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Check my math, please excuse mistake(s)


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
First of all I’d like to post a BIG thank you to Train (idk how to tag u) and all the other folks nice enough to explain how to break down the question I had posted earlier (few weeks ago?).
Yet another *specific* question from newbie on mixing up

Can anyone elaborate or correct my .... math? Whoa math is off due to the first line of my equation, which was based on 100mg nic (which I also have but need to mix) not the 6mg PG that I’m hoping to finish off.

Here it is:
I have a 6 mg PG nic base.
I want to add it to 30ml e-liquid 70/30. 0mg.
How much nic base should i ass i mean add?
- gram and/or ml answers appreciated

What did I forget?
Oh yes, of course - MANY THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!
IF using the 100mg nicotine base, this is what and how much:
30ml x 3mg = 90 divided by 100 = .9ml to get me where I’m going.
Is this correct?
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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
idk how to tag u
Put @ in front of the name.

I have a 6 mg PG nic base.
I want to add it to 30ml e-liquid 70/30. 0mg.
How much nic base should i ass i mean add?
What concentration do you want to get?

Here's a simple way to think of it...
Add 1 ml of base to the 30 ml of 0 mg e-liquid. You'll have 6 mg of nic in just over 30ml.
Divide by 3: 2 mg in 10 ml.
Divide by 10: .2 mg in 1 ml, roughly.

I'm awful w/ math, too, but if you break it down to small steps & round, it's not so hard.

Add 30 ml of 6 mg per ml to 30 ml of 0 mg. That's 30 times 6=180 mg of nic in 30+30=60 ml of e-liquid.
Divide by 10 = 18 in 6. In half is 9 in 3 & a third of that is 3 in 1. You've got 3mg/ml e-liquid.

Take it fwiw because I always failed arithmetic. But I failed most of the other stuff, too. And doing it this way with DIY hasn't killed me yet. Hope this helps.


“Widgy Pidgy”
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I avoid math all together and use ELR or All The Flavors to do such things. You can even make a recipe for your base to have at all times. If you put in the correct ratios, it will give you amounts to put in via grams, milliliters and even drops.
First of all I’d like to post a BIG thank you to Train (idk how to tag u) and all the other folks nice enough to explain how to break down the question I had posted earlier (few weeks ago?).
Yet another *specific* question from newbie on mixing up

Can anyone elaborate or correct my .... math? Whoa math is off due to the first line of my equation, which was based on 100mg nic (which I also have but need to mix) not the 6mg PG that I’m hoping to finish off.

Here it is:
I have a 6 mg PG nic base.
I want to add it to 30ml e-liquid 70/30. 0mg.
How much nic base should i ass i mean add?
- gram and/or ml answers appreciated

What did I forget?
Oh yes, of course - MANY THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!
IF using the 100mg nicotine base, this is what and how much:
30ml x 3mg = 90 divided by 100 = .9ml to get me where I’m going.
Is this correct? Hello, I am also not very good at math and therefore your question looks way too complicated. If the problem is in math, then go to the, here I often double-check myself in various calculations. Thanks to this service, I got a little better understanding of algebra, hehe. Good luck to you!
Hello, I am also not very good at math and therefore your question looks way too complicated.


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This site is great, you can save your recipes, see others and enter any formula to get the answers your looking for.

It will calculate your nic for 30ml and give you the grams or mls


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You have nic that is 6 mg/ml in PG? (sort of odd... never seen that before) Not sure how strong you want the juice to end up being but I don't think this will work (unless you want to end up with 1 mg/ml so so) Did you typo or actually meant 6 mg? Example: adding 30 ml of that 6 mg to your 30 ml 0 mg will make 60 ml of 3 mg juice (and it will be thinner... more PG in the ratio) When you are ready to use the 100 mg/ml nic let me know (I'll help you use the calculator on ELR)


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To others (about using the calculators) can that be done for adding nic to a bottle of pre-made juice?


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The only way I'd know how to do that on ELR would be to make two recipes, one for the pre-mixed stuff (and you'd have to estimate the percentage of flavors - I'd probably estimate at like 15%), and then one for the concentration and ratio you want to end up with. The difference in the amounts of the different components between the two is what you'd need to add.


Diamond Contributor
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To others (about using the calculators) can that be done for adding nic to a bottle of pre-made juice?

Yes. You can consider nicotine as simply another flavor/additive. Many of the online calculators even have options to add it in, asking what strength you want the "target" juice.


Diamond Contributor
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Woops... just noticed this was originally posted back in July.

In a case like this, the post is dealing with directly informative stuff, juice making/mixing. It's alright to come in a bit late. You're not really being a thread necromancer. :) Though if you were maybe shilling a product, or directing the thread to discuss hang nails on frogs, yeah that might raise eyebrows. *grins*


Diamond Contributor
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For @Serena25330, you might want to look over here to read on how to work out the formula.

What I'm reading is you want 3mg nicotine strength juice. You have 6mg strength "base". Your target size is 30ml.

(3 / 6) * 30 ml = 15 ml (Apologies, even I did the math a bit wrong to start out. At 3 mg strength desired 6 mg base requires 0.50 ml per ml. That means yes, you'll need exactly one half of your target size "base" to maintain a 3 mg strength.)

desired Divided By actual Times target size Equals needed "base"

Now, if you were using 100 mg "base":

(3 / 100) * 30 ml = 0.90 ml

I used to write this formula out like I show in the key below.

S == Strength desired B == Base had/actual T == Target size N == Needed base

(S / B) * T = N

Putting it into a word based problem: What you want divided by what you have times how much you need.

No, I never ever have trouble with arithmetic. If you buy that, I got deep freezers to sell to Inuit people in Alaska, or bridges to big cities with those bridges. ;) :p :D :)
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