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Complete beginner - Help me understand clearomizers...


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I've been talking about vaping for a while, but I had yet to take any steps. My girlfriend got tired of hearing me go on about it, so she asked me a few questions about what I might want (she got a whole bunch of "I don't know's" in reply), then went to our local Innokin dealer and asked some more questions. She came home with the itaste SVD 2.0 kit, which came with the iClear 30s clearomizer, and some tobacco flavored juice.

Hitting that is kind of like punching myself in the back of the throat with rusty barbed wire wrapped in sand paper wrapped in steel wool and dipped in gasoline. Yeah...

I had read that, sometimes, people had a hard time with the PG based liquids, so I thought that might be my problem and went to get some VG liquid. What I ended up getting was a VG/PG 90/10 mix (with 12% nicotine) and a flavor to mix it with, and a Joyetech ECA clearomizer to test it in, since I wanted to try it before I got home. This one was great, though a bit too smooth, as I do like a bit of a "throat hit", as I get from a cigarette.

When I got home, I cleaned out my iClear and added the new mix. Again, it hurt like hell.

Now, I'm trying to figure out what the difference is between my iClear 30s and the Joyetech ECA, and whether it's possible to modify (whether buying or building) the iClear to hit more like the ECA.

Any and all help is appreciated. And, feel free to talk to me like I'm a complete noob, since I really am...


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Um where are you that very old tanks and mod is still being sold?


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Well, I live in Prague, Czech Republic, but I wasn't exactly looking for the 'latest and greatest' tech, as I'm still unsure if vaping is 'for me', so we decided to go with one that would work if it worked, until I could get something better, or be thrown away without too great a sacrifice, if it turned out that vaping just isn't my thing...


Diamond Contributor
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Ahh ok got it.
the iclear30s are pretty tight draw and respond better to a thinner liquid, like a 40pg/60 vg.
No real way to mod them without total destruction, tight draw and silica.


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Well, that kind of sucks. As I'm just getting into this (and, I am rather getting into it), I don't have much in the way of mixables, just yet. I have a bottle of VG, but no PG and, while I do intend to get more in the next few days, I would like to ask if you have any suggestions for an upgrade to the iClear30s. I'm not yet willing (or able, with the holidays upon me) to spend the cash on a whole new rig (and, I like the look, feel and, thus far, functionality of the itaste svd2.0), but I think I could swing a new clearomizer...


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If I were you, I'd stick with the ECA. However, in order to get more throat hit, you have two options.
1.) more PG
2.) more Nicotine
I'd get a liquid with more PG, rather than more Nicotine. At the beginning, it takes a while, to find the right liquid. Once, you do find it, it's easy to quit the cigarettes. You might also begin coughing a lot. Don't worry, it's your body getting rid of the dirt in your lungs.


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Good call. Thanks for the assist.

The ECA I currently have is a throwaway that I picked up just to test this, for about a buck fifty, but I'll head back to the smoke shop tomorrow and see what the man can suggest as a similar alternative... I'd post a link to see what you all think, but it's in Czech. :)

Thanks, again.


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As long, as we can identify the name, it shouldn't be a problem.


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Good point. I guess I could have thought of that, but I do appreciate the offer for further assistance.

That should send you to the clearomizer page, with the brands selectable underneath... Sorry I can't be more helpful in this regard, but as long as I've been here, I still can't speak Czech. It's a rather difficult language. :)

EDIT: Wow... Now, I feel like an idiot. It would appear that the site I've been staring at for more than a week can be changed to English... :/


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Well, in general, Kangertech and Aspire are good brands to buy. However, due to the limitations of your mod (itaste SVD), you would need a tank with (or replaceable) coils that are 1.2 Ohm - 1.8 Ohm. With the lower Ohm you need a little bit more power, in order to heat up the coils properly. Therefore, I think your mod won't have enough power for a sub ohm coil, e. g. a 0.5 Ohm coil.

I hope that helps.
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Another thing, you need to find the sweet spot for the power, according to your liquid and your preference. With a new liquid (or even a new tank), start at a lower wattage, increase the power, until you get the right flavor and vapor production.


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Wow... I wish I had found you guys before I talked to my girlfriend about all of this. I've been living in Prague for 10 years, and vaping wasn't much of a thing here, until recently. When my girl and I visited the U.S. recently (my first time being back), we saw them everywhere, and I got curious. Unfortunately, I also got impatient...

Anyway... if I were to decide to go get a new set up soon, and put this one away, what would you suggest, given what you know of my needs?


Silver Contributor
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I always recommend a setup like the
~Joyetech Ego One
~Joyetech VTC mini
~Kanger Subox Mini/Nano
All of those support a nice range of vaping styles and parts/coils are widely available. They're also well built, well supported and affordable :p


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As much as I love my VCT mini (after firmware upgrade to v2.0), you have to be careful, what tank you are putting on it. My Kanger Subtank and Aspire Triton (V1), have a slight wobble on that device, due to the tanks connecting thread being slightly longer than on the other tanks I own. Therefore, these two tanks don't sit flush on my mod. I'm thinking of putting some kind of a real thin washer between the tank and the mod. However, this might be just the case with my mod.


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I've been talking about vaping for a while, but I had yet to take any steps. My girlfriend got tired of hearing me go on about it, so she asked me a few questions about what I might want (she got a whole bunch of "I don't know's" in reply), then went to our local Innokin dealer and asked some more questions. She came home with the itaste SVD 2.0 kit, which came with the iClear 30s clearomizer, and some tobacco flavored juice.

Hitting that is kind of like punching myself in the back of the throat with rusty barbed wire wrapped in sand paper wrapped in steel wool and dipped in gasoline. Yeah...

I had read that, sometimes, people had a hard time with the PG based liquids, so I thought that might be my problem and went to get some VG liquid. What I ended up getting was a VG/PG 90/10 mix (with 12% nicotine) and a flavor to mix it with, and a Joyetech ECA clearomizer to test it in, since I wanted to try it before I got home. This one was great, though a bit too smooth, as I do like a bit of a "throat hit", as I get from a cigarette.

When I got home, I cleaned out my iClear and added the new mix. Again, it hurt like hell.

Now, I'm trying to figure out what the difference is between my iClear 30s and the Joyetech ECA, and whether it's possible to modify (whether buying or building) the iClear to hit more like the ECA.

Any and all help is appreciated. And, feel free to talk to me like I'm a complete noob, since I really am...

Hopefully this is of help, since you want a cheap setup. My first rig was an iTaste VV and the original Areotank. I started backwards I guess you could say. As you're "supposed to" start off with a iclear tank. Here's a link to a Joyetech eGo one. for $45 you can get a kit. That comes with a tank. You can interchange tanks based off of what you have (wouldn't recommend putting an iclear on it) Maybe if you buy this and you get into vaping to the point where you are willing to spend a few dollars on a good tank (Kanger subtank, Aspire atlantis etc) you could use that mod with those tanks. Hopefully I was of help. PM me if you need anything. If not, create a thread. Someone will help.


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Thanks, everyone! I think, for the moment, I'm going to get a new, low cost clearomizer, and work on trying to get the eGo One once I see how my holiday budget works out. If I can, I'll go ahead and check out the Aspire Atlantis tank for that, and see where it takes me.

Once that's done, I can have some real fun... I now want to take the itaste and iclear apart and learn to build my own. :)

I'm thinking "Mjolnir"! :)

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