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Can't stop coughing, I must be doing it wrong.

Hi all, new to the VU forum but hoping y'all can straighten me out. Bit of background: my wife and I are both 1-2 pack/day smokers. We tried the JC Vea pens 1.5 years ago and was never satisfied with the results, so back to smoking we went. Now we both seriously want to get off the cancer sticks, so I did a little research and bought 2x Cool Fire IV Plus 70W mods with iSubG tanks and 15x .5Ohm coils.

I have four bottles of JC's new Vapor Liquids (high-VG) line (1.2 Peachified 90/10, 0.6 & 1.2 Bold Tobacco 70/30, and 0.6 Plantana 70/30). I also went into Create-a-Cig and had them mix me up 6 different Tasty Peach and Breakfast of Champions 10ml batches in 1.0, 1.8, and 2.4 strengths - no idea what the VG/PG ratio is in those. My intention was to try varying flavors and nicotine strengths and find something that works for us, then go back and buy a large supply. When I try a new flavor I clean out the tank with paper towel and put in a brand new coil - coil primed before firing - just to make it a clean start. I anticipated losing some $1.79 coils during the learning curve, still beats cigarette prices!

Here's the problem - the iSubG/.5 coil is rated for 20-35W, but no matter what wattage I try - as low as 15W and as high as 30W - both of us cough violently from the first hit. I *want* to vape, but even the 0.6 stuff at 15W sends me into a fit, and my wife with asthma is even worse. Sure, we did a lot of abuse to ourselves of all those years of smoking, but I'm hoping someone has an idea for me. Different juice to start? Different tank/coil? Maybe I just got the wrong mod entirely. Any tips are much appreciated!

On reflection, I am a mouth-to-lung smoker, and the worst coughing was when I tried to do lung hits. However, even if I let a hit sit in my mouth and then take it down 5s later I'm still coughing.


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Member For 4 Years
Hello VAPER,
Make sure coil heads are saturated
Start slow 10 watts?
Adjust the airflow, make it as restricted as possible, try a different coil heads 1.2 ohms??
Then go from there...
We all had the same experience.... Overtime ur lungs will open up and will get use to it...
Don't give up, this is how it starts, and maybe Lower the nicotine level
And try a 50/50pg EJUICE and adjust from there...
Go to a VAPE shop and try samples, ask questions and try other tanks... Always start slow and adjust to ur liking... Good luck

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Are you hitting the isub Mouth to Lung, like you would a cigarette? Could be you're hitting it too hard.

Edit... Re read and saw the end of your post. Yeah, I think you're hitting this tank too hard...
After reading ej1024's thoughts, I did a bit of reading and hear that 1.5Ohm coils may be better for starting out. I don't believe I can get a 1Ohm+ coil for the iSubG. A quick look around and I see a Kanger Protank 3 (510 thread) and their 1.5Ohm V2 coils out there for pretty cheap. Does anyone have feedback about swapping tank+coils out on my mods during the 'startup' phase, then coming back to sub-ohm vaping later?

Dante - I started out trying to hit it hard, but even gentle puffs (0.5s of firing) don't seem to help a lot with the coughing.


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After reading ej1024's thoughts, I did a bit of reading and hear that 1.5Ohm coils may be better for starting out. I don't believe I can get a 1Ohm+ coil for the iSubG. A quick look around and I see a Kanger Protank 3 (510 thread) and their 1.5Ohm V2 coils out there for pretty cheap. Does anyone have feedback about swapping tank+coils out on my mods during the 'startup' phase, then coming back to sub-ohm vaping later?

Dante - I started out trying to hit it hard, but even gentle puffs (0.5s of firing) don't seem to help a lot with the coughing.

Your mod can fire low enough to make use of the pro tank 3, and a tank like that will have significantly less airflow, a much smaller bore, and this will all lead to much less vapor, which could certainly assist your issues.

