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Car fire started by exploding e-cigarette, police say


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
shouldn't the headline be...."Dumbshit does another dumbshit thing and doesn't get away with it this time".......

Today in the quiet neighborhood of Moose turd junction a well known dumbshit once again pulled another idiotic stunt, as he has done before only this time dumb luck and his gaurdian angle where taking a coffee break and the laws of nature caught up with him... he burned himself up...he will be missed,but not by very many....and no Virginia it was not a case of homocidal vaping mods taking over the world and turning on their human overlords.

does anyone find this reminiscent of the whole gun debate.....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
can someone please explain to me why all these accidents are happening to sub-ohm guys? we are not seeing this shit happening to people who are vaping 1ohm coils we are not seeing (Ihate the term) tootlepuffers burning cars down or blowing their rigs up....


Gold Contributor
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can someone please explain to me why all these accidents are happening to sub-ohm guys? we are not seeing this shit happening to people who are vaping 1ohm coils we are not seeing (Ihate the term) tootlepuffers burning cars down or blowing their rigs up....
Forget about the Cloupor 30's catching fire?


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
shouldn't the headline be...."Dumbshit does another dumbshit thing and doesn't get away with it this time".......

Today in the quiet neighborhood of Moose turd junction a well known dumbshit once again pulled another idiotic stunt, as he has done before only this time dumb luck and his gaurdian angle where taking a coffee break and the laws of nature caught up with him... he burned himself up...he will be missed,but not by very many....and no Virginia it was not a case of homocidal vaping mods taking over the world and turning on their human overlords.

does anyone find this reminiscent of the whole gun debate.....
Because the hounds of Tindalos live in angles.
Was not nature but preternature that caught up to him... fuck with demons and they fuck with you right back.


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can someone please explain to me why all these accidents are happening to sub-ohm guys? we are not seeing this shit happening to people who are vaping 1ohm coils we are not seeing (Ihate the term) tootlepuffers burning cars down or blowing their rigs up....

Could it be... because tootle puffers don't try to make 10A batteries pump out 30A? Hell I never vape over 10w, and STILL use 20A batteries! Because if I make the news, I want it to be because I won the lottery, not because I'm an idiot! :D



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This is an excerpt from on my last posts....

2.) Do not leave batteries in extreme heat.
Heat is the arch-enemy of batteries it can cause the battery to ware out faster and in extreme temperatures like in side of a car on a hot day can cause a battery to explode and torch your car.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
can someone please explain to me why all these accidents are happening to sub-ohm guys? we are not seeing this shit happening to people who are vaping 1ohm coils we are not seeing (Ihate the term) tootlepuffers burning cars down or blowing their rigs up....

Physics. :)

The Cromwell

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I will probably catch crap over this...

But most mods are not really safe consumer products. Esp the mechanical mods.
Little or no safety instructions come with mech mods. I have bought several mech mods and only one even came with a little slip of an instruction manual and it was woefully inadequate.
If they do not ban them outright in the future they will be regulated by law for safety reasons.

