This recipe is based off something my grandma made for me when I was a kid, I loved them. They weren't exactly healthy, but damn they were good. so naturally I wanted to vape it.
1% INW biscuit
1.25% FA butter
1.5% FA cookie
.4% HS cream
1% FA fresh cream
.25% FA vanilla classic
steep time: ~1 week
It needs the full week to let the butter calm down a little. Don't really have much else to say about it, hope you enjoy
1% INW biscuit
1.25% FA butter
1.5% FA cookie
.4% HS cream
1% FA fresh cream
.25% FA vanilla classic
steep time: ~1 week
It needs the full week to let the butter calm down a little. Don't really have much else to say about it, hope you enjoy