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Coilbuilding- Tools, or hands?


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So, I think we've all seen the numerous tutorials on how to build everything from your basic claptons, to your monstrous, 2-day project coils like the alien coils.

However, something I've noticed is that in many, many of these videos, a bulk of the work is done with 2-3 fingers and slow turning drill. However, in my first three attempts at making basic claptons, I found out just why one always sees massively calloused fingers- wrapping the outer wire is a pain, lol. Then, in something of a stroke of brilliance (It was 5am, at that time, figuring out where the trash bin is can be a stroke of ingenuity lol) I used bent-nose pliers, the sort used to make jewelry, to hold the smaller guage coil, and started spinning. After that, it was an absolute breeze.

So, my question is, in your guy's experience, which is better for the job, fingers, or pliers?


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Depends on the job.. sometimes it the fingers sometimes the tool.

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I hold the spool of outerwrap in my right hand, with thumb and ring finger so it can spin, then I direct the wire as it goes onto the core with my index finger.
Never spend two days on a build.
Maybe two hours

Screw You.
I'm From Texas.


Bronze Contributor
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I saw a video of someone using a old protank head without the coil guts upside down. My bobbin holder just fits inside the top of the chimney along with tightening up the bobbin threader so there is a bit of resistance while the spool is unwinding. I also made a simple wooden bracket that I clamp onto the desk so the wire sits at drill height. My wife discovered claptons, even though she tootle puffs she is hard on coils (she vapes my DIY cotton candy) I built her a 1.4ohm twisted .4 ribbon (equivalent to 28 gauge) with 32 wrap and its outlasted all the single wire builds. I just had the ribbon laying around and using it up. Her juice intake has increased a bit but I'll trade mixing some juice rather than rebuilding coils.
I only make a foot of clapton at a time. I got it down that it only takes a few minutes to manufacture some clapton wire.
Youtube DIY bobbin threader and I made mine out of 6" coat hanger, wooden mushroom caps, plastic qtip shaft that is hollow and some shrinkwrap. The grey Lego dooflickey is a spool holder that holds the temco spools just dandy


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That is a good looking diy bobbin.

For those less crafty, can get one for like $3 anywhere that sells flyfishing gear.


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i use fingers to built basic coils, as far as i can do is 24g twisted KA coil with my fingers. I think for advance coil tools are needed.. but yeah it depends on the builder, how far do you want to go with coil...

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