What's up vape veteran's. This question is for you heavy warm vapers.
I recently purchased a sigelei 150w.
I am new to dripping but love those warm vapes. I have a 0.2 ohm parellel dual coil build on my zenith clone right now that was built for me to experiment with. The flavor is amazing at 53.4 watts but I can't go higher without a burnt taste what can I do to go higher wattage and still get good flavor? I know I don't need a lower build. Wicking? Juice? I don't get it. Please help if you can, and thank you for attempted efforts
I recently purchased a sigelei 150w.
I am new to dripping but love those warm vapes. I have a 0.2 ohm parellel dual coil build on my zenith clone right now that was built for me to experiment with. The flavor is amazing at 53.4 watts but I can't go higher without a burnt taste what can I do to go higher wattage and still get good flavor? I know I don't need a lower build. Wicking? Juice? I don't get it. Please help if you can, and thank you for attempted efforts