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Caps creamy yogurt


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Just got it in today, wanna jump straight into it.
Online there have been a lot of variances in percentages so im going to have to just jump right into it.
Im going to try this:
Caps creamy yogurt 5%
Caps sweet strawberry 4%
Fa strawberry 1%

Then im thinking a little fa meringue, no more than .5%

Dont wanna go too crazy with it at first but im a custard kinda guy so either 4% caps vanilla custard or 2% fa custard.... i dont know if the vanilla in the caps custard will go well with the yogurt, the fa might be better because ive always tasted a little zest action in that one...

Maybe on a different altogether im thinking something like .5% fa hazelnut and some or something like 1-1.5 tfa toasted almond or even something like .25 tfa malted milk......

Any ideas on something fresh to do with caps yogurt? I got the bcv today that i ordered tuesday, the ecx i ordered the same day should be here tomorrow and then i should have some other different flavors to try it with but i wanna do something tonight with it....

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I haven't got around to getting a yogurt flavor yet. I'm interested in your thoughts/description of it.
Real yogurt is a very versatile flavor. My first thought was to use it to enhance cheesecake flavors. Specifically cheesecake gc. Good flavor but more custardy than cream cheesy. But like I said i have no idea. Just a thought.


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Ok so i did a quick taste test and decided this juice had 1 of 2 possible routes (for me and for now that im just getting to know the flavor). 1 route is attack it with a lot of sweetness to eliminate some of the bitterness, which isnt that bad, but its definitely there. The other would be to hit it with something citrusy and hope that the bitterness from that would blend with the bitterness from the yogurt and then ease a little sweetness into it and just hope it all goes well, and imo it has (as a shake n vape, might change for the better or for worse).
Decided to replace my original strawberry yogurt idea with a tangerine/orange yogurt custard and decided to throw some vanilla in there for the hell of it, this is what i came up with.

Its a work in progress, when the custards come out more and the tangerine simmers down some and the yogurt does whatever it is the yogurt does i will see where changes can be made, decided to share it anyway since it tastes pretty damn good to me right now. The tangerine took over a little bit it should mellow out as it has for me with other recipes.
Any thoughts?

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This looks very nice. I've got everything except tangerine and I might sub in peach or nectarine to try your recipe out.

I've made only a couple of yogurts (using cap regular and greek), but neither turned out very creamy or yogurt like. I used 5% cap yogurt in a mango/orange/cardamon blend, but went a little heavy on the cardamon. 2 bottle drops in 15ml sucked any sweetness out of it, it seems. I'm thinking of adding mint and honey to it now--going for a lassi flavor. Next time I will try adding some other creamy agents as you have done. I look forward to hearing how your mix tastes after it's had a few days.

The greek mix I made was similar--peach mango--with 7% cap greek yogurt and 2% bavarian cream as a base, but that didn't work out tremendously well either.

The last one I tried was also using cap creamy, and used an idea for a yogurt base by /u/enyawreklaw on reddit

5% cap creamy yogurt
0.5% FA Meringue
0.5% FA Caramel

to which I added:

1% [actually 4/5ths%] INW Mango (4 drops in 15ml)
2% cap golden pineapple
cap orange cream 1%
0.5% fa mandarin

Again, it was ok, but didn't really give me a yogurt experience. Maybe it's me--three 'meh' results in a row and I have to wonder. I'll give it at least one more go with your proportions, though. Thanks!


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Im enjoying this vape so much might not make it to any significant aging time.. will make another 60ml when i get home from work to save some for aging.

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I definitely need to try this. I was on a yogurt nightmare mixing run for a while there. I have both versions of the CAP's yogurts and I tried mixing them together, separate, all sorts of things and I never really came up with anything worth sharing, but I never thought to try custard with them! I'm a damn idiot, my daily rotation consists of 4 different custards and that thought never crossed my mind to try that haha.

Thanks for sharing!


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Tell me what you think of it when you do it.

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Tell me what you think of it when you do it.

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Have you come up with other yogurt recipes? I would try this but orange isn't really my thing. I have blueberry and a couple of different strawberrys and lots of cookie/waffle and enough vanillas and creams to sink a small ship. but not too much for fruit...
surprisingly I haven't come across too many yogurt recipes and the ones I have are for greek yogurt which I just don't have and won't until payday on the first of the month.


