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Cotton bacon or Japanese?


Member For 4 Years
Hello, just wondering which is better, and where I can get it cheap (definitely not at my local vape shops).
Also, how much should I buy?

PS: I'm new at rebuilding.



Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
I know amazon has large packs of like 100 sheets of Japanese cotton for like 30$ or less. As for cotton bacon v2 I've always got it from my local vape shop for like 10$ or so a bag.

As for which is better that more of a personal preference.

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The Cromwell

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I use Salon Coil Cotton from Sally Beauty supply. 40 ft or so for under $4.
Been using one box for 2 years and am a bit over half done with it.
It is not the Rayon stuff.
Is very much like cotton bacon. Might be the same stuff for all I know.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I just bought cotton bacon for the first time yesturday and I been vaping for a long time. There is great flavor with it. But Japanese cotton is good too.


Member For 2 Years
You can also check out Kendo Gold vape cotton.

It is really hard to saturate it with liquid the first time, but after that it is just outstanding.

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