One must spend a lot of time on the net searching out information on how to safely use a mech mod or mods/ecigs in general. And not everyone even uses the internet.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You're right! here the load of shit you expeced to be dumped on you.....the vast majority of vaping was done on mech mods,and people didn't blow themselves up...mech mods have not changed what has changed is the calibre of fucking idiots playing around with them.why is it so hard for people to understand or is it dumb fucks think the world and the laws of physics should make allowances for their lazy asses...
What you can't refute and you desperately need to ignore and lie about is that this rash of accidents are relatively a new development,and that the real culprit are the users not the technology.....the technolgy of a mech mod is about as simple as it gets hence their allure,but a fucking butter knife is as dangerous as a chainsaw in the hands of a moron.
Your attitudes are no diffrent than those of the anti vaping establishment. You seek to take peoples choices away from them for "their own good"..
What rock do you live under....there are about 2 dozen videos on youtube about damn near every mech mod ever made, where they are broken down and put back together again and their relative merits discussed...almost any vaper (with a brain) spend alot of time watching reviews of mods they are contemplating buying and watching how the mod is made, before they decide on buying it. as there are many many choices he can pick from.there are tons of videos on youtube that talk about safe vaping, there are dozens of vaping forums where millions share their knowledge about how to stay safe and how to use gear.
So, then let's talk about the real culprit...douchebaggery...when vaping started the most common builds where the 1.5-2.0 range mass produced cartos and disposabler attys some people used LR stuff ,but the most common were the 1.5-2.0 stuff, when RBAs came along people initially stayed within that range out of habit,but soon they started playing with adjusting their builds and finding they liked the results better but almost nobody vaped below .8, eventually people started to continue expermintation and down down down we went .5 to .4 to .3 it was about at this point people started realizing they were approaching a red line and that they actually had to pay attention to what they were doing for saftey reasons,but still these people were a minority of vapers most people found sub ohming ridiculous and most were looking to find a vape that was most like the experince of smoking, since almost EVERY SINGLE vaper at that time was a smoker trying to kick tobacco.
To thier credit the sub-ohming community at the time realized they needed to stay safe, and they sought out batteries, and even mods that helped them stay safe..the so called competition mods came into being because sub-ohmers KNEW they were pushing the envelope....they KNEW that they were palying with fire, sub-ohming kept dropping ohms and they knew they were fast approaching the limits of what they could safely do.....experinced sub-ohmsers at the time were pretty vocal about people staying aware of what they were doing.
Still sub-ohming was a minority of vapers,....ahhhh, but then vaping caught the attention of young stupid fucking man/boys who thought it was "cool"...and like the muscle cars, they wanted the biggest fattest clouds...these were peoplke who either never smoked or who really didn't have much of an addiction to smoking...they were a group of people who weren't interested in getting off tobacco they weren't interested in replecating the experince of smoking, nope they wanted to look cool blowing big fat clouds....and blowing Os and blowing jellyfish......about 99.9% of people who have smoked for over 20 years couldn't blow a smoke ring if you held a gun to their heads smoking was never about blowing rings and jellyfish it was about getting your fix and a love of tobacco.
Still building a sub-ohm set up took some knowledge so these fuzzy faced twits would shuffle down to the local vape shop and have the guy behind the counter do a build in their TOHB, because they were to fucking lazy to sit down and watch a video and do their own builds...and they really didn't know what the fuck they were doing...but a build cost you 5-10 bucks. The sub-ohmers wanted a set up that would let them vape while out ...the don't drip and drive was a painf,and so.....The sub-ohm tank was developed. and sub-ohm was taken out of the hand of experinced builders and put in the hands of nitwits ...and the rest is history of idiots playing with fire. It was no longer a matter of sitting down envisoning a build, build it test it's ohms,adjust coils, wick it, vape it was a matter of ....point and shoot....

Look at the faces that are getting blown up...they are all young men between 18-25 all LOW sub older guys, and almost 0 women vapers.
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Most consumer products have gone thru may safety improvements and require safety documentation and an operators manual.
Vape gear does not.
Sure you can go look on the net to educate yourself. As I did with actually hundreds of hours of vids watched over the last year or so.
I am not at all anti vaping just anti stupidity both from the users and the manufacturers.


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Most consumer products have gone thru may safety improvements and require safety documentation and an operators manual.
Vape gear does not.
Sure you can go look on the net to educate yourself. As I did with actually hundreds of hours of vids watched over the last year or so.
I am not at all anti vaping just anti stupidity both from the users and the manufacturers.

You can't write instructions that fix "stupid". The info is there, if someone takes the time to look. It's not even hard to find.


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I will probably catch crap over this...

But most mods are not really safe consumer products. Esp the mechanical mods.
Little or no safety instructions come with mech mods. I have bought several mech mods and only one even came with a little slip of an instruction manual and it was woefully inadequate.
If they do not ban them outright in the future they will be regulated by law for safety reasons.

