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Dark horse and mutation v3 help


Member For 4 Years
So I got my first two RDAs today from a Facebook page around my area. The two that I got are a dark horse and a mutation v3 without a drip tip.

Well anyway, in my over zealous of checking everything out at home, I seem to have gotten my build deck stuck onto the sleeve with the airhole slots. And I seem to have the same thing happening with my mutation as well.

Second of all, any recommended builds to try on this when I get cotton tomorrow? These are my first RDAs and I haven't built before so simple would be better (regular duel coil?). I'm not sure what size screw drivers I have but I've got a regulated mod so I'll use it to check my ohms. I have 26g kanthal BTW

Edit: I managed to get my build decks off both. They were just on there really tight. I could still use some suggestions for simple builds though.
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Are you a cloud or flavor chaser? This is the first question to ask yourself, second question would be do you like a hot hit or a cool hit and lastly but not least what what vv do you have and what's the watt limits and ohm limits?

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Put a drop of juice on you fingertip. Rub it on the O rings on the deck. This will help to get the tops on and off easier. Like a lubricant but you don't want to use oil lol. So on my Dark Horse I use dual coil 24 gauge Kanthal 12 wraps and it comes in at .47-.5 ohms. Works really good for me on all my mods. Many people will give you answers. There is no really right or wrong. It's what you like and what works for you and your mod your using. It will however give you a good reference and starting point. Good luck and enjoy !


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On my v3 I do single coils in the 1 to 1.2 ohm range at around 22 watts. I do this for flavor and works best for my diy. I don't like hot vapes.


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Are you a cloud or flavor chaser? This is the first question to ask yourself, second question would be do you like a hot hit or a cool hit and lastly but not least what what vv do you have and what's the watt limits and ohm limits?

Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk
I mainly want to build for flavor but I like throwing some clouds here and there. After many failed attempts I finally managed to get a dual coil setup that's working in the dark horse decently right now. I've got it setup at .5 ohms running a dual coil setup with 7 wraps and 26 gauge. It's pretty cool still running at about 45 watts is where I found my sweet spot is for this build unless I chain vape it. I might play around with it a little more tomorrow for but for the time being I'm enjoying it.

Now I just need to get that tip for the mutation so I can throw a build on that and see how that works for me.

P.S. I'm running an mvp3 pro so I have 60 watts and a .2 ohm limit.


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I built a fused clapton today for my v4, 2 strands 28g nic80 clapton with 32g nic80 fused with 32g nic 80, 5 wrap around a 3.5mm. Ohm clocks in at .62 on my tnt 80. I vape it at 50w/5.5v and it produces a very nice cloud and great flavor.

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