 6 days. They also seem to burn hotter after 5 days for some reason. I'm not having the best of luck with the Arctic tank myself.

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