One must spend a lot of time on the net searching out information on how to safely use a mech mod or mods/ecigs in general. And not everyone even uses the internet.
Many consumers expect manufacturers to watch out for them at every turn. Most often they do if only to cover themselves for litigation purposes. This is evidenced by products such as the plastin bin I bought with a warning sticker affixed. A circle with a slash through it. Inside the circle... a child, lol. This product is not safe to store children in, don't do it!

I'd think that many of these devices would have more to offer in the way of warnings and such. The lack of this is surprising and will/should be addressed. Not everyone has the slightest interest in taking responsibility for their own safety. Or, they just assume this is addressed at the manufacturing level because it usually is.

It is interesting that the article claimed that the e cig "malfunctioned" rather than the user.
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Look at the faces that are getting blown up...they are all young men between 18-25 all LOW sub older guys, and almost 0 women vapers.

I've stated many, many times that young men from 15-30, or 18-25 at the very least, should be locked up for their own good and the good of the world at large, because their testosterone poisoning has rendered them imbeciles. It makes them want to show off, drive muscle cars, blow clouds, make Jackass movies, etc.... for no apparent reason, because most females wouldn't be caught dead next to that big an idiot. Unless they're suffering the female version of hormone overdose -- and should also be locked away till it passes!



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I've stated many, many times that young men from 15-30, or 18-25 at the very least, should be locked up for their own good and the good of the world at large, because their testosterone poisoning has rendered them imbeciles. It makes them want to show off, drive muscle cars, blow clouds, make Jackass movies, etc.... for no apparent reason, because most females wouldn't be caught dead next to that big an idiot. Unless they're suffering the female version of hormone overdose -- and should also be locked away till it passes!

Have you ever raised boy into his teens? The worry is extreme. They're exactly as you say. I know, I know, there are exceptions.


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Other than the usual "use 20 AMP plus batteries" that most all VV/VW mods have, I don't know how they can be any safer. Regulated mods ARE safe. You don't hear of them venting/exploding.

Mechs are for ADVANCED users. If you have not taken the time to learn about them and the use of them, you ARE NOT an advanced user.


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Other than the usual "use 20 AMP plus batteries" that most all VV/VW mods have, I don't know how they can be any safer. Regulated mods ARE safe. You don't hear of them venting/exploding.

Mechs are for ADVANCED users. If you have not taken the time to learn about them and the use of them, you ARE NOT an advanced user.
Right, and not many of these young kids are willing to admit they are anything but advanced at anything. When you get a little older you tend to realize that there's a whole lot you don't know about the world.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've stated many, many times that young men from 15-30, or 18-25 at the very least, should be locked up for their own good and the good of the world at large, because their testosterone poisoning has rendered them imbeciles. It makes them want to show off, drive muscle cars, blow clouds, make Jackass movies, etc.... for no apparent reason, because most females wouldn't be caught dead next to that big an idiot. Unless they're suffering the female version of hormone overdose -- and should also be locked away till it passes!

no you are right women go out and get pregnant by these same guys and go on welfare......most of them are stupid because they are raised by women who wipe their asses make excuses for the precious fruit of their wombs, instead of fathers who will occasionally kick their asses and guide them on how to use their power...the politically correct bullshit that there is anythign wrong with testosterone is as mindless and bigoted as anything I've ever seen, every man should run as much testosterone as he can possible push through his body......most of the young violent men in our society are being raised by women.Women lust after those big idiots.....not too many hot high school chicks hanging around outside the doors of the chess club.Women validate men who run alot of testosterone as well they should.When You're a young man and you do something stupid it is testosterone your father runs through his body when he hauls back and lays you out in the weeds.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Many consumers expect manufacturers to watch out for them at every turn. Most often they do if only to cover themselves for litigation purposes. This is evidenced by products such as the plastin bin I bought with a warning sticker affixed. A circle with a slash through it. Inside the circle... a child, lol. This product is not safe to store children in, don't do it!