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ive been messing around with different combinations of coconut, raspberry, billberry, blackcurrant and different strawberries in single and combo mode. to me this yogurt mixes well with a lot of different fruit, just start low % and shoot up as needed. i find with the tartery fa berrys i need to start real real low like .25 to .5 cause they dominate my senses.

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also i removed custard and meringue from the mix.

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surprisingly I haven't come across too many yogurt recipes

Blueberry Yogurt
CAP Creamy Yogurt 5%
CAP Blueberry 5% (you can use others but may need adjusting)

Peach Yogurt
CAP Creamy Yogurt 5%
CAP Peaches & Cream 5% (others will work too)
FA Meringue 0.5%

Strawberry Yogurt
CAP Creamy Yogurt 5%
INW Shisha Strawberry 2% (TFA Strawberry Ripe would probably need to be around 7%+)

Cherimoya Yogurt
INW Cherimoya 2%
FA Yogurt 3%
FA Condensed Milk 0.5%

You can usually mix Yogurts with most any fruits using simple 2-3 flavors and comes out decent.
Yogurts don't seem to be too fussy about the amounts used IMO, and I don't think it would be un-vapable if too much was used.
Hard to describe, but the 4 Yogurts I've tried have a somewhat Yogurty taste but without the "twang" you get from the real Yogurts.


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Blueberry Yogurt
CAP Creamy Yogurt 5%
CAP Blueberry 5% (you can use others but may need adjusting)

Peach Yogurt
CAP Creamy Yogurt 5%
CAP Peaches & Cream 5% (others will work too)
FA Meringue 0.5%

Strawberry Yogurt
CAP Creamy Yogurt 5%
INW Shisha Strawberry 2% (TFA Strawberry Ripe would probably need to be around 7%+)

Cherimoya Yogurt
INW Cherimoya 2%
FA Yogurt 3%
FA Condensed Milk 0.5%

You can usually mix Yogurts with most any fruits using simple 2-3 flavors and comes out decent.
Yogurts don't seem to be too fussy about the amounts used IMO, and I don't think it would be un-vapable if too much was used.
Hard to describe, but the 4 Yogurts I've tried have a somewhat Yogurty taste but without the "twang" you get from the real Yogurts.
YaaY thanks so much!!!


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Blueberry Yogurt
CAP Creamy Yogurt 5%
CAP Blueberry 5% (you can use others but may need adjusting)

Peach Yogurt
CAP Creamy Yogurt 5%
CAP Peaches & Cream 5% (others will work too)
FA Meringue 0.5%

Strawberry Yogurt
CAP Creamy Yogurt 5%
INW Shisha Strawberry 2% (TFA Strawberry Ripe would probably need to be around 7%+)

Cherimoya Yogurt
INW Cherimoya 2%
FA Yogurt 3%
FA Condensed Milk 0.5%

You can usually mix Yogurts with most any fruits using simple 2-3 flavors and comes out decent.
Yogurts don't seem to be too fussy about the amounts used IMO, and I don't think it would be un-vapable if too much was used.
Hard to describe, but the 4 Yogurts I've tried have a somewhat Yogurty taste but without the "twang" you get from the real Yogurts.
How would you go about making a chocolate yogurt or French vanilla type? I like the crispness of blueberry yogurt but if I wanted a more desert-y taste what would you suggest?


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How would you go about making a chocolate yogurt or French vanilla type? I like the crispness of blueberry yogurt but if I wanted a more desert-y taste what would you suggest?

I'd use the same amount of Yogurt for Chocolate or French Vanilla.
Probably add 1% FA Chocolate + 0.5% FA Cocoa
And maybe 1% TFA Brown Sugar and 1% FA Marshmallow for a bit of sweetness.
Caramel is another possible add-on.

French Vanilla type, so many different brands...
My favorites are DIYFS French Vanilla 3-4%, INW Shisha Vanilla 1%, INW Vanilla Bourbon 2%, & FW Madagascar Vanilla 4%.
TFA DX French Vanilla isn't bad either, 4%, or CAP French Vanilla at 4%.
Kinda have to go with what you like best, or what you have on hand.
Adding a small amount of CAP Vanilla Custard wouldn't hurt, but I'd only use 0.5-1%.
That's in addition to whichever Vanilla you decide to use.
Probably needs a week to steep, at least.

