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CDC Data Reveal Drastic Decline in Youth Smoking, Blowing E-Cigarette Gateway Hypothesis Out of the


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Yes, but the control-freak nanny-state idiots will call it all "tobacco use", and now that the FDA has "deemed" even zero-nic liquids to be "tobacco products", they'll scream loudly that e-cigs have actually increased the percentage of "children" who are "using tobacco". :mad:


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
the FDA has "deemed" even zero-nic liquids to be "tobacco products",

This is the part that really gets me and where I think they are vulnerable ... if this was logical then why haven't they also 'deemed' regular chewing gum? Obviously it can and is being used with nicotine. It's the same nonsensical concept.


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