chris damron
Bronze Contributor
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So I've tried lots builds on my new ohmega v2 box mod and they're all great, very little voltage drop and battery sag. My problem is that I can't really build below 0.15 because of the way the internals are set up. I've two incidents now from running super sub ohm builds and both times they pop the wire running to the negative part of the battery tray. One was a simple 0.2 and the other was a 0.07 build that I knew was probably too much for those little wire to handle in the first place. Luckily I was able to solder everything back in place. This is my first experience with dual parallel box mods.
Bottom line is that I need a build, above or preferably right around the 0.15 range, with plenty of surface area and a quick ramp up time. And I'm alllllll out of Gplat unfortunately. What would you suggest?
Bottom line is that I need a build, above or preferably right around the 0.15 range, with plenty of surface area and a quick ramp up time. And I'm alllllll out of Gplat unfortunately. What would you suggest?