More typical flavors for adding baked effect for desert types like Blueberry, etc.
TFA Brown Sugar 0.5-2% (sweetness & baked effect)
FA Joy 0.5% (unless you get the beer thing from it)
FA Nonna's Cake 0.5% (but needs a week to steep IMO)
FA Meringue 0.5-1% (for sweetness)
FA Marshmallow 0.5-1% (for sweetness & body)
FA Coconut 0.5% (just for some butter flavor)
TFA Graham Cracker Clear 1-3%
Might even try 3 drops of CAP Cake Batter or NY Cheesecake, in 15ml.
(Probably missed a couple)

Might need to use a few drops of sweetener or Stevia too.


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Thanks! This is super helpful. I love learning more and more! I'm putting one together right now!


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Thanks! This is super helpful. I love learning more and more! I'm putting one together right now!

NP, couple I forgot.
FA Oba Oba 0.5% (bakery effect)
FA Walnut (low amounts have butter effect and higher amounts for cookies, banana breads, + other bakery)
FA Apple Pie 1% (helps with crust and really can't taste much apple this low)
FA Cookie 1% (seems to work good in most anything, and can use with Apple Pie)
INW Biscuit 0.5-1% (same as Cookie but a bit stronger)
(The AP in both Cookie & Biscuit seems to help sweeten a bit also)
CAP Sugar Cookie v1 only 1-3%


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NP, couple I forgot.
FA Oba Oba 0.5% (bakery effect)
FA Walnut (low amounts have butter effect and higher amounts for cookies, banana breads, + other bakery)
FA Apple Pie 1% (helps with crust and really can't taste much apple this low)
FA Cookie 1% (seems to work good in most anything, and can use with Apple Pie)
INW Biscuit 0.5-1% (same as Cookie but a bit stronger)
(The AP in both Cookie & Biscuit seems to help sweeten a bit also)
CAP Sugar Cookie v1 only 1-3%
Great! I'm trying g to find some Nonnas cake recipes too. These sound like they will build it up!


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I'd use the same amount of Yogurt for Chocolate or French Vanilla.
Probably add 1% FA Chocolate + 0.5% FA Cocoa
And maybe 1% TFA Brown Sugar and 1% FA Marshmallow for a bit of sweetness.
Caramel is another possible add-on.

French Vanilla type, so many different brands...
My favorites are DIYFS French Vanilla 3-4%, INW Shisha Vanilla 1%, INW Vanilla Bourbon 2%, & FW Madagascar Vanilla 4%.
TFA DX French Vanilla isn't bad either, 4%, or CAP French Vanilla at 4%.
Kinda have to go with what you like best, or what you have on hand.
Adding a small amount of CAP Vanilla Custard wouldn't hurt, but I'd only use 0.5-1%.
That's in addition to whichever Vanilla you decide to use.
Probably needs a week to steep, at least.

More typical flavors for adding baked effect for desert types like Blueberry, etc.
TFA Brown Sugar 0.5-2% (sweetness & baked effect)
FA Joy 0.5% (unless you get the beer thing from it)
FA Nonna's Cake 0.5% (but needs a week to steep IMO)
FA Meringue 0.5-1% (for sweetness)
FA Marshmallow 0.5-1% (for sweetness & body)
FA Coconut 0.5% (just for some butter flavor)
TFA Graham Cracker Clear 1-3%
Might even try 3 drops of CAP Cake Batter or NY Cheesecake, in 15ml.
(Probably missed a couple)

Might need to use a few drops of sweetener or Stevia too.
So I made the chocolate version following your suggestions and it's D-lish! I love chocolate but even more when it's the second ingredient to something very creamy! Thanks so much!!
If you were to replace the yogurt with a cream, do you think Bavarian creme? I'm going to try!


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So I made the chocolate version following your suggestions and it's D-lish! I love chocolate but even more when it's the second ingredient to something very creamy! Thanks so much!!
If you were to replace the yogurt with a cream, do you think Bavarian creme? I'm going to try!

It's worth a shot, but I'd have to try it with my TFA Dairy Milk first:D.

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