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custard help

so i'm new here and fairly new to DIY.. been vaping for a few years and no longer smoking. I've actually been DIYing for about a month now and have been fairly successful after a few botched trials. the one thing I'm not getting yet is custards. any help would be great.

I'm using TFA VC and it smells great in the bottle and amazing after mixed, my wife says she really likes it but I'm not getting much of a flavor from it. I'm using my old Heracles tank since my atlantis broke recently and I'm hoping that isn't the issue since I really don't like buying new equipment.

I've tried mixing my custard between 3-7 percent when I add fruits such as strawberry and Fuji apple. and I've tried mixing at between 10-15 percent as a stand alone. now granted it's only been about 3 days since mixing and I know the creams take a little longer to mellow but I would have thought the custard would have been stronger of a flavor right from the beginning. also as a side note Ive been reading everyone really likes FA vienna cream but all i can get out of it is a strong rubbing alcohol scent and not very smooth. any ideas?


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For 1 make sure your not using a lot of Vienna cream. It's made by FA and usually I don't need more than 1-2%. As for the custard I haven't tried tfa I went straight to cappella's cause that's what I always see people really liking. I'm usually dripping and not using a tank and recently posted that I'm not getting the same flavor with it. Maybe try upping the % more. That would be my advice but I just started mixing 6 month ago. I'm sure you'll getter some more comments by the morning.

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I have and use a lot of FA flavors - and most of them are as good as they come - but I've never cared for their Vienna Cream. TFA's Vienna Cream is outstanding though.
WRT custards - Capella is my 'far and away' favorite (both v1 and v2). I've been making many variations on custards for years now. For my tastes, I mix mine with (at least) as much cream and ancillary flavoring cumulatively as I do the custard base. For example, if I'm making just a vanilla custard and I use 6-8% custard I will use at least 6-8% creams and other vanillas cumulatively to balance. Depending on the profile I'm going for ill probably mix like sweet cream, a little Vienna cream, whipped cream and/or dairy - along with a smooth-profile vanilla (like vanilla swirl or a French vanilla). There's been so many variations I'd never be able to write it all ;-) I had a lot of epic fails along the way - but now-a-days I can't find any custards on the market that come close to the ones I can make myself!

One last thing - you really (absolutely) cannot go by the way a flavoring smells at all. Many of them are suspended in alcohol (hence that smell) - but that evaporates with mixing and steeping and goes away completely - that's one of the reasons heat steeping works well for a lot of mixes - it accelerates the burn off of that alcohol. Also, the smell test can fail because of the sheer concentration of a flavor. Density can have a negative impact on aroma - but once you thin something out in a mix, it settles.

Good luck...


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tfa v. custard is a little different than cap. I'd say it's got about the same mouthfeel* as capella at similar percentages, but the vanilla flavoring is more subdued, less distinctive. I bought a large-ish bottle of it in my first DIY purchase so I've experimented with it a fair amount and I don't choose to vape it straight, or even as a very large component of a mix. When I do include it in a mix, I use it the way a lot of people use vienna cream, as a smoothing creamifier that brings a touch of sweet vanilla--only I use it at about twice the percentage you might use v. cream--2-4%. Cap frequently shows up in recipes as a major player, at percentages where its presence is easily identified: 4 - 8% or around 1/3rd of the total flavoring used. You can make decent juice using tfa custard, but if you're expecting a flavor you've had before from a retailer, chances are it's cap.

*btw, re "mouthfeel" - that thick creamy sensation comes from the diketones in both tfa and cap custard. I sometimes use them anyway, but imo there's no compelling reason to other than wanting that very specific flavor. Vienna cream and Fresh cream (fa) are both capable of bringing a super creamy, full feeling/flavor to a mix. If you're getting alcohol from a mix even after it's aged a bit, leave the top off your mix for a few hours and it will evaporate.


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CAPs VC is stronger than TFAs.
If you really want some stronger type vanillas, get some INW Vanilla Bourbon, DIYFS French Vanilla, or
TFA French Vanilla Deluxe and mix some in with the Vanilla Custard.
Or even CAP Vanilla Bean Ice Cream:D.
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Member For 5 Years
...the one thing I'm not getting yet is custards. any help would be great.

People's tastes are very subjective. Read enough custard flavoring internet reviews and you will find folks who like/hate just about every one out there.

I'm in the group that thinks Mama J's is the best of the best.

Just my subjective 2 cents.



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I haven't tried MaMa j's but have heard nothing but good about it! i do use caps and like it


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Gameover Custard (mamaj's) is awesome and wonderful, but not a substitute for cap v. custard. I mean, you can use it that way, and chances are it will work out ok or even great, but it's just a much more complicated flavor that (i'm guessing) includes some cap v. custard. I've had one or two disasters adding too much other stuff to Gameover as if it were as innocuous as plain vanilla, so now I'm careful to respect the complexity and think of it more as its own thing. If you like custard, tho, I hope you get to try GO. It was one of those rare flavors that blew my sox off.


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People's tastes are very subjective. Read enough custard flavoring internet reviews and you will find folks who like/hate just about every one out there.

I'm in the group that thinks Mama J's is the best of the best.

Just my subjective 2 cents.

I love this flavor. Lol but for what ever reason can't order 4oz bottle. It won't even give me a cost


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I love this flavor. Lol but for what ever reason can't order 4oz bottle. It won't even give me a cost
I don't think the store has re opened due to his move yet. I know if you wish to order large amounts you need to contact them through their customer service email. If you do let me know if they know when they are re opening. I'm so low on several flavors!!!:eek:


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I don't think the store has re opened due to his move yet. I know if you wish to order large amounts you need to contact them through their customer service email. If you do let me know if they know when they are re opening. I'm so low on several flavors!!!:eek:
Will need to OK it with the financial advisor (wifey) before anything ordered. "A happy wife is a happy life"

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