I'ld think that many of these devices would have more to offer in the way of warnings and such. The lack of this is surprising and will/should be addressed. Not everyone has the slightest interest in taking responsibility for their own safety. Or, they just assume this is addressed at the manufacturing level because it usually is.

It is interesting that the article claimed that the e cig "malfunctioned" rather than the user.
Yeah, a car full of young punks get drunk on illicit beer, go out and total a car .would the headline read...."Another car drives into tree injurying four youths"


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Have you ever raised boy into his teens? The worry is extreme. They're exactly as you say. I know, I know, there are exceptions.

Yes, my son is now almost 28.... still not sure he's got all his marbles locked into place, but he's improving with every year that goes by. ;)

Actually, I have to say, he really wasn't all that bad as a teenager; everyone told us, beware of the teens, but he suffered very few of those whining moody-adolescent attacks; the older he got, the better I liked him, for the most part. But after he was 18... GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! But, he's always been a pretty good driver, and getting nailed right in the side of the family pickup truck by a speeding Miata made him even more cautious (truck suffered a dented door... Miata was totalled... by a dumbass girl on her cellphone!). :D



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no you are right women go out and get pregnant by these same guys and go on welfare......most of them are stupid because they are raised by women who wipe their asses make excuses for the precious fruit of their wombs, instead of fathers who will occasionally kick their asses and guide them on how to use their power...the politically correct bullshit that there is anythign wrong with testosterone is as mindless and bigoted as anything I've ever seen, every man should run as much testosterone as he can possible push through his body......most of the young violent men in our society are being raised by women.Women lust after those big idiots.....not too many hot high school chicks hanging around outside the doors of the chess club.Women validate men who run alot of testosterone as well they should.When You're a young man and you do something stupid it is testosterone your father runs through his body when he hauls back and lays you out in the weeds.

Well you know what... when our son had a testosterone moment... it was just as likely to be HIS MAMA who laid him out, as his dad... but his dad didn't hesitate. If our son showed his ass in public, he was addressed by that part -- once he threw a fit in a store for some toy he wanted, and would NOT shut up, so his dad knocked him down and told him he was hysterical, get over it. If a kid's parents don't discipline him, you're right, they run amok... but yes, testosterone is precisely what makes young men such gooberheads, because they're not thinking with their big heads, but with their little ones! Once they hit 30-ish, they start to become more rational creatures.



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Well you know what... when our son had a testosterone moment... it was just as likely to be HIS MAMA who laid him out, as his dad... but his dad didn't hesitate. If our son showed his ass in public, he was addressed by that part -- once he threw a fit in a store for some toy he wanted, and would NOT shut up, so his dad knocked him down and told him he was hysterical, get over it. If a kid's parents don't discipline him, you're right, they run amok... but yes, testosterone is precisely what makes young men such gooberheads, because they're not thinking with their big heads, but with their little ones! Once they hit 30-ish, they start to become more rational creatures.

I think your view is pretty jaded. Girls are as bad as boys. Just because they have a vagina, doesn't make them angels. In many cases, I think girls are worse than boys. Ever see how girls treat each other? Degrading each other at every turn. Being catty. Fighting. They have just as much sex, as boys do.


Diamond Contributor
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I think your view is pretty jaded. Girls are as bad as boys. Just because they have a vagina, doesn't make them angels. In many cases, I think girls are worse than boys. Ever see how girls treat each other? Degrading each other at every turn. Being catty. Fighting. They have just as much sex, as boys do.
Oh man I hear you I have a daughter and the shit I hear would curl your hair ...both my wife and faughter tell me flat out...for pure meanness girls win hands down over boys...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well you know what... when our son had a testosterone moment... it was just as likely to be HIS MAMA who laid him out, as his dad... but his dad didn't hesitate. If our son showed his ass in public, he was addressed by that part -- once he threw a fit in a store for some toy he wanted, and would NOT shut up, so his dad knocked him down and told him he was hysterical, get over it. If a kid's parents don't discipline him, you're right, they run amok... but yes, testosterone is precisely what makes young men such gooberheads, because they're not thinking with their big heads, but with their little ones! Once they hit 30-ish, they start to become more rational creatures.

