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Cthulhu v2 -Flavor..... Is meh


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I just got the new Cthulhu v2 last week and in all have been enjoying it. It chucks huge clouds, and has exactly the open airflow I was wanting, but the flavor is just ok. It does seem to be gradually improving over the last week so is this what people talk about when they say a tank needs to be broken in? What exactly are the mechanics of that? My first and only tank was a Subtank mini. Have I been just spoiled? I switched back to the subtank tonight and was almost made sick by the flavor intensity of the exact same juice. Granted I am still using the Cthulhu v2's stock coils and Maybe thats the problem, but I'm kinda dissapointed in the flavor department. I'm going to try and build a vertical coil on their single coil RBA deck w/ some 24g kanthal and see how that fairs, maybe when I get my 26g in I'll attempt a dual vertical coil on their dual deck..... Any thoughts, suggestions or advice?


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I just got the new Cthulhu v2 last week and in all have been enjoying it. It chucks huge clouds, and has exactly the open airflow I was wanting, but the flavor is just ok. It does seem to be gradually improving over the last week so is this what people talk about when they say a tank needs to be broken in? What exactly are the mechanics of that? My first and only tank was a Subtank mini. Have I been just spoiled? I switched back to the subtank tonight and was almost made sick by the flavor intensity of the exact same juice. Granted I am still using the Cthulhu v2's stock coils and Maybe thats the problem, but I'm kinda dissapointed in the flavor department. I'm going to try and build a vertical coil on their single coil RBA deck w/ some 24g kanthal and see how that fairs, maybe when I get my 26g in I'll attempt a dual vertical coil on their dual deck..... Any thoughts, suggestions or advice?

I don't know that this is the problem or not; I never used anything but coils that I have built on mine. I do know that my Cthulhu v2 is right on par with my tugboat with regard to flavor. Maybe not quite as good when using dual coils, but close. Especially if I go single coil with it. I haven't tried vertical coils yet on it, but in single mode I've been generally pretty happy with 26 gauge wrapped around a 2.4mm screwdriver 8 times (about .9 ohms) running around 25 watts. If I want bigger wire, I use 24 gauge wrapped 8 times around the same size screwdriver and I get about .6 ohms... I run that one closer to 35 watts.

If I want clouds I throw in the dual deck. I haven't tried anything fancy in mine like braids, twisted, claptons, etc... just single strands of kanthal. But even with the dual deck the flavor isn't bad at all.

As far as the tank breaking in, etc... I don't know about all that. When I got mine, I disassembled it and washed it thoroughly (a few times to make sure it was free of machine oil, etc.). After that it was good to go. I have found that depending on your wicking material and method, there may be some break-in time there. With Japanese organic cotton it takes a little while (not much) for the flavor to be what I'd expect. With rayon, the same. With Drago, no break in; the flavor is fresh from the get-go but it's a pain in the ass to work with. Anyway, it all boils down to using it and getting used to building it. Eventually you will find what works for you, hopefully. Good luck with it!


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've found some solutions. Built my own 26g- Kanthal A1-1/8 .3ohm coils, turned down the airflow to about 1/8 its capacity at 27watts and the flavor is popping. My Pear juice is one of my more delicate flavors and its shinning through. Needles to say this is now my perfect tank. Haven't tried the single coil yet, but if a vertical set-up performs like it does on my subtank mini's RBA than this is exciting...

Dark Laughter

Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
I have found just doing some 26G Kanthal spaced coils at 6 wraps on the dual deck with very little cotton work the best and it doesn't seem to respond well to basic flavors like grape for example but things like say a keylime or Banana nut Bread are awesome in it I call it my Dessert tank and for everything else I just rock them in my Mad Hatter or Mutation X RDA's, the Cthulhu isn't a bad tank but very limited for what it Cost I am hoping the new Tri deck coming out for it fix's some of the flaws it has if not someone else will come along and do it right!


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Follow-up for general flavor chaser knowledge base... Built a different coil, 26g 2mm(blue screw driver) 7wraps spaced coil that clocks in at .4 ohms. It is even better then my previous coil build above, in the flavor department. Even allowed me to open the air flow up a bit more which is an added bonus. Love this Cthulhu v2!


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I know I'm gonna get a comment saying, I already know that but I didn't have the effort to read up just like with every other RDA it depends on your build not just the RDA.

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