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CVS aims for tobacco-free generation with $50 million pledge


Under Ground Hustler
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Why would "Tobacco Control" need 50 million dollars when they make that much in cigarette taxes in 6 hours in the United States?

I'd like to personally thank Brad Rodu ( ) for having the balls to step up and tell the truth about how CVS is joining the band wagon of killing smokers.

Tobacco control hates smokers so much now they just want them to die. - 5150

"Brad Rodu, a professor of medicine at the University of Louisville, said that “health professionals and tobacco-policy experts universally agree that children must be prevented from using illicit substances.”

However, Rodu said, “smokers are ill-served by CVS’ refusal to sell life-saving cigarette substitutes, such as smokeless tobacco and e-cigarettes.

“This prohibitionist approach is in distinct contrast to the more pragmatic action of the British government and public health community, which encourage smokers to switch to safer, smoke-free tobacco products,” he said.

Keeping our children healthy should not be accomplished at the cost of millions of adult lives,” Rodu said."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
imagine how much CVS makes selling nicotine gum,nicotine pills,nicotine patches,inhalers for people with COPD, emphasyma.....imagine the lost profits.

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