No harm at all in switching to different tanks and coils. In fact I highly recommend it if it will keep you away from smoking :) see if you can take a look at the Aspire Nautilus Mini as well. It's a great starter tank that is perfect for MtL use. Just a suggestion.

Also, did you try any of the juices you bought in the shop before you walked out with them? I feel pretty confident that the 2.4 = 24mg/ML, which is a fairly high level of nicotine. I see that you stated the .6 had the same effect on you, but as a newer vapor, hitting 6 MG nic sub ohm could lead to the coughing fits. Let alone 24...


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This is normal, I thought the same thing when I started. I would see other vapers hitting their mod and I was like holy moly he's a madman!!!

2 days of vaping the cough and hack went away and I was off to vaping heaven!!!:)

Been a year next week and it's one of the best choices I have ever made, so keep trying don't get discouraged.

I was 2 packs a day...


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
1.5 ohm coil head
10-15 watts
Adjust airflow to ur liking...
protanks? I SAY NOPE!!
Try 50/50pg juice or high pg,especially if ur using a tank, high vg is too thick for a high resistance coil to will end up tasting burnt or un satisfied VAPE..
Go to VAPE shop
Ask for tank juice
Try different nic mg
Adjust to ur liking..after that,
You will find urself wanting more and more, then you will start HOARDING like all of us... Good luck

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Hi all, new to the VU forum but hoping y'all can straighten me out. Bit of background: my wife and I are both 1-2 pack/day smokers. We tried the JC Vea pens 1.5 years ago and was never satisfied with the results, so back to smoking we went. Now we both seriously want to get off the cancer sticks, so I did a little research and bought 2x Cool Fire IV Plus 70W mods with iSubG tanks and 15x .5Ohm coils.

I have four bottles of JC's new Vapor Liquids (high-VG) line (1.2 Peachified 90/10, 0.6 & 1.2 Bold Tobacco 70/30, and 0.6 Plantana 70/30). I also went into Create-a-Cig and had them mix me up 6 different Tasty Peach and Breakfast of Champions 10ml batches in 1.0, 1.8, and 2.4 strengths - no idea what the VG/PG ratio is in those. My intention was to try varying flavors and nicotine strengths and find something that works for us, then go back and buy a large supply. When I try a new flavor I clean out the tank with paper towel and put in a brand new coil - coil primed before firing - just to make it a clean start. I anticipated losing some $1.79 coils during the learning curve, still beats cigarette prices!

Here's the problem - the iSubG/.5 coil is rated for 20-35W, but no matter what wattage I try - as low as 15W and as high as 30W - both of us cough violently from the first hit. I *want* to vape, but even the 0.6 stuff at 15W sends me into a fit, and my wife with asthma is even worse. Sure, we did a lot of abuse to ourselves of all those years of smoking, but I'm hoping someone has an idea for me. Different juice to start? Different tank/coil? Maybe I just got the wrong mod entirely. Any tips are much appreciated!

On reflection, I am a mouth-to-lung smoker, and the worst coughing was when I tried to do lung hits. However, even if I let a hit sit in my mouth and then take it down 5s later I'm still coughing.

I was a heavy smoker before and when i started to vape i'd get pretty bad coughs too. Since you're still transitioning and are still smoking cigarettes, you're going to cough for a good while, for me it was a couple of weeks at least. It's just something that you're going to have to get used to for a bit until your lungs start healing. I don't cough anymore and I've tried all sorts of pg/vg ratios along with different strengths of nicotine and I don't cough unless I get a weird hit every blue moon.


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After reading ej1024's thoughts, I did a bit of reading and hear that 1.5Ohm coils may be better for starting out. I don't believe I can get a 1Ohm+ coil for the iSubG. A quick look around and I see a Kanger Protank 3 (510 thread) and their 1.5Ohm V2 coils out there for pretty cheap. Does anyone have feedback about swapping tank+coils out on my mods during the 'startup' phase, then coming back to sub-ohm vaping later?