30 hit 30 ....not my experince in life......the men I grew up around were taught to grow up long before 30....and they did.


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I think your view is pretty jaded. Girls are as bad as boys. Just because they have a vagina, doesn't make them angels. In many cases, I think girls are worse than boys. Ever see how girls treat each other? Degrading each other at every turn. Being catty. Fighting. They have just as much sex, as boys do.

I totally agree! Females are just as prone to hormone overdose as males. And the way women treat each other, and also how they treat men? Is why 99% of my friends in my whole life have been male.



Diamond Contributor
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It has nothing to do with hormones.....all people have tons of hormones and run them full tilt.....some societies teach their childeren how to not only handle it but to celebrate it..some in our society has fallen down on the job. our bodies are not the problem.some peoples value system is.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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It has nothing to do with hormones.....all people have tons of hormones and run them full tilt.....some societies teach their childeren how to not only handle it but to celebrate it..some in our society has fallen down on the job. our bodies are not the problem.some peoples value system is.

Maybe so. I know my drug/alcohol problems started when I was still a young adolescent -- I was so unhappy, I just had to make myself feel *different* -- yet our son, the product of god knows how many generations of alkies and addicts, has never had a single problem with substances -- he enjoys a beer sometimes, but it's *A* beer, and usually dumps out the last couple oz. He's almost 28, and I've seen him tipsy once, and more than a little bit drunk just once, after a party he attended -- from which he was intelligent enough to call home and request a ride, rather than driving drunk -- to which my husband responded instantly, happily going to fetch him and then take him to pick up his car the next day, while thanking him for his intelligence and good judgment.

So I have to think that maybe it's just how a person is parented that makes the difference -- my parents were all "we'll respect you when you show us respect," but that always seemed backward to me -- how does a kid know what respect really is, if no one has ever shown him any? Maybe the reason our son respects us, and still seems to like us, enough to hang around with us, is because we respected him as a person, so he was able to learn what respect means.



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've stated many, many times that young men from 15-30, or 18-25 at the very least, should be locked up for their own good and the good of the world at large, because their testosterone poisoning has rendered them imbeciles. It makes them want to show off, drive muscle cars, blow clouds, make Jackass movies, etc.... for no apparent reason, because most females wouldn't be caught dead next to that big an idiot. Unless they're suffering the female version of hormone overdose -- and should also be locked away till it passes!



Physics plus statistics.

The problem with subohm is that, in general terms, it's on the upper edge of what the physics can handle. There are literally thousands of examples to use but a stock car(family) has an engine built and tuned to last. It can be tuned to produce much more HP but the trade off is a shorter life and greater possibility of failure. Some people are better at pushing an engine to the edge of it's ability than others. Or you can use skateboarding. Almost anyone can ride one with a little practice and have few issues. But, not that many can get away with doing the extreme shit. Those that try and fail make great youtube clips of trips to the hospital.

Vaping is the same. Subohm is pushing the limits. There will be a higher failure rate than with reasonable set ups. Just as with anything, those that take a bit of time and learn, as @pulsevape points out, have fewer problems and know how to deal with them when they occur. But the dumb ass's will have failures.


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Could it be... because tootle puffers don't try to make 10A batteries pump out 30A? Hell I never vape over 10w, and STILL use 20A batteries! Because if I make the news, I want it to be because I won the lottery, not because I'm an idiot! :D

I vape between .8 and 1 ohms and I still try and find the best batteries with the highest amp rating and the highest mah ratings I can find. In 3 +years of vaping I've vented two batteries all my own fault I think the quality of the battery and the fact my builds were so high prevented a serious accident.


