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CB's Cocoa Butter


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So with no DIY recipes working out for me, I thought of a delicious dripper juice I tried once by an obscure line - I forgot the name, but the flavor was literally intended to be chocolate and vanilla custard mixed together. The juice was like nothing I'd ever tasted before, it was like a twinge of hot cocoa but not as chocolate, a bit like a marshmellow but greyer, and finally, it had a delicious eggy underbody that carried a rich, dense flavor and feel. It was a flavor that made you think of the color grey if it was very sweet and custard-like.

It wasn't like eating a chocolate-flavor marshmellow. It wasn't hot cocoa with marshmellows. It wasn't vanilla custard with chocolate chips. It wasn't chocolate whipped cream or anything. It was almost like... if cookie dough was grey. Chocolate mousse may be close, but not that either. It was a unique one for the books, and I'd never tasted anything like it before... it was simple, delicious, and surprisingly inventive for some off-the-wall drip line brand.

It still stands as one of the better vapes I've ever had... and simple sounding enough (if I remember right, the name was actually "Chocolate and Vanilla"!) and so I tried to create it from scratch. Shockingly enough, first try, my results are nearly pinpoint at:

%3 CAP Hot Cocoa
%3 CAP French Vanilla
%1 CAP Sweet Cream
%80 VG
%20 PG

(Weights: I inputted VG at 1.25g but Flavor and PG at 1)

However, it's a little light and I'm trying to find the right way to up all the percentages without going overboard as CAP gets too chalky and chemically for me over %10 or so; I do think you'll have to up the numbers above, maybe %4, %4, and %1.25-1.50. I myself just made a %6, %6, and %2 bottle and with that much in there I'm giving it a little steep before I try it.

It might also benefit from one of these three being up'd or down'd by just a hair each. But it's there flat out and simple.

It really surprised me just how nearly spot on I got in terms of flavor profile on the very first try, it's as though these were the exact ingredients the vendor used.

I'm really thinking Sweet Cream is going to be perfect for my recipes. Out of the bottle, mine smells a tad like the mint in a York Patty, and so many other creams and marshmellows I've tried have made my attempts either so muggy tasting or like a sugary marzipan. I think this one though simply fans things out and sweetens things up on a very neutral level.

All this in mind, the vendor version has a tiny bit more spark (just a hair), however, I haven't even steeped this yet and it's a shake'n'vape. At least on my dripper, dunno if it'd be as good on a tank. It just has a smell and taste that's so rich, weird, and delicious. Slightly reminds me of cocoa butter. I think folks will like this one, and I have a feeling it'd be really good with some nicotine backing it up.

Anyway, I'm not sure these three ingredients are some that many have, but so far, I'm loving French Vanilla way more than Vanilla Custard, I'm loving Hot Cocoa in general, and I've seen some complaints on Sweet Cream but I'm lovin' it!
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