Dante - I started out trying to hit it hard, but even gentle puffs (0.5s of firing) don't seem to help a lot with the coughing.
I used to vape using Protanks 2/3, years ago. They are pretty good tanks for mouth to lungs hitting.
For sub-ohm vaping, your nicotine level is pretty high, also causing your coughing. Before sub-ohm, I was using 12mg/ml nicotine. With sub-ohm, I started off with 6mg/ml. Meanwhile, I'm down to 3mg/ml.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Are you priming the coil really good? Also have you tried different airflows? I mean its possible you could both have PG sensitivities but unlikely. Have you tried local vape shops to test some juices and devices? It might help. I would say try some high VG juice at it cuts down on throat hit but I hav no experiance with that tank and do not know it it would handle lets say a 90/10 vg/pg juice.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Since you're already using high VG, I would suggest trying a 50/50 mix. When I first started vaping high VG would make me cough and feel as if I was getting bronchitis. My lungs did eventually get used to it, but some people have problems with high VG!


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Starting out with a tank and 0.5ohm coils will take some getting used to.
Even switching from a cig to a 1.5 ohm setup takes getting used to.
It's a brand new sensation for your throat and lungs.

I had to get used to vaping when I switched from cigs to an eGo, then when switching from an eGo to a Nautilus tank and 1.5 ohm coils, then again when switching to the Atlantis tank and it's 0.5 ohm coils, and again when switching to dripping. Each time I had to start out with a low wattage and gradually work up to the higher wattages as my throat and lungs got used to the change in airflow and vaper production.

My suggestion is to try and take much smaller hits by either by lowering the airflow or lowering the power.
Aside from that, it could be too strong a nic level for the tank and it's irritating your throat.
Or as Amanda said, the VG level. Sometimes the dense vaper VG produces can make you cough.

Be sure to drink fluids as well, as vaping can dehydrate you, especially your mouth and throat.
Try taking a sip of water between hits and see if that helps.


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I started (vaping) on a Thursday with a 1-ohm eGo ONE unit (rather similar draw to a ciggy). By that Saturday, I was sending smoke signals on (0.3?) TC coils and 0.5 standard Kanthal on a TC40W. No coughing -- THAT SAID -- Some juices I use have a very strong throat-hit and others you don't even feel.

I have "Cinnamon Apples" from That1Vape that nearly feels like ciggy smoke on a 1-ohm tank. Then there's "Crema" from Element that I can DtL 0.3 until the cutoff switch goes (10 seconds on my eVic VT) and you don't even notice it. Both are 3ml nic, and between v70/p30 and v80/p20 -- so the only "big" difference is the flavor used. Speaking of that, there's another Element juice (Watermelon Chill) that gives a similar throat hit to the Cinnamon Apples -- In that case, the difference is *only* the flavor. Same (80/20) mix, same mfg., completely different feel.
SUCCESS!! I stopped at the vape shop this afternoon and bought 2x Nautilus Mini tanks w/1.8Ohm coils each, also picked up 2 new flavors of 50/50 blend juice (as Amanda and ej1024 recommended). It is SOO much easier to vape @ 8W/1.8Ohm/12ml juice and I'm not coughing very much at all! Even my asthmatic wife digs this new setup! I know there will still be coughing as we go through smoking-detox.. but as long as it ain't hard coughs every hit I can get serious about quitting cancer sticks! Appreciate all the tips guys, thanks so very much.

Crybaby, I ordered a couple of those 510 flow controllers to try with the iSubG/0.5 setup - sure as heck don't need it on the Nautilus Mini's! Airflow is already restricted enough there as it is.
Massive, appreciate the tips on the juice will check it out down the road - my local vape shop makes some darned good juice and I like to support local biz.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
make sure your wicks saturated...alot of people have trouble doing direct lung hits if they've smoked for a long time, there lungs have trouble handeling it....and lastly the juices you bought that you don't know what the PG/VG ratio is...they could be a problem...if they may have a high enough PG ratio that they are making you cough....anything above say 30% PG makes my sinuses act up and I cough.

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