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I vape between .8 and 1 ohms and I still try and find the best batteries with the highest amp rating and the highest mah ratings I can find. In 3 +years of vaping I've vented two batteries all my own fault I think the quality of the battery and the fact my builds were so high prevented a serious accident.

I built between 1.5-1.7 ohms for about a year, but when I got my iPV Mini, not knowing at first about its PWM mode, I started building at about 2ohms or a little higher... 9 wraps 29ga around 3/32. I got used to vaping that, which wasn't really terribly different from 7 wraps, so when i discovered that I actually could use PWM mode so the mod would step down, I stayed with the 2+ ohms, just because the battery life is much better. I can't handle much vapor, and I'm a tightwad in nearly every aspect, so better battery life suits the shit out of me. And the 9 wraps does give me just a smidge more vapor than the 7 wraps did, but not so much more that it bothers me, so it works for me. The main reason I use 20A batteries is because I *have* experienced the "mysterious wattage increase" that sometimes happens when my mods ride in my purse; if I hit the fire button and somehow or other my mod has gotten up to 20-30 watts, I know my battery can handle it, even if my lungs can't. :D I might have a coughing fit, but I won't have a vented battery. ;)



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I don't know if it's just me but I think after 35 years of smoking my lungs are so trashed that I just can't handle the heat that comes of a build lower than say .4 it's very uncomfortable.


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I don't know if it's just me but I think after 35 years of smoking my lungs are so trashed that I just can't handle the heat that comes of a build lower than say .4 it's very uncomfortable.

My lungs are like that with the heat AND the vapor that comes off anything lower than about 1.5 ohms... but I have asthma. My lungs are tetchy about damn near everything.


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Lungs are fine with the heat my mouth is not.
Finally got up to 30 watts with a dual .6 ohm coil in a Velocity Mini.
Still a decently cool vape.
the majority of my vaping is between 12 and 20 watts. .75 -1.2 ohms.


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Lungs are fine with the heat my mouth is not.
Finally got up to 30 watts with a dual .6 ohm coil in a Velocity Mini.
Still a decently cool vape.
the majority of my vaping is between 12 and 20 watts. .75 -1.2 ohms.

Yeah sometimes 10w bothers my lips a little, and I have to turn it down to 9.5w. If I wasn't using the angled adapters, I probably couldn't go over 9w.



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I'll admit that my marbles didn't lock into place until I was almost 40...Too bad I seem to have lost most of them since.:confused:

For me it was at around 27-35; had the kid when I was 27, so I knew right then I had to grow up and be an adult, but I didn't get sober till I was 31, and it took a few years after that for the booze haze to dissipate. :)


Poppa (K)

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back to the O/P. this incident happened in Ontario Canada were vapers are under legal attack at this current time (bill C-45). by far the biggest issue is a vaping ban in vape store. that means no tasting, no detailed instruction for the smoker that wants to quit, and no in store community (cloud comps etc). on the flip side, i can sample wine in store, and i can hit the hookah in a hookah bar. is this fucked up or what.

i have watched and read all that was attached to this story and everything about it stinks. the reporting was inconsistent and inaccurate to the point i think that is very little truth in the story at all. the kids looked and sounded like they were coached. the mod "blew up" with no pieces left ( a pic of a mod later appeared in the news), and a baseball sized hole was in the windshield. here is a classic example of the media spin that is being used: *mod* is not used as a noun to describe a particular piece of equipment, but as a verb. a mech mod, now becomes something that the vaper *modified*. the story has changed numerous times with corrections and updates. none of this matters for shit because the headline story is already stuck in peoples minds. i've seen this tactic used time and time again by those that really run the show.

big tobacco, big pharma, and corporate media, have all got their fingers i this. there is a 40 day and counting public consultation period for C-45. news stories like this don't help. i think it is all a hand-job that goes with the smoke and mirrors of the *democratic process*. it gives the populace the illusion that the people have a voice, even though the decision has already been made.

