So, my cera finally got here. Took long enough. Not much to really say that TF Vaping didnt but...
...initial observations. This is not a 22mm flush RDA, it's a little fatter than my 22mm devices. Definitely closer to 23 or 24. I'm assuming the girth is there for durability and heat retention. One thing that really threw me off about the appearance is that there is no logo. It otherwise looks just like the authentic. I'm not sure whether its a clone or if they really did batches with no logo. I would be willing to believe either one. It's heavier than I thought it would be. I would have figured it would be lighter, but the weight's not a bad thing. It feels durable.
The glossy black is finish nice. It looks like zinc plating... ...just sort of that warm gunmetal look to it. Quality is higher than that of most SS atties in this price range.
The fitting on the top barrel is nice. Snug, but not so much that it gets stuck. This may have to do with the fact that it's ceramic. No sharp edges to snag and scrape on. It pops on and off tight and smooth. The overall build quality on this RDA is quite good.
The airflow is very wide-open - not quite MX v4 open, but close. If any of you own an MX v3, it's quite similar to that. I think because it has freakshow holes on the deck and the teeny 1.5mm holes going all around the top, you get more airflow than you think. The tip itself is wider than a 510, but will fit 510 tips. I personally think this makes it feel like a tighter drag for how much air you're pulling in, which is something I actually quite like. Just be warned that if you find that it's too much airflow for the tip, there is no way to close it off. I like the balance of it, myself. No need to make adjustments, no lining anything up.
It's basically set up to be a high-powered flavor atty. The vapor production is nothing to scoff at, but what's really notable about the vape itself is just how dense, cool, and smooth it is. And the flavor just cuts right through that. Sort of an indirect flavor vape in that the airflow is setup in such a way that keeps the coils and heat away from your lips, but it still comes through like the more direct flavor vapes you'd get from something like a Freakshow Mini or a Derringer.
It came pre-built with what look to be 4-wrap, 2.5mm, .3 32/26 claptons. The interesting thing is that they were mounted as sleepers. I couldn't get them to fire evenly for the life of me, so I took them out. They probably weren't a bad match for the atty...'s just not what I would run in it. Now, it also came with some clean dual 24g's that were also sleepers. 6 wraps at 2.5mm. Read .25 after mounting. I was impressed, as that's actually a fine mech build. The flavor I'm getting from it in this atty is respectable for what it is.
Now, lets talk about the deck. The airflow is set up just like a freakshow inside, even though it comes out like a kennedy on the bottom. The juice well has to be at least 4mm deep - it's very deep. I'm not too worried about leakage, as there is enough space behind the airholes to tuck the wick in and off of them completely. That being said, leakage is obviously going to be a thing no matter what you do with a bottom airflow. I just think that they could have done far worse with it than they did.
The post setup, I don't think is actually too bad. I think what they had in mind was something that'd make doing sleeper builds easier, which it certainly does. You don't have to wrap the second coil with the first one already mounted. You can wrap them both off of the atty and slide the middle lead right into the groove. The sleeper duals that it shipped with went in real easy. How this will work with standard duals, I'm not so sure, but for now, I am fine with the the deck layout. It's not what I would have preferred, but it's not impossibly difficult to build on.
I don't regret buying it so far. The flavor on it is really, really nice. Only time will tell how I feel about building on it.