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CERN's Large Hadron Collider Starts Up Again


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Scientists at CERN have announced that the Large Hadron Collider has started delivering data today for the first time in 27 months.

During the shutdown, the LHC went through maintenance and improvements in preparation for the next round of testing. The LHC is now providing collisions to experiments at 13 TeV (trillion electron volts), an unprecedented level of energy.

Today the LHC was filled with six "trains" of proton bunches, consisting of 100 billion protons each. These bunches travel around the 27 kilometre ring and collide with each other. Eventually the experiments will be increased to 2808 bunches per beam, allowing up to one billion collisions per second.

The new experiments will allow scientists to further investigate the "Standard Model", a theory that describes the particles that make up the universe. "The first 3-year run of the LHC, which culminated with a major discovery in July 2012, was only the start of our journey. It is time for new physics!” said CERN Director General Rolf Heuer.

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