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Crown sub

I have a mad modder dna200 and it has both kanthal and stainless steel tc mode and the crown sub coils seem to work better in kanthal mode is this ok or unsafe? Thanks guys


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Member For 4 Years
All it have for power mode on my dna200 is kanthal mode some thing right?

I run these two crowns with the stainless coils in power mode on these IPV4's...same as Kanthel mode I would think..

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk


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Member For 4 Years
I just received a Crown tank yesterday, but Im running the .25 Ni200 coils. I looked at the sparse instruction booklet and from what I can gather you do use the SS coils in power mode. I know there are a couple DNA 200 devices that have TC SS mode, not sure if yours does. Check your devices manual or Escribe software.
Ya it does have a ss tc mode but it works better in kanthal mode im just trying to make sure its safe in kanthal mode. I asked the maker he said the kanthal mode is straight i think it should be safe
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