at the end of the day you can't fix stupid. there might be a billion lives saved from smoking over the next century due to vaping, but Darwin will definitely reduce that number.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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back to the O/P. this incident happened in Ontario Canada were vapers are under legal attack at this current time (bill C-45). by far the biggest issue is a vaping ban in vape store. that means no tasting, no detailed instruction for the smoker that wants to quit, and no in store community (cloud comps etc). on the flip side, i can sample wine in store, and i can hit the hookah in a hookah bar. is this fucked up or what.

i have watched and read all that was attached to this story and everything about it stinks. the reporting was inconsistent and inaccurate to the point i think that is very little truth in the story at all. the kids looked and sounded like they were coached. the mod "blew up" with no pieces left ( a pic of a mod later appeared in the news), and a baseball sized hole was in the windshield. here is a classic example of the media spin that is being used: *mod* is not used as a noun to describe a particular piece of equipment, but as a verb. a mech mod, now becomes something that the vaper *modified*. the story has changed numerous times with corrections and updates. none of this matters for shit because the headline story is already stuck in peoples minds. i've seen this tactic used time and time again by those that really run the show.

big tobacco, big pharma, and corporate media, have all got their fingers i this. there is a 40 day and counting public consultation period for C-45. news stories like this don't help. i think it is all a hand-job that goes with the smoke and mirrors of the *democratic process*. it gives the populace the illusion that the people have a voice, even though the decision has already been made.

at the end of the day you can't fix stupid. there might be a billion lives saved from smoking over the next century due to vaping, but Darwin will definitely reduce that number.

Not only can you not fix stupid, but stupid *control-freaks* seem to be the very hardest to fix, if not completely impossible -- in effect, they're saying "we're stupid and WE'RE PROUD OF IT and you can't make us not-stupid even by force! We're determined to remain as stupid as possible!"


Poppa (K)

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i've haven't seen crazy policy making like this since MDMA was outlawed.remember the *holes in the brain* photo that the DEA toted around? therapists have already tested it in the treatment of PTSD, and it is has proven to be a shining star.

nothing pisses me off more than gvn't applied bubble wrap.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
i've haven't seen crazy policy making like this since MDMA was outlawed.remember the *holes in the brain* photo that the DEA toted around? therapists have already tested it in the treatment of PTSD, and it is has proven to be a shining star.

nothing pisses me off more than gvn't applied bubble wrap.
Forgot the whole reffer madness of the 30s... Oh the noes!!!


Under Ground Hustler
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I wonder just how many of these "exploding ecig car fires" are just some con artist that got in over his head on an expensive car loan and decided to cut his losses by throwing an ecig inside the car then torching it for the insurance money?

People torch their own cars all the time if they can't afford the payments and get stuck in a bind or if the blue book value is worth more than the car is.

Is the vaping the criminal's new "auto vandalism"?


Under Ground Hustler
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i've haven't seen crazy policy making like this since MDMA was outlawed.remember the *holes in the brain* photo that the DEA toted around? therapists have already tested it in the treatment of PTSD, and it is has proven to be a shining star.

nothing pisses me off more than gvn't applied bubble wrap.

Man I used to love that shit when I was younger.

I shouldn't be breaking forum rules though.:D

I'll probably wake up tomorrow to a moderator edited post.o_O

Poppa (K)

Bronze Contributor
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Forgot the whole reffer madness of the 30s... Oh the noes!!!
and only now that drug is being used for medical purposes.

I wonder just how many of these "exploding ecig car fires" are just some con artist that got in over his head on an expensive car loan and decided to cut his losses by throwing an ecig inside the car then torching it for the insurance money?

People torch their own cars all the time if they can't afford the payments and get stuck in a bind or if the blue book value is worth more than the car is.

Is the vaping the criminal's new "auto vandalism"?

or how about, you take one for the team, sign a NDR and your post-secondary education is paid for.
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