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Convergence #5 Review


Staff member
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Vape Media
Well, Convergence has finally lumbered past the halfway mark and is beginning to carry readers home. This second half of the journey isn't shaping up to be any better than the first, however. None of the book's fundamental flaws have changed, and very little of the potential in this concept is being realized.

Writer Jeff King attempts to shake up the status quo in this issue by establishing Deimos as the the real evil mastermind of the book. The problem is that this sudden elevation in status doesn't feel earned so much as just one more random plot twist. Convergence began as a story about Brainiac gathering cities, morphed into a tale about Telos the living planet pitting those cities against one another, and has now transitioned into some vague conflict involving Deimos lording it over the wreckage of that war. It's all very forced and not particularly compelling or dramatic. It doesn't help that the scale of this story remains so confined. Other than the Earth 2 and Skartaris characters, Convergence makes little effort to explore the vast canvas of this world or make use of the dozens of other cities in Brainiac's collection.

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