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Child 44 Review


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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Vape Media
If nothing else, director Daniel Espinosa's Child 44 has put together an impeccable cast made up of Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, Gary Oldman, Joel Kinnaman and Jason Clarke -- and despite a hodgepodge of phlegmy Russian accents, each actor gives it his or her all in this Stalin-era crime-thriller. That said, as an adaptation of Rob Tom Smith's 2008 novel, Child 44 doesn't quite translate on screen, as drab storytelling and overstuffed plot take a lot of the steam out of its central mystery.

Set in 1953 Soviet Russia, the story follows Leo Demidov (Hardy), a prominent MGB agent who is disgraced when he refuses to denounce his wife Raisa (Rapace) as a traitor to their country. Exiled from Moscow to the muddy hinterlands, Leo and Raisa ally with General Mikhail Nesterov (Oldman) to track down a serial killer who preys on young boys. However, their quest for justice directly opposes a system-wide cover-up enforced by Leo's sadistic rival, Vasili (Kinnaman), who insists the childrens' murders -- all 44 of them -- were "accidents." As members the MGB recite over and over again, "There is no murder in paradise."

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