For a while now I've been trying a bunch of BF RDAs with single coil options, and so far I can't get good/any flavor out of any of them. I've got a hadlay clone with a BF pin that I love, but it doesn't get the biggest hits. Currently my favorite RDA is the OBS cheetah with a single twisted coil in between the posts, but this doesn't have a BF pin.
RDAs I'm struggling with:
* Peerless Special Addition
* Goon 22
* Velocity Clone
I ran all of these with a single coil, the peerless/goon claim single coil support and I've heard about people running them with single coils but I just don't get good hits. Sometimes I can get a big hit, but there's no flavor.
My currently theory is airflow. The Hadaly and OBS Cheetah both have directed airflow in some way or another, but the others just have holes in the cap.
Anyway, does anyone have any ideas? I mostly use fused Clapton coils, 24/36 SS, or twisted 24 SS but I've tried smaller fused Clapton coils.
RDAs I'm struggling with:
* Peerless Special Addition
* Goon 22
* Velocity Clone
I ran all of these with a single coil, the peerless/goon claim single coil support and I've heard about people running them with single coils but I just don't get good hits. Sometimes I can get a big hit, but there's no flavor.
My currently theory is airflow. The Hadaly and OBS Cheetah both have directed airflow in some way or another, but the others just have holes in the cap.
Anyway, does anyone have any ideas? I mostly use fused Clapton coils, 24/36 SS, or twisted 24 SS but I've tried smaller fused Clapton coils.